Although this city wall is wide, the gate seems to have suffered some attacks, leaving a big hole that can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. After the ghost tide passed through the long and dark city hole, the eyes were suddenly bright.

The ground in the city is paved with gray rocks, and any building is extremely huge, but the style is very rough, it is not like a human residence.

The central avenue through which the ghost tide passes will be vast and will soon pass through.

At this time, Lin Fei also saw a palace in the center of the city. This palace was not very luxurious, but there were traces of years everywhere. The surface was covered with thick dust, and the scale was quite large. At a glance, it seemed to occupy Half a giant city.

However, Li Beixing looked around with bright eyes. There are many palaces in the city, except for the dust, they are all intact. I do n’t know what is hidden in it. If Lin Fei stopped him, he would have gone Searched around ...

In front of the palace is a wide square. It seems that this is the place where the owner of the palace used to read the army, but now it is full of ghosts.

At this time the ghost had stopped and crawled down on the square in front of the palace, as if waiting for something.

Huofeng swallowed hard, and he had to look over the ghost tide kneeling to the palace, and looked far away, with a bad hunch.

Soon, the square paved by the boulder rang with a rhythmic shock. It was like a footstep, stepping on the heart of the fire and phoenix every time, as if there were some horrible creatures coming.

In the sight of a huge figure, the bull head is tall and tall, holding a rusty ghost fork in his hand. This ghost fork is surrounded by the wrong soul, and it has been watching for a long time, as if it can capture the mind, and three front The sharp tip of the fork occupies the half of the fork, as if puncturing the sky.

There is no doubt that this kind of power belongs to the state of ghost emperor, and there is even a hint of ghost emperor ...

Huofeng looked up at the huge shadow, and his voice was somewhat **: "Bullhead Messenger ..."

Rising up, the Fire Phoenix also belongs to the top group of geniuses in the world of Fuli. He has a strong mind and should not be scared like this.

But when he meets the Ngau Tau Tau who is uploading, don't be him, even if the Xuan Yao Sect Master comes in person, he will have to wait for it ...

The ox-headed messenger, one of the emissaries under the seat of Yanjun, walked between yin and yang. In the biography, he has been accompanying the monarch around, I don't know how many creatures have been killed.

But since the ancient mansion was destroyed, the messenger of the mansion disappeared. Why did it appear in this place?

In this ghastly group of ghosts, the three strangers are very conspicuous, and the bull's head noticed it at a glance, but it is not like those unreasonable ghosts. When they see the strangers, they can't wait to shoot, but they are interested in looking stand up.

"After spending tens of thousands of years in this broken place, this time some human food came to the door, it seems to be delicious, how to eat it?" Then, the cow's nose moved, and the ugly cow's face showed a color of enjoyment.

Side by side, the ghost fork in the hand went to the square, and several hundred ghosts were strung onto the three prongs of the fork and sent to the mouth. The snake-like tongue rolled into the mouth and chewed the ghost into the mouth.

Hearing the crisp chewing sound, Huofeng's face had turned pale, and Li Beixing obviously hadn't thought of encountering this series of opponents. At this time, he trembled and hid beside Lin Fei, even daring to escape Have.

In the absolute gap, all luck and skills have lost their meaning, and they have no room for struggle.

Niu Tau randomly selects food with ghost forks, but the black-and-white bull's eyes have been staring at the three people, revealing the coveted color. It seems that he can't eat it all at once, thinking about how to eat it is delicious.

But soon, Lin Fei caught his attention.

Because Lin Fei had no fear, his face was also smiling, and he looked at the bull-head ghost emperor with interest.

Compared with the two who were scared, Lin Fei naturally stood out. The bull head did not seem to have seen such an interesting person in his long life. Not only was he not angry, but he was rather interested: Meaning, I ’m in a good mood today, and I ’ll give you a chance to leave one of the three of you to enjoy. The remaining two of you can also find opportunities in the city. You decide for yourself. "

Hearing this, Huofeng shivered as a whole, and his heart was suddenly cold.

Mom, it ’s still a decision. The one who was left behind must be him. Not only can the remaining two be saved, but they can also look for opportunities in the city.

I was nervous about how to escape, but I gave up in a desperate moment.

In such a desperate situation, even if the Master is in person, it is impossible to save him ...

And Lin Fei seemed to know what he was thinking. His hand was already on his shoulder, making him unable to move.

Between this life and death, Huofeng said anxiously: "Isn't it the Heaven and Earth Well, where I am with you after going out."

Lin Fei ignored it and trapped him with a ban.

Under the anxious gaze of Huofeng, Lin Fei turned his head to look at the ghost emperor and smiled: "So, I will let you escape for thirty-nine meters first. If you can escape my forty-meter knife, I will let it go. how are you?"

Perhaps it has been a long time since I heard such arrogant words. The bull's head was stunned, and even the chewing of the mouth stopped. After a while, it reacted. Is this human being provoking himself?

However, in the realm of Niutou, he already possessed wisdom comparable to that of human monks. He was not so easily annoyed. Instead, he thought for a while and then looked at Lin Feiqi with his eyes wide open: "You did it on purpose Did you come to death? "

Lin Fei smiled and said, "Listen to the bull head and the soul of the messenger walking in the two realms of yin and yang, specifically harvesting souls, then trouble you to give me a death."

It ’s obvious that Niutou has n’t heard such unreasonable demands for so many years, so instead of getting angry immediately, he touched the horns above his head and suddenly said, “You ’re looking at escape hopelessness, so I ’m getting my curiosity about you? Let I ’ll save you for life! Haha, your thoughts are a bit interesting, but it ’s useless! "

Lin Fei was a little impatient: "Since it's useless, I beg you to hurry up."

Under Lin Fei's repeated provocations, the bull's head was completely irritated, and he no longer continued. He opened his mouth and roared, and his nostrils spewed out a fiery flame, holding the Senseng ghost fork in his hand, and his body suddenly showed infinitely. Power, as if to devour the world.

"Are you sick ..." At this time, the Fire Phoenix who was watching around the whole time was dumbfounded.

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