Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1068: come together

But that's all he can do, and what can be expected next is Lin Fei ...

"Boy, don't let me down ..." The old man looked out of the Dao realm and said to himself.

At the same time, the five people who were ejected by Dao landed in the air, and after stabilizing their body, the scene was very delicate ...

Before being ejected from the Dao realm, several people saw clearly. The old man handed the space beads wrapped in stone clothes to Lin Fei ...

It was just under the eyes of the old man, but among the five people present, the one with the worst identity and background was Lin Fei.

Even as a hostage, the Huo Fengzi, it is also a descendant of the magnificent Xuan Yao Sect. It seems that Lin Fei is not qualified to possess such treasures.

Xiao Mo's head was fixed on Lin Fei, and he smiled politely: "This younger brother looks a bit strange, but it's okay, as long as the younger brother gives that thing to me, you will be my friend of the three demons, Always generous ... "

Finally, he gave Li Beixing a special look and said, "Of course, if anyone dares to stop, it is my enemy of the Three Demons."

The devil looked at Li Beixing with a sneer, and threatened: "I am also the enemy of Gui Lao Shan."

Li Beixing only felt two cold shoulders on his body. If the pressure was substantial, he could not breathe and retreated behind Lin Fei.

Although he has made great progress, he can even bully ordinary disciples, even if he can't even escape these two escapes, if Lin Fei can't save him, there is really no way ...

In Li Beixing's disturbed gaze, Lin Fei smiled and knew what he was worried about. Before he secretly shot, the opponent was not strong, but these two, it is not something that can be solved by secret shot ...

But now the God Stone is about to appear, and by the end of the day, it will inevitably be extremely fierce. At that time, it would be unrealistic to continue to hide in secret.

Now, you can do it yourself ...

"Let's come together ..." Lin Fei looked at the two of them and took a step forward. The wind swelled and Zhenyuan flowed and whistled. A majestic momentum suddenly appeared, and the breath came out like a thousand swords, pointing at the little devil. Two people with devils.

"What are you talking about?" The devil could hardly believe his ears, and looked at Li Beixing again, only to see him step back, actually let Lin Fei challenge them.

"Oh, it turns out that this younger brother is also Jin Dan's nine turn, but I looked away." There was a trace of surprise on Xiao Mo's head, but it disappeared immediately, revealing a playful smile, only if this was Li Beixing's bottom card.

Although it is the same as Jindan Nine Turns, the gap between them is so great that they can kill the ghost emperor, while other Jindan Nine Turns may not be able to ...

Although there are some surprises now, the final result is already doomed.

Seeing that the two sides are diametrically opposed, Huo Fengzi, as a bystander, is excited and nervous, and seems to be able to see the dawn of escape.

"You think about it ..." the little devil warned for the last time.

"There's so much nonsense." Lin Fei rolled his eyes, held a golden light in his hand, and cut it with his hand raised.

"Bold!" The little devil suddenly became furious, and no longer persuaded him, and thousands of white lights appeared on his body, turning into a white star and greeted him.

The wicked white light of the little devil's body skyrocketed. Like a demon lord, the pressure was like a mountain, and this void was quietly heavy.

This is the White Bone Elemental Demon Road. As the supreme power of the Three Demon Sects, it has not been fully actuated, so that the small demon head can overwhelm most monks in the same realm with only power.

Even Lin Fei was a little surprised. Looking like this, he almost had the shadow of the Fa-phase. As long as the little devil does not die in the future, his road to the Fa-phase is almost smooth.

Moreover, this practice is inherently extraordinary and of high grade. Once the Fa is achieved, it can easily crush other powerful Falun Gong in terms of combat power. This is no weaker than the ancient inheritance of the Sword Sect. At least it is better than Li Qingshan ’s. The demon sword tactics came out strong.

Just in this moment, the little devil's momentum exploded to the extreme. There was even a huge white skull phantom behind him flashing in a flash, and the sky was full of devil qi. For a moment, the whole world was filled with his might.

At this time, the sword light that Lin Fei cut off, with a sacred atmosphere, was like a great day, spitting out a golden light, and finally fell on the little devil!

I only heard the sound of "chirping", the two met like hot oil and water, followed by a burst of violent waves.

The devil was always beside him, originally staring at Li Beixing with a pretentious eye, to guard against his secret calculation, but now, he felt this fluctuation, but he looked at the battle in amazement.

According to his understanding of the little devil, even if Lin Fei is a golden nine-turn, it should not be too much trouble to deal with. Their main opponent should be Li Beixing.

But now, the battle situation has not followed the development he expected. Now, at the center of the two players, Jin Guang and Mo Wei are entangled, and an infinite light erupts in an instant, which seems to be incomparable ...

In fact, let alone the devil, even the little devil in the center of the battle was shocked ...

At the beginning, he thought the same thing as the devil, that is to solve this person, and then retain the strength to deal with Li Beixing.

However, when he was about to shoot, he felt a crisis in his heart, so he did not hesitate to consume and chose to directly use the bone bone magic path.

But even so, he did not expect that this insignificant monk who had always been with Li Beixing could withstand his full blow!

And this sword energy that exudes infinite sacred power is actually a great pressure on yourself. If it is not the bone bone magic path is strong enough, this sword energy can almost tear the bone bone magic light and pierce the flesh behind!

But then, the Bone Elemental Demon Road exploded to the extreme, carrying a huge real element, which actually wiped out the sword light, perhaps it was too expensive, the two did not shoot for a while, but faced off from each other ...

"Bone Bone Demon Road? Really a bit like Bone Demon King ..." Lin Fei extinguished the remaining white bone magic light, Tai Yi Jianqi turned around, and returned to Jianhu to stop brewing ...

He was serious about it just now, but he didn't expect this little devil to be so strong. After a blow, he even consumed a lot of Taiyi Jianqi.


At this time, among the sword lakes, seven different sword qi lines were lined up, floating in the sword light of the lake.

With the exception of Taiyi Jianqi, the remaining six Dao are full of swords, full of meaning, just like the six restless living dragons, as long as Lin Fei releases the shackles, he can rise to the sky.

The terrifying advantages of the Ten Thousand Swords of the Heavens have only really appeared until now.

Even if Lin Fei didn't need any other means, just by taking turns with these seven swords, he could exhaust the little demon head alive, and if it appeared together, that might be even more terrifying.

Moreover, this is only the early stage. When Lin Fei advances into the Fa, he can truly melt the Ten Thousand Fas with one sword.

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