Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 893

Then her Lin Yi said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, please take it slow, if you need anything, please tell me."

"It's good that I still need something." Lin Yi smiled and took the dinner plate from her hand, put it aside, then pulled her over to the bed and sat down.

He said, "I made a bet with your sister Minaho just now. I can tell which one is Minaho and who is Hoonami!"

"Really?" Sister Shimokasaho Nami's eyes also flashed with curiosity. Obviously, she is more lively and active than her sister Minaho. At least she won't say "I still have to work" and so on. if.

"Of course, you can't give it a try..." Lin Yi said, "I'll turn around and eat a sandwich... Then the two of you will change your look and change your bangs."

"Then turn around quickly..." Sister Hoonami couldn't wait to test Lin Yi whether he was lying.


Inside the living room.

Inaba and Daiyo were idle and had nothing to do, so they went to the fortuneteller Haruka Nagara to do the math for themselves.

Changliang Chunxiang handed a set of tarot cards to the other party. There was no emotion in her voice. She said, "Now we will start shuffling the cards, concentrate, and don't think about anything."

"Then, start to obey your will, listen to your inner voice, you will feel when you can stop, and at the same time, meditate on your problem and pass it through your spirit to each card."

Inaba Kazuyo did as the fortune teller said, and after the tarot cards were obtained, they began to shuffle the cards.

After finishing the shuffling, Changliang Chunxiang said: "The cards have been shuffled well, now we need you to calm down, get rid of the distracting thoughts in your heart, and use your deepest thoughts to communicate with the card spirit of each card, and in the The sense of the card spirit gives you the choice of each card, as long as you continue to maintain your sincerity with the card, it will continue to give you the correct guidance."

Chapter 776

The Japanese are very superstitious and believe that all things in the world have spirits.

If there is a spirit, there is also the existence of God.

Tarot cards are implicated in fate, and they will naturally believe it.

With a very devout heart, Kazuyo Inaba tried to communicate with the tarot cards.

"Now start cutting the cards."

The fortune-teller Haruka Nagara indicated Kazuyo Inaba's next move.

Kazuyo Inaba divided the tarot card into three pieces and stopped after cutting it.

Changliang Chunxiang said, "Give me the tarot cards."

Kazuyo Inaba did the same and handed the tarot card to the fortune-teller.

The fortune teller unfolded the tarot cards on the table in a straight line, and said, "From here, select the four cards that you feel the most, and give them to me."

To be honest, Kazuyo Inaba didn't know that the four tarot cards felt the most to her, but she chose four cards at random and handed them over to Haruka Nagara.

Changliang Chunxiang arranged the four tarot cards in the four directions of "up, down, left and right", and then put away the other tarot cards, she said: "The cards have been taken, and the tarot has seen your heart. , you need to abandon your inner excitement and anxiety, calm down, believe that you have made a sincere communication with the tarot cards, and now we begin to enjoy the process of tarot reading your inner subconscious, and accept the Tarot God's your guidance."

Changliang Chunxiang first opened the first tarot card. On the tarot card was a picture of a man with a crown, wearing a red robe, holding a sword, and JUSTICE was written below the picture.

Changliang Chunxiang said slowly: "Card Name: Justice, Tablet: Reversed."

"The meaning of this tarot card is the past, the reason and the circumstances of what happened."

"When you are at work or in your studies, you have made the mistake of not being able to grasp the key points. You may lose sight of the other, and you may lose the big because of the small. In terms of handling methods, you are prone to extremes, either conservative or aggressive, in short, it is not feasible. In terms of academics Your partial subject is serious, and you made a mistake in the exam."

Without Haruka Nagara, Kazuyo Inaba knew what this card meant—very bad.

It's very similar to her current situation, which makes Kazuyo Inaba's face a little unsightly, but at the same time, she is also looking forward to this divination, because the results of the divination are really close to her. character.

Changliang Chunxiang opened the tarot card on the left.

The pattern of the tarot card is a high white tower with some flames on the top of the tower. In addition, a man and a woman jumped out of the tower, and the picture freezes again.

The name below the picture is THE-TOWER.

Changliang Chunxiang said: "Name of card: Tower. Tablet: Reversed."

"The meaning of this tarot card is: now."

"The current state of things may also suggest your solution to the problem. When explaining, the two cards are combined to see..."

“Consistent problems at work will seriously affect the progress of the work, and there will be an infighting on your team and your work will be in trouble. Academically, arrogance will lead to your failure, your studies will be severely damaged, and your test scores will not be satisfactory. "

After listening to the tarot cards in Chapter 2, Kazuyo Inaba was silent, and his mood became even lower.

Changliang Chunxiang opened the third card on the right. The card was Mercury, the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology, with a confident smile and piercing eyes. The four elements of the universe are placed on the table of cards: scepter (fire), sword (wind), star coin (earth), holy grail (water), and there is an infinite symbol on the magician's head.

The name below the picture is THE-MAGICIAN.

Changliang Chunxiang said: "Card Name: Magician, Tablet: Reversed."

"The meaning of this card: now. The current state of things may also imply your solution to the problem. The two cards are combined to look at the interpretation."

"There is no progress in work or studies, and you will only be exhausted and stressed. The newly formulated work plan will have considerable resistance. If you have studies, you will have a higher chance of failing the exam."

She opened the dirtiest tarot card and said, "Card name: Priestess, card position: Reversed."

"The meaning of the card: the future. The future development of things, and whether the questions we ask can be solved will be seen on this card."

"You can't continue to use mental analysis in your career and studies, start to use other methods to determine the future direction of development, and strive to seek external assistance and cooperation. However, you still can't get rid of the results of post-job placement and exam failure."

After Inaba Kazuyo listened to the divination of the four tarot cards, the whole person's mentality collapsed.

Four tarot cards!

Four are unlucky, each is a good card!

The cards in the past are also ignored, they are all in the past and cannot be changed.

She can accept the two cards now, even if they are not very good. After all, Teacher Su Fang was threatened by others just now, and even her head was hurt by the USB flash drive.

But even the card in the future has marked the result after it was placed!

Inaba and Dai were a little scared, and she couldn't help but say, "Is there any solution?"

Changliang Chunxiang thought about it seriously and said, "There are still ways."

Inaba Kazuyo showed a happy look on his face: "Then what should I do?"

Changliang Chunxiang said: "Change a job."

Inaba Kazuyo's face stiffened. She and Su Fanghongzi had been in trouble for so many years. How could she just get away if she said she would get away... No, that's not right, even if the charitable organization settles this matter, it will suffer a lot in the future. influences.

This is indeed a good escape opportunity.

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