Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 840 Breaking the Ice

When they were at the edge of this land of ice and snow, they could still see some active birds, some cold-resistant beasts, etc., as well as sporadic greenery. But as we go deeper, it is rare to see living things again. Usually when they go out to hunt for treasure, what they have to pay attention to is not the beasts, but the many dangerous places covered by snow.

There was a dead silence around, and after they lightened their steps, it became more and more lonely.

However, there was no sound, and no living creatures other than them could be sensed, but there was a creepy force approaching rapidly, unable to distinguish the specific direction, and could only roughly perceive that the force came from the ice and snow. deeper.

Even the slowest warrior couldn't help but shiver, "It's... what is it?!"

There was a sudden tremor under my feet, which became more intense within a short time.

There are no high mountains around, so there is no need to be prepared for avalanches, and the view is fairly wide. There is no other abnormality, except for the increasing vibration.

From the faint vibration at the beginning, to the shaking of the body and the instability of standing, it was only a matter of counting breaths, and they did not give them enough time to react at all. escape? Where can I escape to?

Suddenly, they heard some clicking sounds coming from under their feet.

"The ground is cracked! Run!" The team leader didn't hesitate any longer, and shouted for everyone to evacuate away from the snow.

They have never encountered such a thing here. Even when the world was in a catastrophe, there was no large area of ​​ground cracking in this place. They lived on an island, and there were some islands nearby. Go to the land where the cities of noble slave owners are located.

When the heaven and earth cataclysm happened back then, although the earthquake was felt strongly on the ground, it would not crack, and the only threat to face was the tsunami. At that time, there was also a team that went out to hunt for treasures, and most of them returned safely in the end, so they knew that the place where the gems were buried did not have the ground crack that people heard of when the world changed.

It was intact during the cataclysm, and they still have gems. They always thought that this place was a treasure, but now, they panicked.

There was a booming sound in the dull clicking sound, so fast that they didn't know what to do.


There was a loud noise in the distance, with indescribable majesty, like a thunder that fell from the sky.

The ground that had been frozen for an unknown number of years forcefully tore a huge hole, even the biggest beast they had ever seen could easily be swallowed by this crack.

This crack is not only extending towards the surrounding area, but also expanding rapidly.

The ground was cracked, untouched, and the snow-covered, silky-looking ground from a distance also cracked, and the snow layer was shaken away, exposing the hard-frozen land below.

A gust of violent wind rolled up the snow on the ground and raged from a distance.

Looking at the large pieces of cracked land, the people in the team felt nothing but fear. What should I do in such a situation?

they do not know!

Can't even run away!

There are also large cracks on the road behind. I don’t know where is the safest place. Under the predicament, I only rely on my nature to hide behind the stones that are not much bigger than their houses, watching the wind blowing snowflakes and ice debris. , skimming the stone, blowing into the distance.

There was constant rumble in their ears, and the violent vibration of the ground made all their bones shatter. They couldn't hear other people's voices in their ears. They could only see their companions' mouths opening and closing in the snowstorm, and there were extremely open mouths. Pale face under horror.

The thick leather armor on their bodies and the heavy weapons in their hands could not bring them any comfort. Some people even hid behind the rocks with their heads in their hands in despair, regardless of whether the rocks would be overturned with the ground crack.

The dark clouds in the sky seem to be heavier, and the ground is no longer as calm as before.

The wind was howling, and more and more snow was being rolled up, as if it was about to lift off the thick snow layer covering the ground. The strong wind and snow made it impossible to open your eyes, and you couldn't see the figure clearly ten steps away, let alone see the face of your companion.

The wind was surging, and the vibrations and ground cracks seemed to burst the sky, and every sound made the people in the team feel like they were hit by a heavy hammer.


There was another loud bang, followed by a violent vibration on the ground, this time it happened almost not far from the team, and countless ice and stone fragments from the collapse hit the big rocks, making a dense crackling sound.

A crack appeared not far away, splitting in all directions, and many cracks passed by their sides. The wind seemed to be mixed with a chilling strange breath, making goose bumps on their bodies rise one by one.


Large pieces of frozen soil were blown away, and they could see the shadows of the flying clods in the wind and snow, passing over their heads, and they didn't know where they would land.

Something was approaching, but they couldn't tell the strange trembling feeling, until there was a bang, their feet were lifted off the ground, and their legs were numb. When they fell to the ground again, they saw that a huge foot stepped on them, and the cracked and uneven ground was stepped on and sunk deeply.

