There are countless ghosts at the top of the Black Mountain. Among them, there are various ghost emperors at the top, such as the gate guard ghost emperor they just met.

The relatively inferior ones are ignorant ghosts born by chance.

These white bone skeletons are also a peculiar kind of ignorant ghosts. They have only one true spirit, but after they are attached to the skeleton, they have a shape and are called ghost skeletons.

They have average combat power, but they can continue to live with the help of white bones. As long as there are white bones around them, plus their own true spirits are immortal, they are almost immortal, which is very difficult to tangle.

When Li Beixing met the ghost skeleton last time, he used the sword light of the treasure gourd to wash the skeleton valley four or five times, turning every inch of bone into powder, and then it was completely eliminated.

Danger is not dangerous, but it is very troublesome ...

These two ghost skeletons should be fighting for the bones all over the place, and now there are monks coming, naturally unanimously outward.

Anyway, Li Beixing is a big head, and if he encounters such an unbeatable strong, he may be exhausted by himself.

Just about to step forward, but suddenly found something wrong ...

Lin Fei doesn't even need to do anything. Fire Phoenix dare to watch?

The captives can watch the war leisurely, and they still have to work hard as victors?

Whatever I think is wrong ...

"Hey, come over and see what you see, it's you, go and clean the front of me."

Huo Feng looked around and determined that Li Beixing was pointing at himself, followed by the unbelievable, I was kidnapped by you, not to take the initiative to be your younger brother, you even want to make people work hard?

However, Li Beixing did not waver, and even waved his hand, drawing a sword light from Huofeng ...

Huofeng immediately felt that the shackles on his body were a little loose, and he could even use some real elements ...

This is of course not Li Beixing's mercy, Huofeng immediately understands that this is to facilitate himself ...

However, this is also a way ...

As long as you accumulate a bit of real money at one time and more times, sooner or later, there is a way to completely release the ban ...

"Over there, burn it quickly, how did you get your name? This Phoenix is ​​really not very powerful ..."

Hearing Li Beixing's unbridled command sound in his ears, Huo Fengfu forced himself to endure, as long as he got out of the top of the Black Mountain and got the master to support him, then he would torture Li Beixing as he wanted.

But now, still have to be patient ...

Hearing the command of Li Beixing, Huofeng forced himself to swallow his voice and seal it again. The red flame wrapped two skulls and burned the other to fly ash ...

Lin Fei didn't see Li Beixing's majestic scene at this time. He didn't have time to take care of these things now. When he confirmed the safety around him, he stepped into the nether earth.

The benefits of catching a complete ghost emperor alive are great. At least the ghost gas drawn from it makes the development of the underworld a bit faster, but this is the second, what Lin Fei wants most is the secret that the ghost emperor knows, This is related to the innate magic ...

"Is this ghost emperor still not talking?" Lin Fei looked at the ghost emperor. At this time, he was surrounded by the roots of the big locust tree, as if turned into nourishment. Extremely.

"It seems that the body has been banned, although he will still speak in the end, but the process will be a little troublesome, and I can't wait ..." Day Huaishu smiled and smiled.

Lin Fei glanced a few times, then nodded, then looked at Dahuaishu, and said with a smile: "He refused to speak, so you have nothing to think about?"

"Oh, what can I say ..."

Lin Fei was speechless, just looked at him and smiled without a word.

After stalemate for a while, Dahuaishu smiled bitterly: "It seems that you have seen through long ago, and naturally it is something you want, but I didn't expect the information given to you to be wrong, it is really not good to speak, or wait for later Right ... "

"That's it ..." Lin Fei nodded indifferently: "Then guilty slowly, I'll go if there's nothing wrong, and call me when the ghost emperor is dried."

"Wait ..." Da Huaishu just finished his guilt and couldn't help it. "How can you be so direct? I'm just polite. Just ask me a few more words, you can't leave a face for the elderly?"

Lin Fei stopped and turned his head and smiled, "If there is anything, you tens of thousands of years old goblin, you have to hold back for a long time, all of them are living for too long."

"This matter is very important to me. If you don't help me first, it's really not good to talk. This time I was going to help you open the mouth of the ghost emperor before mentioning this matter, but recently I can't wait. Open your mouth first ... "

"Something is fast." Lin Fei was a little impatient.

If it wasn't for Da Huai Shu that helped a lot recently, he was too lazy to manage.

Dahuaishu now provides him with all kinds of news on the top of the Black Mountain, and he is omnipotent in his demands. He even helps him to adjust the ghost spirit in the underworld and nourish the hell.

There is no free lunch in the world. Dahuaishu helped to do all of this, naturally, he also wanted something. Lin Fei looked at all this, and this time he took the initiative to pick out.

"I want to ask you a way ..."

After Dahuaishu finished, Lin Fei was not surprised, after all, he could make a ghost emperor so solemn, and these are just a few things ...

The so-called road is the basis of spiritual practice. Once the road is cut off, the road of spiritual practice will basically stagnate. When Shou Yuan arrives, it will still turn into fly ash, and I will waste a lifetime of spiritual practice.

But if the path is broad and straight, you may be able to enter the dharma body all the way, or even become the real master.

For example, Lin Fei had no way at all in his last life. Even when he was dealing with Yuan Huang, he was also limited to the mortal body, and many methods could not be used.

It wasn't until this life that the formal cultivation began. According to the planned path of cultivation, it is not difficult to achieve Dharma. Lin Fei was also qualified to find the secret of the previous life.

There are also some practitioners who may for various reasons, the road is cut off, the road ahead is not light, they will find a way to change the road again. Since ancient times, there have been many successful people, some of them have reached the extreme of the road and become supreme Dharma body ...

However, once the way is determined, it is difficult to change. The midway replacement is equivalent to self-destructive foundation. One accidentally turns into fly ash in the process. Even the big locust tree who has become a ghost emperor is very winged. Find Lin Fei for help.

"Once the way is changed, there is no chance of repentance. Have you decided?"

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