Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 828

Chapter 707

Looking at the note, Xiao Lan said slowly, "Have you been generating electricity by yourself recently... Huh? It's this kind of problem again!"

Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi and said, "It must be written by Yuanzi again!"

Sonoko smiled and acquiesced.

She said, "I definitely didn't!"

Hearing it, Ye didn't quite believe it. She had done it secretly a few times herself, and she didn't believe that Sonoko didn't do it.

However, Kazuha was surprised one questioned Sonoko's answer.

It seemed that Sonoko was telling the truth.

This made He Ye stunned for a moment... Could it be that she saw Yuanzi wrong? Is the garden just superficial? But actually a very conservative girl? Or, Sonoko already has a boyfriend?

Anyway, what was the answer, everyone thought she didn't speak, so they jumped to Xiaolan's side.


Truth or Dare finished round after round.

After the second round, Kazuya's luck was not good.

Either she got the big adventure of kissing others, or she got the truth about her personal affairs.

Needless to say, the big adventure, kissing is a routine operation.

The number of kisses has made him and Ye nervous from the beginning, to the gradual habit of later, and no longer reject it.

She knew she just had to close her eyes and shut her mouth.

The power of habit can make people change silently.

Then, it was finally Lin Yi's turn to draw a big adventure order to kiss her.

This time, He Ye no longer refuses.

Sonoko's brainwashing words and the experience of kissing so many times told her——it's just a touch of lips, it's like holding hands.

However, when the incident happened, He Ye realized that it was not at all for a while!

Kissing a girl is just a joke, no one will take it to heart, and sometimes you can joke around and say why your lips are so dry.

But kissing a boy will produce an unexpected chemical reaction!

This one-minute kiss made He Ye feel that his head was dizzy, and an emotion surged in his heart, as if a voice was telling her that it was time for her to grow up.

There was a rush of heat in her body, and it took her a lot of effort to suppress the heat.

But when she came back to her senses, the hands she found were hugging Lin Yi uncontrollably.

This made He Ye startled, she quickly separated, and glanced at Xiaolan with guilt, but seeing that Xiaolan didn't mean to blame her, she breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time repeatedly hinted to herself in her heart— ——Everything you do tonight is a game, don't take it seriously!

After the first kiss, the subsequent ones became accustomed to it. Lin Yi would occasionally give He Ye a surprise attack, attack her mouth, and leave with a touch of skin.

At the beginning, I pinched Lin Yi nervously with Ye Hui and told him not to mess around!

When the number of times increased, she would have nothing else, as if she knew that Lin Yipi would leave immediately.

Moreover, she also has her own thoughts in her heart... Since tonight is just a game, it's not true, this is the only time she can do these things without letting Xiaolan hate it.

Of course, these are just appetizers.

The big adventure where Jean and Ye almost fainted was—the three of them kissing together!

Hearing Sonoko read this sentence, He Ye's first reaction was fake and a lie!

She took the note from Sonoko's hand and saw that it was exactly like this!

Oh my God! Is Sonoko crazy? Can you even write such a big adventure?

He Ye looked at Sonoko with disbelief, she swears that Sonoko is the most open-minded girl she has ever met in her life! none of them!

She is twisted in her heart, isn't she? It must be so right! !

No matter how much He Ye complained, she could only obediently endure the big adventure she chose!

But fortunately, with which two people to kiss, the power of designation is still in He Ye's hands.

He Ye of course chose Yuanzi and Xiaolan.

However, this is only the beginning of the slow fall of He Ye————

"Huh? Hit the chest... Can you... skip?" He Ye looked at Lin Yi with begging eyes.

"Of course not! But——" Yuanzi raised his poisonous hand and laughed, "I can do it for Lin Yi!"

Obviously, this is going back to the routine of kissing just now.

He Ye was embarrassed to kiss Lin Yi, so Lin Yi appointed Xiao Lan to replace him.

He Ye was embarrassed to be touched by Lin Yi, so Yuanzi took the initiative to do it for him.

When He Ye was touched again and again, and after getting used to it, it was Lin Yi's turn to get started.

The routine is so clear and so simple!


He Ye is the person in the game, but he can't see through this simple routine!

The so-called "don't know the true face of Mount Lu, only because of being in this mountain" is the truth!

Besides, the truthful words that He Ye draws are all written down by Sonoko with full malice.

"What does it feel like to kiss?" "Is it cool to generate electricity yourself?" "Did you generate electricity yourself under the covers?" "Have your parents discovered you when you were generating electricity yourself?" Shameful question!

How could He Ye answer these shameful questions!

Since she chose not to answer, she must only drink beer.

Yuanzi has always had bad intentions, how could she let her pass the test so easily?

"Hey, hey, put down that can of beer." Yuanzi stopped He Ye from picking up the can of beer that had been drunk, picked up a new can, and opened it to her: "Drink this! You don't want to answer. , then finish a bottle!"

"Ah? One bottle?" He Ye shook his head again and again when he heard it: "No... I can't drink that much, I haven't drunk much!"

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