Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1007: Instinctive reaction

Huofeng was oppressed all the way, and he had suffocated his anger for a long time, and now he is still framed by Li Beixing with such a clumsy method, which is even more irresistible.

The thing that annoys him most is that Su Yun was so stupid that he really believed, and suddenly glared at him fiercely, "Look what to see, give it to the old!"

When Su Yun left with suspicion, Li Beixing showed a successful smile and couldn't wait to take his loot from Huofeng's arms.

But just to order the spoils, Lin Fei took three bags of Qian Kun.

In Li Beixing's strange eyes, Lin Fei put these three bags of Qiankun back into Huofeng's arms ...

"Don't you just let him carry a black pot? Don't you really give him ..." Li Beixing looked at Qiankun bag and left with a distressed face, it was all spirit stones!

Lin Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Want to be hunted down by so many people in the future?"

Hearing this, Li Beixing immediately reacted ...

Yes, you have to do a full set of acting!

If you are under such siege, you must find someone to disperse the firepower!

The framing that I made just now is indeed a black pot that can allow Huofeng to carry himself for a while, but after a long time, people will react sooner or later, but if he is really given a few treasures, this black pot will be very solid.

"Come here, don't be polite, take a little more." Li Beixing smiled, and put a few Qiankun bags into the Huofeng's arms, which was full of spirit stones and spirits, but only failed to use it. Magic weapon and spiritual charm ...

Fire Phoenix surprisingly did not resist this time, just glared at Li Beixing, put away the Qiankun bag, and subconsciously stuffed it in his arms ...

Seeing this, Li Beixing was quite satisfied, and patted him on the shoulder: "This time it's very obedient, not bad."

Huofeng snorted coldly, turned his head and ignored it.

Lin Fei looked at the Fire Phoenix for a few more times, thinking thoughtfully: "The bloodline is very rich, even this has manifested ..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Li Beixing inexplicably said.

Lin Fei smiled, but nothing more.

Li Beixing believes that Huofeng is succumbing to his **** prestige. In fact, this should be Huofeng's instinctive reaction ...

Just like the ancient gluttonous gluttons, when they see something, they want to devour it. The ancient phoenix is ​​extremely sensitive to treasures, and when they see treasures, they want to possess them.

The Fire Phoenix is ​​affected by the blood, not only without treasure, but also to the point of "greedy treasure".

Therefore, although the Fire Phoenix has hatred against Li Beixing, the impulse in the bloodline cannot be suppressed, and it will unconsciously put away when it sees the treasure.

This is a source of impulse ...

Lin Fei is quite satisfied with this talent. The more he looks at the phoenix, the more pleasing to the eye. As long as it is properly planned, this is the perfect candidate to back the pot ...


The top of the Six Peaks is the famous high peak of Fuli, surrounded by white clouds, and the sky is low, as if you can lift your feet and step on the clouds. From time to time, there are white cranes hovering, a faint atmosphere of fairyland.

A veteran old Panasonic, three people sitting at the chess table, are all calm and powerful, but the three people's faces are not so calm, and there are many masters in a moment ...

The old man Bai Hu looked at the Sovereign Sovereign, seemingly sympathetic: "It's difficult for you to come to borrow a magic weapon. Unfortunately, your brother is not upset and kidnapped again. Well, this younger brother, you will have to come out and ask for help next time ... "

Hearing the old man ’s cool words, the Sovereign Sovereign sneered: “If Li Beixing shot your younger brother, otherwise, I am afraid there will be no chance of being kidnapped, and he will be cut directly by the gourd.”

Seeing that the old man was about to take the case, the Dragon Ghost Domain reluctantly said: "It's all this time, don't quarrel with the two. Our three don't have too good younger brothers. No one will end up with a good one."

The words fell, and the old man choked, and stopped talking.

His brother had successfully calculated Li Beixing, but unfortunately he was still defeated by Li Beixing. At that time, he still practiced hard and wanted to take revenge, but now don't take revenge, and even dare not show his head ...

The Xuan Yao Sect Master didn't want to fight, no more ...

It ’s really not good. Through the mirrors of the mountains and rivers, Li Beixing ’s performances are all seen in their eyes. Nothing else. Just a sword rising from the depths of the cave is not comparable to the brothers of their three schools. ...

When the sword appeared at the beginning, they saw at a glance that this had gone beyond the scope of Jin Dan's nine revolutions, showing a familiar shadow.

That's a breath of Fa ...

When they saw this scene at that time, they immediately knew that this Li Beixing, I'm afraid it really could not be suppressed ...

They all looked at the arrangement of the brothers. Half of the brothers at the head of the Black Mountain gathered together. Under the command of the Fire Phoenix, they arranged a seven-element killing array that would only be used to deal with the demon madness. The layout can not pick out any faults.

Although it can't be compared with the killing array arranged by the elders, but they are only dealing with a Jindan monk.

In addition, there is a ghost emperor chasing in front. According to common sense, even if Jin Dan is turned nine times, he is caught in such a layout, he should be dead for ten years ...

However, Li Beixing is already beyond common sense ...

There are only three monks outside of this common sense who have gone beyond the boundary several times ...

Today, there is one more ...

Xuan Yao Sect Master suddenly sneered, "Looking at the fact that their teachers and brothers are bullied by Li Beixing like this, the three guys can sit still!"

The old man said a little helplessly: "With their vain nature, how can they care about this distraction, and now it should be waiting for the big bargain ..."

"If these three people haven't shot, no one can suppress Li Beixing. If the **** stone really falls into his hands, I'll wait in vain ..." The Dragon Ghost Master frowned.

The old man shook his head and said: "That's not enough, although the three of them only stared at each other, but as long as the Shenshi is still in the head of Montenegro, they can't escape their palms, but they don't know when they are going to shoot ...

Here, the three are a bit helpless.

Because they found that they were not sure about the situation that followed.

After Li Beixing defeated his brother one after another, he was completely in a state of rampant dominance. The brothers of their three martial arts could no longer restrain him, let alone compete for any **** stone.

To get the situation back to balance, we can only count on the three to suppress Li Beixing ...

The problem is that they have no influence over the three ...

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