Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 859

Lin Yi replied with a smile, and then sat on the chair that Belmod sat down before.

Chapter 738

Belmod probably would never have thought that after he left, Lin Yi ran to touch the gin.

Of course, let alone Belmod, Lin Yi himself did not intend to touch gin, but considering the various actions that Belmod will carry out in the future.

Lin Yi didn't want to stare at her every day, what a waste of his time.

And there are things to be dealt with in the future, and I don't need to let Belmod help me to do it by means of twists and turns.

Isn't that just having a strong hitter?

Instead of being secretive, it's better to get acquainted with Jinjiu first. If you run into trouble in the future, just give him a call, spend some money, and let him handle it for you.

And his money was blown by the wind, and it was simply out of nothing.

Although Jinjiu had met Lin Yi a few times before because of Mingmei's incident, but only a few times in a hurry, the impression was not deep, and he didn't recognize Lin Yi.

In fact, Lin Yi didn't care if he recognized it. He had a way to round things up.

"The two of them don't look like Japanese." After Lin Yi asked the waiter to take a new wine glass, he chatted with the two of them while drinking.

Jinjiu said in a cold tone: "It's not long since I came to Japan."

"So that's the way it is." Lin Yi nodded, looking for something to say: "But your Japanese is really fluent."

"..." Gin stopped talking.

As a partner for many years, Vodka knew that it was the eldest brother who handed over the right of dialogue to himself, and he was too lazy to answer these trivial matters.

"Haha, isn't it normal to master a few foreign languages ​​these days?" Vodka said in a slightly disdainful tone.

Indeed, as a killer, if you want to develop better, you really have to master a few foreign languages.

Lin Yi nodded silently in the dark. He drank the wine and continued to ask, "What are you two doing? Well... let me guess."

"Your temperament is extraordinary, and you are also strong...I guess you are fitness trainers?"

Hearing Lin Yi's guess, Vodka showed a playful smile: "We are not fitness coaches, but we still have some experience in fitness..."

"Then who are you?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

"Dedicated to solving troubles for people..." Although vodka is very nervous, he also knows that the word "killer" cannot be said casually.

"Solves troubles for others..." After Lin Yi heard this, he nodded his head in confusion.

Vodka took out a business card from his pocket and gave it to Lin Yi, and said, "If you run into any trouble, you can call us... Of course, general small matters should be handled by detectives."

"Okay..." Lin Yi glanced at the business card, which said Saburo Uizuka, with a mobile phone number attached.

"Mr. Yuzuka, I hope I will never ask you for help in my life." Lin Yi raised his glass with a smile.

"Impossible." Vodka picked up the glass and bumped it, and denied Lin Yi's words without thinking.

Lin Yi didn't care about Vodka's way of speaking like a straight man of steel. On the other hand, if he was so steely, it showed that he was a person with no mind, and his head was full of muscles... No wonder Gin used him as his deputy.

Although the brain is not easy to use, at least looking at An Xin, using it with confidence, it is simply the deputy that every big guy dreams of.

After Lin Yi finished drinking this glass of wine, he looked at the two of them, and then he said to the vodka: "Mr. Yuzuka is interested in any singer on stage? If interested, I can let her go to your room. Inside, sing you two more songs?"

"Well... I'm not very interested. I've already slept when I go back, where do I have time to listen to her singing?" Vodka shook his head decisively when he heard it.

Lin Yi's expression froze for a while, then he laughed hahaha, patted Vodka on the shoulder, and said to Jinjiu: "Your friend, you are really humorous... What about you? Do you want to sleep? Did you personally listen to that female singer sing two lullabies to you?"

Jin Jiu shook his head, as a rejection of the other party's kindness.

"It seems that both of you are clean... Now it's hard to see people like you." Lin Yi said with emotion: "It's getting late, so I won't bother you... I wish you a good one. Happy evening."

Gin didn't say a word, vodka nodded and replied "you too".

After Lin Yi left, Vodka asked Gin with a puzzled look: "Brother, am I funny? Why don't I know."

"Also, why did he ask the female singer to sing in my room? Wouldn't it be good to listen here? Is it necessary to listen in the room?"

Gin glanced at the vodka, said nothing, picked up the wine and drank it on his own.

He thinks it's better not to talk too much about vodka. If he hears these words, he will probably have to waste time on women in the future.

It's like being silly now, it's good... How easy it is to use.


"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Lin Yi returned to his seat and sat down.

"It's really been a long time..." Sitting across the table was Hoshino Terumi, the last member of the Earth Lady Team who was still not captured.

Lin Yi followed Belmod to the Jazz Club, and naturally he would not come alone.

Called Hoshino Terumi, even if he was bumped into by Belmod, the other party just thought it was a coincidence.

She took the cigarette out of her mouth, put it on the ashtray, and said, "Aren't you worried that Yoko will find out if you asked me out so alone?"

"Of course I don't worry about that." Lin Yi poured wine into the glass and said, "On the contrary, Yoko asked me to take good care of you."

"Take care of me?" Hoshino Terumi smiled after hearing this: "I didn't expect Yoko to care about me so much... Then tell Yoko, I'm doing well, and she doesn't need to worry about it."

Lin Yi shook the glass slightly and said, "I asked a friend for a copy of your itinerary, which is more free than I expected... But yes, although Miss Hoshino's popularity in detective dramas is not low, but There are not many audiences for detective dramas."

"You've made three or four criminal investigation dramas, but it's not as good as the last youth idol drama, the audience of an urban workplace drama..."

Watching the Criminal Investigation Bureau, most of the time, you have to use your brain, and the purpose of watching TV is precisely to relax yourself.

This is naturally doomed that the number of audiences for criminal investigation dramas is not large. Compared with criminal investigation dramas that require their brains to watch, most audiences still prefer to watch some simple but brainless youth idols and urban workplace dramas. kind.

Chapter 739

Hoshino Terimi didn't react at all to what Lin Yi said.

Of course, this is also the expression on his face, nothing at all.

But in his heart, Hoshino Terumi was struggling intensely.

Since the Earth Ladies team disbanded, Yoko Okino was the first to catch fire... let alone them, even Yoko Okino didn't know how she lived.

The three members of the Earth Lady team, although they said in their hearts that they were not envious was false, but they also knew that this matter was full of chance and could not be replicated.

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