Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 845

The invisible magic force urged Kazuya to let her go over there and take a look.

He Ye's heart couldn't help but struggle: Xiaolan's situation is a bit strange, what she said just now is unnecessary, it must be strange.

Another voice said again: Yes, there must be something weird here! See what she's doing.

The two voices agreed.

He Ye felt that his body was out of his control, so he just walked over.

When walking over, He Ye heard Xiao Lan calling her name: "He Ye? He Ye? Are you still there?"

He Ye didn't choose to respond this time, but went into stealth mode, bent over, tiptoed, and approached the bathroom little by little.

Xiaolan called "He Ye" two or three times, but He Ye still didn't choose to respond.

Obviously it was four or five steps away, but he walked with Ye for nearly thirty seconds.

Get into the gap and take a look!

He Ye pupil shrank, immediately covered his mouth and calmed his breath!

She saw through this gap that Lin Yi did not know when he sneaked into the bedroom, maybe before Xiaolan entered, maybe after Xiaolan entered... But it doesn't matter, when he entered, not the point!

The point is, Lin Yi is playing Xiaolan now!

The moves he uses are very complicated. They are Tianshan Zhemei Hands, Taiji Spiral Pills, Phase Swooping Feet, and Eighteen Falls in Clothes...

One move of martial arts was fast and ruthless, Xiaolan was beaten with no strength to fight, and the Jiuyin White Bone Claw she used could not break through Lin Yi's defense at all, and only left a few reddish streaks on his skin. of scars.

He was only halfway through the sky, and was forcibly intercepted by Lin Yi, and he couldn't get down at all!

Xiaolan's situation is very passive!

Xiaolan was attacked by Lin Yi like a violent storm and suffered tons of output, she let out a painful scream!

This made He Ye Kan very anxious, a little unable to control himself, and forcibly intervened in the battle!

However, He Ye finally endured it.

Because she knew that this was just a martial arts competition between Lin Yi and Xiaolan, and there would be no fatalities!

On the contrary, she was secretly watching other people's martial arts competition!

In the arena, peeping at other people's martial arts skills is a taboo in the rivers and lakes. Once discovered, you will suffer consequences that outsiders can't imagine!

Regarding this point, He Ye is very clear, the kung fu competition between others is a very personal matter!

However, she just couldn't control herself to see it!

Because, this is a duel between the strong!

For her to observe more, it will be of great benefit, and it will save her many detours!

He peeked at other people's kung fu with Ye, and used the scene in front of him to correspond with the pictures in his mind! !

However, the sparring between Lin Yi and Xiaolan, the kung fu is too clever, and the method is too mysterious, so that He Ye Kan is very involved, she subconsciously leans forward to look, and then gently supports it with her hand Click the door.

Then, the door couldn't bear the force and suddenly opened inside.

Lin Yi and Xiaolan, who were learning martial arts, stopped their movements in an instant, and looked back at the squatting on the ground, a pair of lurking He Ye!

He Ye's heart skipped a beat and realized that something was wrong!

Peeking at other people's kung fu was discovered!

Chapter 724

In the rivers and lakes, peeping at other people's practice is a big taboo.

You must know that everyone's kung fu is not imagined out of thin air, but after thousands of drills and countless actual battles, a kung fu will finally be formed!

How much sweat will be left in this? How much muscle soreness will you endure? How many screams must be uttered?

Anyone who has worked so hard to invent the kung fu will be annoyed if they learn it after a few glances from others! !

He peeped at Lin Yi and Xiaolan's martial arts competition with Ye, and it's okay, these things are done secretly, and if you don't get discovered, you won't find anything.

After all, not found = no one knows, no one knows = this never happened.

But He and Ye made a mistake and exposed themselves, and were caught on the spot by two people who competed in kung fu.

The two who were learning martial arts stopped immediately, and looked at He Ye with sharp eyes, and there was a flash of light in their eyes.

"I...I'm just...I'm just..." He Ye's head was blank, he didn't know what to say at all, and he said in a confused way, "Passing by..."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, He Ye knew that it was miserable. For such a lame reason, let alone them, and he didn't even believe it himself.

He Ye found that Xiaolan and Lin Yi looked at him very dangerously, and their eyes were burning with anger, as if... as if they were going to kill him!

"I... I won't bother you..." He Ye forced a smile on his face, slowly getting up and planning to leave.

But how could He Ye say that he can leave?

Since she committed a major taboo in the arena, and was caught on the spot, of course she has to pay the price for it!

He Ye just turned around and took two steps when a big hand grabbed his shoulders.

He Ye swallowed a mouthful of water involuntarily, and she subconsciously glanced at the hand on her shoulder, which was slightly red, and even had a trace of heat.

If nothing else, just seeing this, He Ye knew that Lin Yi's martial arts attainments far surpassed hers!

"Since you've come here, look and see." Lin Yi said slowly, his fingers slightly bent, and he held He Ye's shoulders slightly to prevent her from leaving, and said, "Then why don't you come in and learn from each other... ...let me see how much you've learned."

"I... I, I, I, I just take a look!!" He Ye was a little flustered, she now knew what it was like to be caught on the spot for doing bad things, she said inarticulately: "I... Didn't learn anything... Really! Please believe me."

"Have you ever learned it, you'll know it with practice." Lin Yi chuckled softly: "Practice is the standard for testing truth, isn't it?"

"I... I really can't." He Ye Kuang shook his head, his hair in a ponytail swayed in the air, she looked at Xiao Lan with pleading eyes, she hoped that Xiao Lan could watch the two of them Friendship, you can let yourself go.

However, Xiao Lan didn't do what Ye and Ye expected, she hadn't recovered from the martial arts competition just now, she gasped with a hint of regret, and said, "He Ye, I have... reminded you. Now...why are you coming back?"

He Ye was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that after Xiaolan's sentence, it was not to confirm whether she had left, but to urge herself to leave!

"Come in..." Lin Yi pulled He Ye in: "Let me see how much you have learned."

He Ye tried to struggle, but to no avail.

Ten minutes later, He Ye had been beaten by Lin Yi and had no power to fight back. He had no chance to fight back, so he could only be beaten.

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