Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 836 Sea Beast

Just as Shao Xuan left, Gui He and Mu Fa were still discussing what kind of crisis they might encounter, when they heard Caesar growling and showing a very anxious look, as if they felt something was wrong.

Crisis is approaching.

Thinking of what Shao Xuan said before leaving, the few people couldn't care less about discussing, and hurriedly paid attention to the surrounding situation. Caesar's reaction should be like this.

"Caesar, is it?" Gui He observed every movement of Caesar, he, Caesar growled anxiously, sometimes facing the sea, and sometimes lowering his head to the bottom. When facing the sea, there is no fixed direction, but it growls downward. Does this mean that the boat is under the boat, or in the sea?

Shao Xuan had warned that it wasn't necessarily human beings they had to guard against, so could it be sea beasts in the sea?

Timber blew the whistle for emergency alert, and the atmosphere in the fleet suddenly became tense. Caesar's growl became louder and more anxious, as if he was afraid.

When hunting in the forest, Caesar didn't show any signs of fear even when encountering the difficult "no" wrong" novel {www}.{quledu}.{com} beasts, but now, let Guihe The hearts of several people sank together. I'm afraid the trouble is bigger than they thought.

Muqi took out the binoculars and observed the surrounding sea surface, but did not see any threatening appearance, but...

Moving his nose, Mu Bo asked, did you smell it? "Wu Cuo Novel Network does not skip words.

"It's a bit... smelly." Gui He said. He thought it was a hallucination before, or maybe it was the stench emitted by someone in the fleet who killed the fish and didn't clean it up, but now, the stench is getting stronger and stronger, which is obviously different from the food wreckage on the boat. Smoke people.

"It smells like rotten fish." A warrior of the Longboat Tribe said, looking at the net that had just been pulled up in his hand. He and several other people just cast the net to catch fish. Now, he didn't catch a few fish, but There were a lot of strange pieces that were fished out.

"That's it?" Mu Fa frowned, looking at what was on the net.

"No." The soldier pulling the net smelled it, twisted his face and tilted his head back slightly, "It stinks!"

To those unaccustomed to the stench, the smell is disgusting. The people in the long boat can barely bear it, but others can't.

"Ghost, throw it away!" Someone next to him pinched his nose and said.

The fighters pulling the nets were about to throw the smelly fragments into the sea, but were stopped by logging.

When they sailed, although they sometimes faced food shortages at sea, even if they were hungry, they would not eat the dead fish in the sea. After eating some dead fish, with their physique of totem warriors, they could still eat Carry it, but some fish, while rotting, produce a very foul smell, and are also highly poisonous, even powerful fighters cannot resist. It’s just that they have limited understanding of the sea, and they can’t tell which ones can be eaten and which ones can’t. However, after so many voyages, most of them are still unedible. Therefore, in the fleet, the loggers simply don’t let everyone touch those rotten fish.

But now, the rotten pieces of meat salvaged by the net in front of him should have fallen from some kind of sea beast in the sea.

"It should be a big guy." Wooder held his breath, fiddled with the pieces of meat with a metal stick, and came to a conclusion after observing, "There are dead sea beasts in the sea."

"Leader! Look!" the soldier standing on the side of the boat exclaimed in surprise.

"?" Gui He strode to the side, looked at the sea, and was also shocked.

On the surface of the sea, many similar pieces of rotting meat floated up from the water, surrounded by a strong stench.

Not just here, there is a large area on the sea, all in the same situation, those rotten meat pieces of different sizes are undulating on the sea surface, looking scary.

"There's something wrong with the ocean current!" An old warrior of the Longboat Tribe frowned. There is always a reason for all changes, but they still can't find a suitable reason to explain this phenomenon.

Observing the movement of these ocean currents, they feel more like there is a huge object moving underwater.

Fortunately, the place with the most carrion is not here, but a little far away.

Caesar's low growl became more intense, and the hairs all over his body stood up like steel needles. The third eyeglass in the middle of his forehead was rounded, but his pupils were constricted. It was a performance when facing a more powerful creature.

creak -

The boat began to rock.

Suddenly there was a wave on the sea. However, the wind at this time is not strong enough to cause such waves.

