Huo Fengzi nodded again and again, but he was disdainful.

Really swelled up with a little adventure, but dare to grab something with those three, have you woke up?

Not to mention, each of the three people has been fully cultivated by their respective martial arts, claiming that one person can support the future of a martial art, and behind you there is only a flying real person who died a thousand years ago. Fabby.

Although Li Beixing rises quickly, after all, it suddenly rises, and the foundation is insufficient, but the strength of the three people, but from soul-raising to Jindan, has been verified by many dangerous situations and has been recognized by many powerful people, let alone It's because Ephesus is out of bounds, and their names are spread even in other small worlds ...

To grab things from such a genius, do you think it will just be a waste of time?

Don't you have a face?


If Fei Ling appeared in person, it is another matter ...

Fei Lingzhen is also a figure who became famous thousands of years ago. Even if no matter how genius the younger disciples are, neither of them is a figure of the same level ...

This Lin Fei is so confident, is it true that Fei Ling has broken through the limitations of the head of Montenegro and sneaked in secretly?

Thinking of this, the Huofengzi suddenly became uneasy. The Black Mountain Head had natural restrictions. Only Jinjin, a monk of the Jindan realm, was allowed, but the flying spirits were known for their strange and unpredictable means. If it is him, it is not impossible to break through this restriction.

In this way, all Jindan disciples in the top of the Black Mountain will become his prey ...

No, this is not something you can handle anymore. You must ask the Franciscan monk to take action.

I have to find a way to pass the news back to Zongmen, so that the master can prepare early.

Just when he thought about this, his heart suddenly became inexplicable, and he looked up subconsciously.

Perhaps Li Beixing was just too loud when he broke through the realm, and alarmed the ghost. At this time, in the distant mountains, the sound of roaring ghosts came, and there were still ghosts, which seemed to be moving.

At this time, the ghosts in the mountains were tumbling and condensed into a black cloud above the sky, like a mountain, pressing towards here ...

Seeing this place, Huo Fengzi was stunned for a moment. A Jindan monk broke through the realm, wouldn't it cause such a big reaction?

Lin Fei was also staring at the distance and saw this scene, but it seemed a little thoughtful.

When Li Beixing heard the roar of ghosts, he directly sacrificed the magic weapon gourd, blooming aura in the air to protect his body, and at the same time his body began to rise, and the power of Jin Dan's eight revolutions was revealed.

Now that he has just been promoted, it is different from the past. If a ghost comes, it is time to practice his hands ...

Huo Fengzi is very talented, especially sensitive to danger, and inexplicably uneasy in his heart: "Is such a huge momentum not a ghost wave?"

This word just fell off the junction of the mountains and the sky in the distance, and suddenly a black line appeared, just like the waves, rushing down from the mountains to the top ...

It's the ghost tide ...

Li Beixing turned his head and glared at him: "Crow mouth."

Huo Fengzi didn't think he was so accurate, but in the head of the Black Mountain, the ghost tide is almost everywhere. This time it should just happen to happen, and he said: "Anyway, it is not a big tide tide.

Li Beixing snorted too, but he was a little eager to try. Huo Fengzi was right in saying this, and it was just a ghost wave. With his current cultivation practices, he can completely cope with it and help him stabilize his state.

However, once the big ghost tide erupts, it will at least cover hundreds of thousands of ghosts, let alone deal with it, you have to run away at a glance.

However, they have never seen such a large-scale ghost tide since the jin ru Montenegro, and should not have encountered such a bad luck.

He mentioned Zhenyuan and was about to show his talents, but suddenly found that it seemed a bit wrong ...

As the ghost tide got closer and closer, I saw that the sky and the earth were covered with black. The originally wooded mountains were destroyed by the grass forest under the tramp of countless ghosts, and the whole mountain became bare. At a glance, it was all Densely packed ghosts.

The fierce momentum of the advance, almost rushed to the face, it seems that who is in front of the ghost tide, will be stepped into powder ...

Li Beixing is just a face, turning his head to look at the Phoenix Phoenix incredulously, you really belong to a crow, just say it casually!

Huo Fengzi was stunned when she saw that the tide was coming, and she couldn't help but tremble in fear. She wished she could slap her mouth a few times.

This is a miserable time. At the critical moment, Li Beixing and his wife have a cultivation base and hope of escape, but they have no mana, and they ca n’t do it even with Yukong. With Jindan ’s hard turn, he will Being trampled to death by ghost tide.

Quickly turned to look at Li Beixing: "Let's run away quickly, if the ghost wave really wants to rush in our direction, it is really too late."


After a while, the ghost tide that was originally just rubbing against them suddenly turned around and was rolling towards the three. If there is no accident, the two will soon collide head-on ...

Li Beixing turned his head to look at Lin Fei, and said with a heavy face: "You said that after the Phoenix Bloodline was refined by Renlu Dan, will it degenerate into the Bloodline of Crow?"

Huo Fengzi naturally heard the meaning of Li Beixing's words, but at this time he had no time to manage so much.

The scale of this ghost tide is huge. Although it seems far away, in fact, under the swarm of thousands of ghosts, it is advancing very fast. If they do not escape, they will be swallowed up by the ghost tide, and even the waves will not turn up. .

But what annoyed him most was that Lin Fei was staring at the ghost tide there, as if frightened, and ignored his reminders.

But at this time, the ghost tide is close at hand, and Huofengzi can even see the cold light shining on the claws of the ghost ...

The Huofengzi almost cried. The key moment was not reliable. How did Feiling live person choose you?

It's over, this time I really want to explain here.

I am, too, so dying to provoke Li Beixing to do this, this is good, not only the treasure is gone, even I have to catch it.

Poor one's own great name, and finally he will be trampled to death by ghosts!

I really didn't expect to be this kind of death.

If it is known by the master, I am afraid that it will become the greatest shame of Xuan Yaozong in ten thousand years ...

Feeling the madness coming out of the face, the fire phoenix felt cold in his heart, and he gritted his teeth. He closed his eyes and prepared to brace himself with the strength of his body to fight for the dignity of death, but after a while, he felt a little wrong ...

It's been a long time. Why haven't I been trampled to death?

Although not dead is a good thing, but it is also a bit strange.

By the way, is it true that Fei Ling lived to make the siege.

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