Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1078: Silver Eye Ghost

"Wait ..." The little demon lay between the two, and first pulled Lin Fei aside and whispered: "Brother Lin, we should now focus on the overall situation. His treasure is better than the ancient one. There are many things out of bounds. Some of these things are. After I go out, I will introduce you to the way. Then you can buy two more at will ... "

"Buy two at random?" Lin Fei glanced at the little devil's head and didn't know what to say ...

If you can buy two of them even if you are in a free array, then Fo Li is not a generalization of the earth, but a real fairy world ...

That's right, the stone piece taken out by Zhao Shu is his free array, to be precise, a very small part of his free array.

Lin Fei felt that kind of breath at first, and it was very incredible. He almost thought he admits his mistake. After all, he was free in the battle, but he was a half-step congenital existence. This power is earth-shattering.

Even a small piece of debris is invaluable.

If it is obtained, it must be hidden deep. How could it be taken out by a younger disciple of Zhao Shu?

However, when he secretly awakened the black-and-white array to identify it, the old man in black and white almost jumped out excitedly, constantly instigating Lin Fei to hurry and grab it ...

If Lin Fei may still admit his mistakes, the seventy-two arrays have been accompanied for countless years, and it is impossible to look away.

To be honest, Lin Fei almost couldn't help but robbed ...

After all, he has been planning for his freedom map for a long time ...

As early as in Xuanwu Realm, I heard that he had fallen into the Tianwu Ridge of Folili with his free sword array, and there was also an innate golden energy. As long as Lin Fei could get it, the power of the Ten Thousand Swords of the Heavens must be great increase.

The most important thing is that his free array contains thousands of sword arrays, which is a vast treasure trove for Jianxiu!

It ’s okay not to see it. Since it happened, it ’s impossible to let it go. Lin Fei was prepared for a hemorrhage. As long as Zhao Shu dared to bid, he would dare to buy it.

As a result, Zhao Shu didn't eat hard and hard, and he was not good at grabbing and destroying cooperation ...

After all, although the free sword array is important, it is always just a fragment. In contrast, the next stone is more important ...

After the little devil persuaded Lin Fei, he seemed to ask Zhao Shu again ...

"I've done it." Zhao Shu was impatient, and waved casually: "I don't know this guy in general. I will talk about these things later. Should I go now?"

The little devil shook his head and said: "It's not the time yet, the thunderstorm is just a manifestation, and there are many means of guarding the **** stone behind it, but all of this can't last. After a few days, when the thunderstorm is the weakest, it will be successful. The chance will increase greatly, and you will take this opportunity to rest for a few days and make some preparations. "

"I think you need to rest?" Zhao Shu glanced at him, intentionally or unintentionally.

The little devil smiled, but he did not deny that they forcibly broke into the thunderstorm in front of them. Although Fuzhuan blocked most of the damage, they also suffered some damage. In these days, they need to be healed.

After the explanation, I didn't say much. I searched directly with the devil, closed my eyes unguardedly, and just started meditating.

It was three days in a blink of an eye, and the thunderstorm in the air was a little weaker ...

Suddenly the little devil opened his eyes, looked at the sky, and said to everyone: "You guys, it's time."

Zhao Shu stood up first, looked at the sky with a full sleeve, without looking back: "You are here waiting for me, and the younger brothers will give it to you."

Ye Yuan stood silently behind him, and hesitated when he heard the order, but finally whispered.

Lin Fei also patted Huo Fengzi on the shoulder and smiled, "Don't blame me for not reminding you that I won't see you when I come back."

Huo Fengzi was stiff and nodded ugly.

A few people were extremely fast, and they surpassed the highest mountain in a few moments. When they reached tens of thousands of feet above the sky, they looked down. The highest peak was just a few black spots, as if they were stepping on the mountains.

As time passed, they were getting farther and farther from the ground, and they were also getting closer and closer to the thunderstorm. In the end, almost every inch of the advance, there will be small lightnings around them, jumping and crashing in the skin.

This thunderbolt seems weak, in fact, it is brewing with amazing destructive power, if a life soul monk comes here, it will be directly converted into coke.

Fortunately, several of them are among the top monks of Jin Dan, and their bodies have been cultivated to the ultimate state, and they can easily cope with the past.

However, now it is only close to a thunderstorm, not even appetizers.

The next time you actually cross a thunderstorm is the real beginning.

"Sure enough, a lot weaker." Zhao Shu stood in the sky, looking at the thunderstorm in front of him.

"This layer of thunderstorm is just the surface. After crossing, it is an endless thunder sea. There may be some strange ghosts associated with the thunder sea. Although the strength is not strong, it is best to be careful."

After the little devil finished, a pale white light erupted on his body. Numerous strange seals flew around him, followed, and broke into a thunderstorm. It seemed that a stone was thrown into the pond, and a thunderstorm was set off .

The body of the devil was enveloped by ghosts, and the whole person suddenly became blurred, as if they had become ghosts, and they floated in silently, but there was no stir.

Lin Fei and Li Beixing were quite satisfactory, wrapped themselves in real yuan, and stepped in one after another.

Zhao Shu glanced at the two of them and smiled disdainfully. Then he turned into Jianguang and rushed in directly. Judging from the posture alone, the genius of the Green King City did sell well.


"Zhou Xian, are you blind? This is what you call a little ghost. Are you **** teasing me?" Zhao Shuyi stepped into the thunderstorm and saw the prospect in the eye.

It doesn't blame him for his gaffe, everything in front of him is indeed beyond imagination.

When he entered, he was staring at him with ghosts all over his eyes, and it felt almost chilling.

The ghost in front of him was like a bull and a bull, like a horse and a horse, with bone wings on his back, thunder on four feet, a thunderbolt wrapped around his grisly body, a black scale armor on his body, and flames spurting from the thick nostrils.

The most important thing is that such monsters are in droves. Thunderbolts seem to be their old nests. Their silver eyes are full of destruction, staring at these humans who have come in and do not know what to do.

"Damn ..." Little Devil heard the scolding sound, and his face was equally ugly. In fact, he understood Zhao Shu's mood very well.

Anyone who comes in to face so many ghosts will not be in a good mood ...

This is a silver-eyed ghost horse, one of several ghosts in the Thunder Sea. It was originally a very dark ghost, but it was born to inherit the thunder and lightning until the sun, and its combat power is far more than ordinary ghosts.

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