"There are under the sea!"


The crew of the Longboat Tribe got busy and controlled the boat, fearing that if they were not careful, they would be overturned by the waves.

There was a bigger wave in the distance, which rose and was broken by another sea current. The sea was stirred, and the smell became more and more pungent, but no one cared about it at this time, and they all stared nervously at the sea surface.


The waves rose, and a huge, mutilated tail broke through the surface of the sea, circled in the air, and then smashed into the sea again.

The waves caused the fleet to shake violently. If it hadn't been for the experienced sailing fleet with long boats who controlled the ships and replaced them, some ships would have been overturned by the waves at this time. Even if they are far away, if they are close, what kind of impact will they suffer? can not imagine.

The smelly spray hit the ship, and there were some rotten meat pieces of different sizes in the spray. The deck is full of foul-smelling sea water and rotting, crackling pieces of meat.

In the distance, a huge figure broke through the surface of the sea, revealing part of it, turned around, and plunged into the sea again. It was unclear what it looked like, but the people in the fleet could clearly remember its huge size.

Only a part of it is exposed, it is already so huge, so how big is the whole sea beast?

The most shocking thing is that there is not only one such sea beast!

Farther away from the fleet, many huge figures appeared.

"That... that is?!"

"There will be so many sea beasts? These have never been seen at sea before!"

"Those sea beasts are a bit strange," Looking at the stammering of the Longboat tribe in the distance, he was too shocked to speak out from the guesses in his mind.

"Death." Gan Qie stared at the sea and said.

"You mean..." Mu Qi looked at Gan Qie in astonishment, waiting for his explanation.

"They're all dead." Gan Qie said concisely.

"You mean, none of those huge sea beasts were alive just now!?" Some people don't understand, since they are dead, why can they still move?

But on second thought, there are also many puppets made of dead bodies in the desert. However, what everyone is puzzled about is that people are fine, after all there are only a few of them, but what are appearing in the sea now are those huge sea beasts!

It can even drive those dead sea beasts!

Even though the weather was fine, everyone felt the cold behind them, as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water on their heads.

If all the sea beasts that appeared on the distant sea attacked them, would they still have a way out? Here is the sea!

"Look! They're gone!" someone shouted excitedly.

Others heard the sound and saw that those sea beasts that had disturbed the sea surface and hadn't revealed their true faces were really moving away from them.


"That's where Shao Xuan left!" Mu Fa was surprised.

"So, these are the troubles Shao Xuan mentioned?"

"Their target should be Shao Xuan." The mang tribe also said at this time.

If Shao Xuan didn't leave just now, but was still on the boat, then did those sea beasts directly attack their fleet?

If those sea beasts really attacked the fleet, how much hope do they have of surviving? Mu Fa didn't dare to think about it, because the result would definitely disappoint him.

On the other side, after Shao Xuan left the fleet, some rotten beast bodies would appear on the sea from time to time, and some even had bones exposed.

Yi Xiang can still enslave these sea beasts!

The sea beasts that appeared on the sea all had the same target, which was Shao Xuan flying in the sky.

The sea beasts that come out from all directions, many of them have been living in the deep sea and seldom move on the surface of the sea, their lives have already ended, but today they are exposed to the sun again in this way!

How many monsters of this size can Shao Xuan Yixiang enslave? He is now glad that he left the fleet early. Looking at the sea beasts with only part of their bodies exposed on the sea below, Shao Xuan slapped and said, "Keep going!"

The speed of chatter is much faster than those sea beasts. Shao Xuan didn't know how fast those sea beasts were when they were alive, but now, the speed of those enslaved sea beasts is still far behind Chacha.

The herd of beasts was gradually left behind, and Shao Xuan still flew in the direction originally planned. He could find a safe place to avoid the attack on him this time, but if he avoided this time, there would be a next time, next time .

Shao Xuan even had a feeling that if he avoided Yi Xiang's attack this time, he might have to pay a higher price next time.

Since it cannot be avoided, it can only be faced! (To be continued.)

Chapter 836 Sea Beast

Chapter 836 Sea Beast is hand-written by members of 【无*话】【小-说-网】, for more chapters, please go to the website:

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