Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 902

"Your fate is like this, the tarot card you draw will always be the same tarot card."

After Lin Yi heard it, he didn't believe in evil.

He shuffled the cards a few times and drew a few more cards, but without exception, all he drew were demon cards.

Lin Yi looked at the card and was silent for a while, then put his hand into his pocket, and took out a pair of scissors from the prop space, intending to snap it off.

Changliang Chunxiang was startled when she saw it. She quickly reached out and grabbed the tarot card back, but she couldn't grab it, so she could only stretch out her hand to protect the demon card and stared at Lin Yi with wide eyes.

Lin Yi smiled, released the card and said, "Just kidding with you... Please help me to decipher what this tarot card means."

Chapter 785

Changliang Chunxiang picked up the demon card and said slowly: "The huge and ferocious devil is not a scourge that descends from the sky, but an evil force protruding from the depths of desire."

"The devil's powerful wings look majestic and powerful, but they are increasingly rigid due to the control of desire. They can no longer spread their wings and fly back to the sky, so they continue to sink in the whirlpool of desire."

"In front of the devil, a pair of men and women are controlled by chains. The chains on their bodies are not imposed by anyone. They are bound by their own endless desires, and it is the painful price of being unable to get rid of evil desires."

"The misdirection of emotions is the incentive for the devil to emerge. How to eliminate the growing devil in the heart depends entirely on the dredging of desires."

After hearing this, Lin Yi thought about it, and translated the words, which probably means: I have a golden finger on my body, but I just use it to pick up girls, which greatly wastes the role of this golden finger?

A child of destiny like me with a golden finger should dominate the world?

Lin Yi said: "Well... So, what this demon card wants to convey is... I am bound by my own desires?"

Changliang Chunxiang nodded and said, "Yes. You could have spread your wings and flew back to the sky again."

After listening to it, Lin Yi whispered: "I think the world is good, how interesting? The people here are super good at talking, and they speak nicely... I like the people here very much."

"If that's the case, why should I go back to heaven?"

Changliang Chunxiang said lightly: "The human world is the human world after all, not the place where the devil should stay... Once the devil stays in the human world for a long time, the devil will also become a human."

Wow... I said this, I touched a blind spot of my knowledge.

Don't know how to answer.

Lin Yi scratched his head, since he couldn't answer this topic, he could just change the topic.

He said, "Anything else?"

Changliang Chunxiang looked down at the tarot card and continued: "It is worth mentioning that the devil is not a bad person in essence, but is only depicted as a bad person, so naturally it cannot be said that the devil card is a bad card."

Hearing this, Lin Yi nodded in agreement.

Look at him, although he is a bit scumbag, he has never sat on anything that hurts the world. He is not a bad person!

Just like girls!

Is it wrong to like girls?


So, I'm not a bad person.

Changliang Chunxiang didn't know Lin Yi's mental activity, she continued: "The essence of the devil card is the primitive joy, vitality, instinct and the resulting closeness to nature and pure ecstasy, but in different social situations Using this energy in different ways can have completely different results."

The original joy of man? This word is good to use, I just like the primitive joy of this kind of person.

Hmmm...I did sneak up on something to get this original swap that resulted in a completely different result.

Changliang Chunxiang continued: "The Devil's card pursues pure, original, and infinite joy, so it is most suitable for development in the arts and entertainment industry."

"It is under the light of the devil card that those handed down works of art are born, our entertainment industry can develop vigorously, and everyone at your party can have fun."

"Of course, the moral hazard brought by the devil card is unavoidable. Most of the handed down artworks are unpopular among the contemporaries, and there will always be shady scenes in the entertainment industry. If you drink too much at a party, you may crash when you go out. These problems are caused by the devil. I won’t guarantee you, you can only act carefully. The social environment also needs to be considered here. In a society that advocates freedom and recklessness, the demon card has more room to play, and vice versa is more dangerous.”

"Of course, no matter when, no matter where, when and how to step on the line of morality, it is always an art."

When Lin Yi heard this, he couldn't help but nodded, he felt that it was right for him to develop in the entertainment and art industries!

After all, there are a large number of profit-seeking people in the entertainment industry and the art industry. Lin Yi only needs to use his money skills to win them.

As long as you want money, you can really do whatever you want in this industry.

Lin Yi restrained his thoughts and continued to listen to Changliang Chunxiang.

She said: "In addition to divination, there are other traditional predictions, these traditional predictions, in the case of the parties holding strong traditional morality or material concepts, the devil card is generally not optimistic, and the parties will basically be unable to control in the end. Play with yourself."

"Once you stray from the devil's pure joy-seeking nature, and give it money, power, fame, possessiveness, etc., the original vitality and joy is tainted, and from this comes the devil's explanation we see today: temptation. , desire, possession."

"Those who are confined to the world and the material always repeat the same mistakes of taking possession as love, money as happiness and freedom, and power and fame as expressions of self-strength."

"But in the end, they just get caught up in the stuff they're after, getting further and further from what they really want, and getting further and further away from true joy intensifies their obsession, so they go further Spiraling downwards, striding toward a hellish life."

After hearing this, Lin Yi nodded slowly, knowing that he was playing and making trouble, but he should not think about making money, holding power, or indulging in prestige, possessiveness, and so on.

Once infected with these things, Lin Yi felt that he would definitely cause trouble.

As it is now, I don't want anything but the most primitive joy, so I live comfortably and easily.

Lin Yi felt that Changliang Chunxiang still had two brushes, and was able to decipher so many things from a single demon tarot card... Especially these things were quite suitable for him.

Seeing that Changliang Chunxiang didn't say anything, Lin Yi asked, "Is there any more?"

Changliang Chunxiang shook his head, put down the demon tarot card, and said, "No more..."

After a pause, she said, "Maybe there is, but with my ability, I can't decipher more information."

Lin Yi said, "After reading the cards, what then? What do you want... Or, what are your plans?"

Chapter 786

Changliang Chunxiang stared at herself as soon as she came up and noticed her difference, which showed that she was different from ordinary people and had a high inspiration.

Moreover, she also took the initiative to come up to chat with herself, and even said that she wanted her to go back to her room to read the cards, but she didn't mind.

Lonely men and widows, everyone knows what will happen when they enter the room.

But she just nodded and agreed, without any hesitation.

Lin Yi didn't believe it at all when she said that she was acting without any purpose.

Changliang Chunxiang put away the tarot cards, her calm face suddenly smeared with some heat, she said, "I want to go further on the road of fortune teller!"

Meow meow meow?

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