Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 153: Mother and child

The virtual day of Shibuya is dark.

The lights in the stone buildings swayed, and the aroma of food and wine floated in the valley.

At this time of the week, Shibuya is the most lively. The princes of the heavens from all major families and major forces are like a male peacock with a head-high head, and they are eager to invite their favorite Yi women to feast.

Just today, everyone is not interested.

Some people are stunned by the death of Gong Sunyuan and others. They have not recovered from the shadow of the death of ‘the grandson of the grandson.’

Some people are saddened by the shrinking of their money bags. They are angry at the table, lamenting, quarreling, blaming themselves, or blaming the brothers of the same family for participating in the gambling today.

Others are secretly colluding with each other, and they don't know what they are thinking and saying.

All of this has nothing to do with Wu Tie.

In the stone building, in the living room, on the candlesticks standing in the four corners of the hall, the big candle with thick arms is blazing, and the whole hall is bright. The candle is mixed with spices, so the air in the air swaying, a warmth makes people very comfortable.

Tom sat on a big chair and looked at Wu Tie quietly.

Xiao Xiaoying was on the lap of Tom's lap, his head was a little bit a little bit sleepy, but he tried to keep his eyes open, curious to see Wu Tie, look at 娲姆, then another head squatting in 娲姆On the lap.

The witch was very clever sitting on a small stool next to it, and was very happy with a roast beast.

Wu Tie changed into a neat silk gown, standing quietly in front of Zum, letting her look up and down with her gentle eyes.

Silk gowns, as well as close-fitting clothing, are made from the spider silk of a small bean spider. As the name implies, the small bean spider has a very small body shape, and its spider silk is only one-hundredth of the thickness of the hair. The collection is extremely difficult, and the difficulty of textile processing is even more terrifying.

Because of the difficulty in collecting, the processing is extremely difficult. The clothes made by the spider's spider silk are delicate, smooth and light, and there is a good thing. That is, the spider silk of the primary color is white, but there is a layer of colorful halo that can be looming. Resisting the sharps and cutting the puncture, every piece of clothing made of apricot is a treasure.

Wu Tie was the first time to wear such a luxurious material, and faced the warm and warm eyes of Zum, and Wu Tie felt itchy, as if there were countless fleas on his body.

He got used to the rough and rude fatherly love of witch wars—for example, a slap in the back of his head, and then gave him a large piece of greasy big fat in his mouth. This kind of fatherly love is like a mountain fire, although he is barbaric, but he is used to it.

The mother's love of Zum is like a hot spring, pervasive, delicate and gentle, but Wu Tie is really not used to it.

The methods of doing things including the 娲m and the witch wars are also very different, and Wu Tie also feels the great difference.

If a witch encounters a person like Gong Sunyuan, he will pull out the knife without saying anything, and he will open his own arms and broken legs, and he will open seven or eight transparent holes for Gong Sunyuan.

And Tom...

Um, he will be able to reach a tacit agreement with the elders of Shibuya. By the opportunity of Wu Tie and Gong Sun Yuan on the battlefield, he has slaughtered a lot of forces.

Just now, Wum inadvertently mentioned Wu Tie to the two gambling games today. How many resources did Shibuya win? The number made Wu Tseng stunned and didn’t say anything for a long time.

It was a wealth that was maddeningly ridiculous, but it was just a fortune to push the boat and use a corner to fight the hurdles.

Zum’s approach... Wu Tie couldn’t agree, feeling the warmth and warmth of Zum’s gaze, and the iron and iron said: “In any case, it’s always bad to make a bet with the younger sister’s future.”

Zum smiled and looked at Wu Tie. She saw the uncomfortableness of Wu Tie. She felt in her heart and was a child with a solid eye that was taught by Wu and Wu. She whispered: "In any case, you won't lose, so it doesn't matter what you use to make a bet."

Wu Tie suddenly looked at Zum: "Do you believe that I can win? I am not sure I can win the Gongsun Yuan."