The wind was still blowing with snowflakes, and their vision was blurred, but because they were too close and the target was big, they could see what was in front of them. Especially those closest to them, that huge foot was almost stepping on the side of them, no more than two steps away.

It was the sole of a ferocious beast, covered with leather, with a scale-like texture, and there were some irregular cracks on it. Some pointed and huge toes are slightly bent downward and hooked to the ground. If you dig a hole for that toe, you can easily lie in it.

If you look up, you can see the general shape of the powerful animal legs, and the big tail that can swing boulders behind it. Further up, because of the wind and snow, it is impossible to see clearly, only vague shadows, like the shadows of giant beasts in the clouds.

The team leader looked horrified, almost pissing in fear, while the rest of the team kept their mouths tightly shut, for fear of making the slightest noise, fearing that the huge monster would notice them after making a noise. The teeth chattered uncontrollably. In front of such a huge monster, the most heavy and steady treasure hunter among them couldn't calm down and couldn't think of a little resistance. They are as vulnerable as cubs in comparison.

The ground is cracked, the mountains in the distance are cracked, and the movement of stones rolling down and clods breaking up can only serve as the background. Among them, some rhythmic trampling sounds gradually become the main theme.

Bang bang bang bang!

Before this, the people in the team didn't know what those sounds were, but now after seeing the situation in front of them, they understood that they were the sounds of these huge monsters crawling out of the ground and out of the mountains. !

The big foot that stepped in front of them finally lifted up, and the few people who were close were so soft that they didn't know how to avoid it, they just stared blankly at the huge beast's foot.

The animal's foot passed over them, and the stone chips, soil and ice slag that it brought fell down and hit their heads and bodies. They seemed to feel no pain, and their eyes still did not move, continuing to chase the animal's foot , until the beast's foot passed them and landed again, step by step, walking towards the depths of this frozen land.

The rhythmic footsteps gradually faded away. I don’t know how long it took, and the other sounds in my ears gradually faded away. The rumbling sound was like ten thousand beasts rushing together. It was deafening. The ground under my feet was constantly shaking. The shock made the bones ache.

They seemed to hear the sound of water, but they didn't dare to look up.

After an unknown amount of time, the wind stopped slowly, the sound of water no longer sounded, the vibration of the ground slowed down, and the wind and snow that covered the sky and blocked the line of sight disappeared.

The sky was still full of dark clouds, which made people feel blocked.

After a long time, when everything subsided, and even the slight sound of snowflakes falling could not be heard, a group of people who were relieved by the gods trembled and stretched out their heads from behind the stone, looking in the direction where the giant beast was going away.

The stones they used to block the wind and snow had already rolled several times in the previous ground cracks, the ground was no longer white, the ground was full of rocks, the ground plates were upturned, and debris was everywhere, as if it had just been reclaimed. farmland. The terrain seems to have been lowered a lot, and the high mountains in the distance have disappeared, leaving only some scattered protrusions.

However, compared to the changes on the ground, all the people were shocked by the situation farther away, with stiff facial expressions and dull eyes. They knew that after experiencing the earthquake just now, there would definitely be huge changes, but they still couldn't believe what they saw.

Someone in the team didn't seem to believe it. They climbed up the stone, stood on it and stared straight into the distance.

The place where they are standing at this time is slightly higher. Here, they can see that at the end of their field of vision, there should be mountains and land, but now, the mountains have collapsed, and the land of perennial ice and snow has a boundary!

On the other side of the border is a wave of water!

"The sea water!"

" is it possible?!"

Although they don't know how big the world of ice and snow is here, they have been to farther places when they were hunting for treasures. They have been to those places at the end of their field of vision. A few mountains, which route is safer, but now, everything has changed!

The sound of turbulent water running like ten thousand beasts before is not an illusion!

Just now, what happened? Is it a dream?

The violent ground tremors, the collapsed ground, the violent snowstorm, and... huge beast palms!

Recalling that scene, they were all in a trance.

real? Fake?

What happened to the world they are familiar with?


Like it, there are many more places.

An ancient giant beast that has been frozen for an unknown time, before the rise of mankind, the overlords of this world appeared one by one.

Even though their lives have ended long ago, even though they have no consciousness at all, their bodies are frozen in this ice and snow land, and some of them are even preserved perfectly!

The puppet technique among the secret skills of enslavement was learned by Shao Xuan from those puppets in the desert, but Shao Xuan never expected that the power of the white flame was so great! (To be continued.)

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