Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1018: not very good

But even so, they are struggling to deal with the ghost emperor who has achieved this mysterious spirit, and it takes a long time to prepare and fight hard to successfully kill.

And now this possible ghost emperor is not something that can be solved desperately ...

He couldn't help looking at Li Beixing. This guy is only Jin Dan no matter how strong he is. It shouldn't be so crazy. Really going to face the real ghost emperor?

In fact, Li Beixing did not want to be so crazy, but there was no way, he had no chance to choose, and every time he was pulled by Lin Fei.

This time Li Beixing also saw Lin Fei's gaze ...

It's the rhythm of death!

However, based on past experience, Li Beixing was not prepared to dissuade him.

He followed Lin Fei's eyes and gave a quick whisper.

I saw a lot of ghost spirits on the two mountains, and then condensed in the air. After a while, the two heads, three arms and six arms, the indigo skin of the ghosts stood in front of the mountain, standing on both sides of the passage, like Two door gods ...

"Protect, guard door ghost ..." After seeing the two ghosts, the sound of the fire phoenix was all in **.

As soon as the gate guardian appeared, he recognized it. At first, he planted a trap and forced Li Beixing into a gate guardian's site. That was a ghost emperor!

Now, there are actually two ends!

Li Beixing was also taken aback at first, but after seeing it clearly, he was relieved and immediately photographed the back of the fire phoenix: "Can you be a little angry, the two ghost kings scared you like this."

"Ghost King?"

Huo Feng was stunned for a moment, but when he saw it clearly, he was a little embarrassed. He scared himself. Although it was a two-door guard ghost, it was only in the realm of ghost king.

Generally speaking, when dealing with ghost kings, human Jindan has more magic weapons and many other methods that can be used, all of which have the upper hand, not to mention his origins, dealing with ghost kings is still a breeze.

It ’s really a little embarrassing to be scared by the two ghost kings now ...

"How dare you, your master fancy it." Li Beixing stared at Huofeng and despised.

Huo Feng's face suddenly turned black, but he couldn't explain the concerns in his heart. In case he was hit again and again, he might be killed by Li Beixing as a crow's mouth.

At this time, as the two mountains separated, the ghost tide that had been crawling on the ground all stood up and entered the passage between the two mountains.

Lin Fei saw this and followed without hesitation.

"This, do you want to think about it ..." Huofeng held his last glance and hoped to look at Li Beixing, hoping he would not go crazy with Lin Fei.

Li Beixing sneered and kicked the Fire Phoenix directly.

In the ghost jin ru, the two tall gate guard ghosts were as immovable as statues, standing on both sides of the front road, overlooking many ghosts passing.

But when Lin Fei followed the ghost tide jin ru, the door guard ghost suddenly came alive. Two pairs of lanterns with big red eyes looked down on Lin Fei and three people. Flames spewed from their mouths and noses, and the roar was like thunder: " People, dare to offend Ming Jun! "

As the voice fell, six arms waved from all sides at the same time. Under the combined force of the two door guards, they almost completely enveloped the three people.

"Ghosts and ghosts also dare to call the Nether King?" Lin Fei sneered, just before he shot, Li Beixing could not wait to welcome him, he had already eagerly tried, the realm has just been improved, these two ghost kings are just right for training.

He pinched the trick, the gourd floated up from his hand, and gleamed in the air. Every light was like a flying sword, and it fell like raindrops towards the two ghost kings.

The two ghosts were pierced with thousands of wounds under the sword light, and the arm that was originally caught was instantly broken.

But in the moment of the impending collapse, the two ghost kings roared, and six arms cracked down together, grabbing at Li Beixing's gourd.


A crisp sword sounded, and a huge sword light was sprayed out of the gourd mouth. When it appeared, it gleamed with a bright white light. The arm of the sword light was like snow and sunshine, and it melted before it hit it.

The vast sword light was completely cut off, and the two ghost kings had cracks throughout their bodies. After a while, they turned into ghosts and disappeared ...

"These two ghost kings are not so good." Li Beixing put away the gourd, his face full of joy, Jin Dan realm step by step, he jumped from Jin Dan six turns to Jin Dan eight turns, it can be an earth-shaking change, Even the treasure gourds that have been repaired for life have improved a lot.

Lin Fei just smiled, but it didn't matter, so he continued to follow in, but before leaving, he turned around and glanced at two imposing mountains ...

After the three Lin Fei left for a while, a black figure emerged in the air, looking at the fighting traces left by Li Beixing, a little strangely said: "Is this the only strength ..."

There was some doubt on the ghost's face. After discovering Li Beixing's identity on the way, he immediately followed behind the three people, but observing that now, he can be sure that this Li Beixing was just Jin Dan's eighth turn.

This is how to kidnap Huofeng?

Is it the young man next to him? That's not right, although the man hasn't shot, but it seems not as powerful as Li Beixing ...

The ghost thought for a long time without any clue, no more thinking, anyway, as long as they dare to walk in, no realm is important, what is important is what he has in his hands ...

I have long heard that Li Beixing has robbed most of the younger brother of the Black Mountain. There are so many treasures in his hand. At that time, he wanted to harvest it, but he never had the opportunity to meet.

I saw it when I was passing by this time, and he followed it by the way. I was thinking about how to introduce these three people into it. But I didn't expect him to go in by himself, which surprised him quite a bit.

Now that he dared to walk in, he basically fell into his own hands.

In the countless years of history of Fuli, the head of the Black Mountain is not only opened once, but every time there is a monk jin ru. For them, such a long-term martial arts, it has taken advantage of it, because after exploring in it Leave some secrets found in the head of the Black Mountain to future generations ...

And this place is where his generations of ancestors and elders have been exploring. In his generation, he is already the sixth younger brother of jin ru. The first five seniors have already paved the road. He only needs to follow the steps. You can get the chance safely.

And this time, in addition to chance, you can get all the harvest of Li Beixing ...

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