Yum’s face became a bit ugly, and her finger banged, ‘咚’, and Wu Tie’s head was hit by an invisible force. She screamed angrily: "You are not sure about yourself, you dare to blame and gamble? How are you, like your father... can't be smart?"

Witch iron spread his hands and grinned.

I am so angry that I still think so much?

However, Gong Sunyuan himself died, he wants to deliberately anger Wudong, but let Wu Tie suddenly broke out, even Wu Tie did not expect, with his current strength to force the white tiger crack, actually will explode so terrible The power.

It was really the tiger's whistling sound from the white tiger's crack, and the horrible killings shocked Gong Sunyuan, so that he was shot without a reaction.

Wu Tie himself can feel that Gong Sunyuan’s strength is very strong, very strong, and he really fights. He is not necessarily the opponent of Gong Sunyuan.

But the guy killed himself... this can't blame the witch iron.

The power of white tiger crack is too big, can this blame witch iron?

Of course, this can't be said to him. He can only continue to laugh, keep laughing, and laugh awkwardly.

Zim squinted at Wu Tie, and his red lips sneered, sneer: "But, fortunately, the mother did not expect you to win the grandson... Since the beggars are bet, it is impossible to cheat. of."

Wu Tie and Xiao Xiaoying looked up at the same time and looked at Zum.



Even the witches subconsciously put down the barbecue, and looked at her own ‘grandmother’ with a curious look!

Zum smiled and looked at Wu Tie, she knew that she had to dispel the block of Wu Ting's heart. In any case, a mother who uses her daughter's marriage rights to make a bet and does not explain clearly to the son who met for the first time, this matter is not good.

In particular, this son seems to be a bit blind!

A gentle shot of the hands, a touch of colorful haze out of the air, shrouded the entire living room.

Zum whispered: "This is Shibuya. It is dedicated to the statue of the ancestor of the ancestors, and it has gathered a large number of devout prayers from countless generations of ancestors in the past."

Squinting, like a little girl like a naughty smile, Zum said very happily: "More importantly, all the statues of the ancestors, the emperor's statue, the internal forces are integrated, regardless of our family and other people. How far apart, we can always borrow all the ancestors' statues... all the ancestors of the tributaries."

A touch of colorful light flashed through the eyes, and 娲m filled with a sense of piety: "That is a ...... you don't touch, you can't imagine the power... life pool? Oh, even if it is a lifeline The masters above, under the force, are all ants."

"This force cannot be easily used, but as the mother of the Yi people, I can use three of them unconditionally in my life... plus your grandmother, that is, an opportunity that my mother has not used yet. I can use it four times unconditionally."

Zum quickly looked at Wu Tie: "The power of the ancestors shrouded the entire valley, the power... extremely magical, extremely...unpredictable."

Slightly squinting, 娲 whispered: "That is a force that can adjust fate, distort fate, and even destroy fate."

Gam's finger gently licked the small, delicate little ears. She smirked like a fox who stole the little hen: "This is one of the biggest secrets of my Dai... On the territory of the tribe, I want to gamble with the sons of the Yi mothers... They are playing for life..."

Wu Tie can't make a sound.

Xiao Xiaoying listened to her eyebrows and danced. She subconsciously screamed: "I also want to be the mother of the Dai..."

The witch stayed for a long while, and then opened her mouth and bit it on the roasting leg. It’s just that she seems to have a snack that is not awkward. Instead of biting the animal meat, this bite smashes a large piece of animal bone.

When Yum stayed, she opened her hands and smiled, and the witch flew in her arms.

"I almost forgot, this is... your daughter?"

With a strange smile, Zum looked at Wu Tie with a squint.

Wu Tie touched his nose and sighed, and said the origin of the witch in the shortest possible language.

Tom’s look is the same. The strange things she has seen are many times more than the imagination of Wu Tie.

Instead, Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and he looked at the witch.

Was the witch hatched from an egg?

The eyes of Xiao Xiaoying are very confused and swaying. In an egg, can you hatch such a cute little girl?

Do you want to try it yourself?

