"I really didn't expect to run into an enemy here.

"I heard the panda just say that there are quite a few people. "

I wonder where they're going to fight?"

Hades found a place to sit down.

Everyone else formed a circle.

Ye Fei stood on that very tall stone and observed the four directions.

He had just experienced the battle, and now he was not sure if it was safe around here.

"I didn't expect that a few of them would fall into the trap?"

"Supposedly, the strength of several of them is not weak, and each of them has a weapon in his hand. "

Can a net trap them?" Ye

Fei suddenly thought for a moment what Hades had just said.

It feels like something is different.

"Captain, are you sure that net is an ordinary rope net?"

Ye Fei asked aloud very curiously.

Hades shook his head.

"We attacked with weapons just now when we were trapped. But it didn't work.

"It shouldn't be an ordinary rope.

Hades thought carefully for a moment, and then said.

Ye Fei nodded.

It seems that there are hunters around, and they are very well equipped.

"Captain, be careful in the future.

"This time was lucky. There are no bamboo traps or anything.

"Otherwise, you would have been injured. "

Ye Fei cares about them very much.

Several people's faces turned red, and several of them were older than Ye Fei.

But this time it's their bad luck, which really doesn't make sense.

Maybe Ye Fei's luck is really good.

"The road ahead shouldn't be dangerous.

"And now I feel like I can easily hit 20.

Ye Fei clenched his fists and whispered very arrogantly.

Although I am very confident in my own strength, if I meet someone with strong strength, there is still no way to deal with it.

Even running away is a problem.

Although there is the technique of flying thunder god, in the face of absolute strength, these are all illusory.

"It seems that we have to hurry up and become stronger. Otherwise, the future will not be easy.

Ye Fei once again let go of his palm. I didn't know what was going on when I looked at my hands.

"Alright, we're almost rested, hurry up. "

This time it was a long waste.

Hades stood up and spoke to the others.

Packing up their things, they set out on their way home again.

In contrast, this section of the road was not blocked by any enemy.

It took them almost a day to return to Konoha Village.

After returning, they went back to their homes and began to rest.

After a day and a night of running, they were already very tired.

Everyone returned home and lay down in bed and began to fall asleep.

Only Ye Fei is excepted.

"Great, finally home. "

Let's hurry up and pack up and go to Mu Mu." Presumably she couldn't wait. "

The first thing Ye Fei did when he got home was to clean himself up.

It's so dirty. And the mask was all covered in blood.

When I washed my clothes, I found that there were many small openings on them.

"Really, I fought so many times without sewing clothes.

"Looks like it's going to be repaired.

"Otherwise, it would be too ugly to wear. Ye

Fei came to the room and found the needle and thread.

This kind of work is really a piece of cake for him. Although he is a boy, he has lived by himself for a long time, and these most basic operations are also quite proficient.

It didn't take long for his clothes to be brand new again.

There are no traces of stitching at all.

"I really admire myself. The craftsmanship is so good.

Ye Fei picked up the clothes he had sewn and said happily.

Every time he mends clothes, he says this to himself.

That's what his mom says to him every time.

Although he has long been gone, Ye Fei still kept this sentence in his heart.

"Okay, hurry up and go find Mu Mu!" Ye

Fei said with a smile as he packed his clothes.

I walked out of the house with the bracelet and chocolates I bought.

"The air in Konoha is really, really good, it's still so familiar.

Ye Fei stood on the street and said with a smile.

Such good air can only be found in Konoha.

Looking at the things he bought in his hand, Ye Fei smiled.

"It's just the right time, so hurry up.

Ye Fei looked up at the sky and said with a smile.

Lift your feet and walk forward.

The mood at this time is extremely good, the temperature and the weather are just right.

Dating is also perfect for this time.

Knock knock.

Ye Fei came to Mu Mu's door and knocked lightly on the door.

"Who, here. A

few seconds later, Mu Mu's voice came from the courtyard.

After Ye Fei heard Mu Mu's voice, he smiled happily.

"It's me, Ye Fei. A

few seconds later, the door slowly opened, leaking out of Mu Mu's head.

"Ah Fei, you're back!" Mu

Mu looked at Ye Fei who appeared in front of him and said very happily.

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

"I just came back, and I can't wait to come to you.

Mu Mu smiled and nodded.

"Wait for me, I'll get something and we'll go out.

Ye Fei nodded, and then watched her run to the room.

Standing in place and waiting for her, after seeing Mu Mu, his mood became very good.

And the waiting period was not very boring.

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