Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 848

"The castrated version of disguise?" Mingmei quickly understood the characteristics of this disguise, she eased her emotions, and said solemnly: "I understand... Then you want me to arrange her. ?"

"Just arrange it according to your ideas..." Lin Yi said.

"According to my opinion? Okay...I see." Ming Mei nodded, and after chatting with Lin Yi for a few more words, she hung up the phone.

However, her mood still hadn't recovered from the shock for a long time!

She did not expect that Lin Yi would send her such a talent with special skills!

According to Mingmei's many years of experience working for the organization, even the castrated version of the disguise technique can still be of great value!

For example, tasks such as intelligence theft, let Shimabukuro Junhui do it, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

Let Shimabukuro Junhui Yirong become the corresponding target, and then when the other party is not in the company, he directly swaggers into the company, steals the trade secrets, and makes the original owner take the blame after the incident!

Just a great group!

As expected of Lin Yi! She can even get such a talent!

Mingmei was once again amazed by Lin Yi's "connection".

After arranging her thoughts, Akemi opened the database and retrieved the detailed information of Shimabukuro Junhui.

By the way, Xiao Ai helped her to get this database. As for where she got it, Mingmei didn't ask, but she could guess how much.

After reading Shimabukuro Junhui's detailed information, Akimi picked up the phone and asked the assistant to bring the other party into the office.

Soon, there was a knock on the office door.

dong dong dong ——

"President, I'm in."

The door was opened, and the assistant brought a girl with an ordinary face, which did not match the beautiful girl shown in the information.

But Mingmei knew that the other party changed his face.

"Okay, you leave." Akimi dismissed the assistant, then pointed to the sofa, and said to Shimabukuro Junhui, "Sit down."

Shimabukuro Junhui sat on the sofa and looked at Akemi.

Mingmei got up and walked out, came to sit down on the sofa, and said, "Miss Shimabukuro, since Lin Yi asked you to come to me, let's be honest... Could you please take off this face first? "

Shimabukuro-kun Hui nodded slightly, then reached out and tore off the fake face on his face.

Akimi smiled and looked at Shimabukuro Junhui's tearing face, but her palm was tightly clenched, because it was the first time she had seen the skill of disguise!

After Shimabukuro Junhui tore off the fake face, she looked a little haggard, as if she had come out all night in an Internet cafe.

Mingmei said, "Although Lin Yi asked you to come to me, I think it would be better for us to re-introduce the two sides."

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Mingmei, and I'm the president of this artist agency... Of course, this is just a superficial identity, used to pass the time. In fact, I'm working for Lin Yi."

For this point, To Shimabukuro Junhui has long guessed, because she also works for Lin Yi.

She also began to introduce herself, her voice was low and hoarse, and said: "My name is Shimabukuro Junhui, originally a witch at a shrine. As for now, I am a... murderer."

Chapter 727

"Island residents accidentally ingested highly poisonous sea urchins, killing 15 people!"

In a western restaurant, Lin Yi, who had just hung up the phone, immediately searched for the latest information on American Island.

Then, this news popped up that made Lin Yi frown twice.

I looked at the release time, and it was the latest news released this morning.

Lin Yi clicked in and read the news. The news basically said that the residents of the island accidentally ingested highly poisonous sea urchins during the Dharma meeting, resulting in the death of 15 people, and more than 30 others were promptly sent to the clinic for treatment. treat.

"Poison directly in the soup..." Lin Yi muttered and withdrew from the news.

When Lin Yi learned that Shimabukuro Junhui only went to Akimi to report today and was late for so many days, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Then he checked the news like this, and sure enough something happened on the American island.

American Island is an island surrounded by the sea. The fishing industry is not very developed, but the fishermen there are absolutely professional.

Islanders eat a lot more seafood than most people.

Things like eating sea urchin poisoning are extremely rare.

So small that Lin Yi can ignore it directly.

Shimabukuro Junhui didn't report to Mingmei until today. Obviously, she stayed on the island the other day, attending her funeral, maybe saying goodbye to her past, maybe because she couldn't continue to play the role of longevity. Attract tourists to the island while feeling ashamed.

No matter what the reason for staying, in short, when she attended her legal meeting, she heard things that she should not have heard.

The thing that shouldn't be heard is that most of the old people in the village know the truth about Longevity Po, and they all know that Changshou Po is played by people from the Shimabukuro family.

Lin Yi pondered the mental journey of Junhui Shimabukuro.

He felt that after Shimabukuro Junhui learned about this, his heart was devastated. When he thought of his mother, in order to play the role of a longevity woman, he did not hesitate to make himself fake death, gave up living as himself, and devoted himself to playing the role of a longevity woman...... …

After Shimabukuro Junhui realized the cruel truth, he turned black and took revenge on the people on the island.

The revenge was very light, and it only killed fifteen residents of the island. If she really went crazy, it is estimated that there would not be so few people who died... After all, she has mastered the disguise technique. People, even though they are castrated, among ordinary people, they can do whatever they want.

"Poor child..." Lin Yi sighed. The reason why he asked Shimabukuro Junhui to end his revenge early, and then went to Mingmei to report, was because he was worried that she would go on a rampage after learning the truth.

It's a pity that Junhui Shimabukuro's feelings for Kojima were too deep, so he didn't listen to his arrangement and stayed privately.

"Why don't you listen to me?" Lin Yi said with emotion: "Sometimes, ignorance... is also a kind of happiness."

Just as Lin Yi sighed, two shadows entered Lin Yi's sight.

He put the phone back in his pocket, and adjusted his emotions, so as not to let this affect him.

Looking at Chris and Yukiko in black and white evening dresses, Lin Yi's face showed admiration.

He has seen a lot of beauties, but there are not many beauties like them who have amazing looks and know how to dress up themselves.

The so-called dress-up is not simply to paint a delicate makeup for yourself. In addition, you have to get a hairstyle that suits you. On this basis, you can choose matching clothes, jewelry, shoes and bags. Bag.

The reason why stars are stars is not that they are born beautiful, but that behind them, there is a strong team to dress them up and shape them from ordinary people to stars.

And Yukiko and Chris's ability to dress up themselves is enough to be worth a team.

That's why Lin Yi expressed his amazement.

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