"Don't stand, sit down." Sam smacked the little head of the witch and sighed softly: "I don't think you have encountered so many things... but it is good to be alive. You I am very happy to be here with my own strength."

Wrinkled, 娲m was a little annoyed and said: "Your father, that is a ... bastard. If he does not go to the Cangyan domain, but he will stay in the vicinity of Shibuya, there will be so many messy things. ?"

Wu Tie sat down on a large chair diagonally opposite to Sam. He put his hands on his knees and rubbed the smooth and delicate bean stalks with force.

"Wu Jin He... He went to the Daizu ancestral home, wouldn't there be a problem?"

There was a smoldering light in the sorcerer’s scorpion: "Gong Sunyuan said that they sent people to the ancestral land of the Yi people to chase the big brother..."

The smile on the face of Yum gradually converges. She looks at Wu Tie deeply. Shen Sheng said: "When Wu Jin started, I tried hard for him. Maybe there will be danger, but in the end there will be good things waiting. he."

"Of course, my strength is changing at that time. When I am in the lowest valley of power, I may not be able to do it."

Wu Xing’s heart just gave birth to a joy, and it was completely dispelled by the words of 娲姆. The heart was cold and looked at Zum, and the iron and iron couldn’t speak.

Gum gently stroked the little head of the little girl and the witch.

The witch was still very spirited with the beast, but Xiao Xiaoyu finally fell asleep, and was smothered by the squat and fell asleep.

娲 眯 眯 , , , , , 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯

Wu Tie looked up at Zum, and there seemed to be another layer of meaning in it.

Perhaps, including the gambling and fighting of Wu Tie and Gong Sun Yuan, it is just the right time, and involved in some of the storms inside Shibuya?

Zum looked up and said softly: "This is a matter inside the Yi people. What do you say, it is also a male, so you don't have to worry about it... If you get involved, it is a bad rule of the Yi people. This is Bad... Even if I am the mother of the Dai, you are my son, and you are not good enough to get involved, nor can you get involved."

"Yu...hehe, the Yi..." 娲 sighed heavily.

She bowed her head and looked at Wutie and said softly: "However, I am very happy, you are good, your big brother is good, and there is a little girl who proves that my choice was correct."

"In my year, among all the sisters, the qualifications were average, but my mother, your grandmother, was the mother of the Yi nationality at that time, so my identity is always different than other sisters."

"That time, I went to the field to patrol and met your father who was chased by a group of iron-toothed swords..." Zum smiled. "I am not qualified, but when I was very young, I awakened my talent." When I met, I knew that it was him."

"What about your father... you know." 娲 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点 有点However, he actually brought out a valuable treasure in the ancestral exploration of that time, so I followed him with sorrow."

"I didn't expect that your father seemed to be blind, but he was very treacherous. What he got from his ancestral land was two treasures. One gave it to your grandmother, changed me... one, it gave I, let me be ordinary, in this ancestor ceremony, became the mother of the Yi."

With a hint of warmth, Zum said softly: "He is very good-looking and doesn't want to be sheltered by women. So, with the big brother who hasn't been born for a long time, he ran to the ghostland of the Cangyan domain. ""

Wu Tie listened quietly, and when he said these things, he did not have the power to speak.

He just listened patiently and quietly.

Listen to the stories of your father and mother, how they met, how to know each other, how to love each other.

Listening to the good luck of the father in the ancestral home of the Yi people, like a smashing and easy to find two treasures, one for the mother, one for the mother.

Listening to the mother who is ordinary in qualifications but strong in the bones, how to use the ‘colored stone of the gods’ that his father got from his ancestral land, changed his life a little bit like a butterfly, and it is like a butterfly.

Listening to the mother's remarks, after his eldest brother was sent to Shibuya by blood and shelter, the mother and son faced a wave of dark arrows and how to fight hard.

Wu Tie can hear that Zum’s heart is bleeding.

But she is still strong and tenacious smile.

In the living room, the warmth echoed, Wu Ting quietly listened to the mother's story.

He is more and more missing his father, his brother...

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