"Shut up." Lin Fei stopped Li Beixing's nonsense and reached out to reveal the quietly spinning Yuanling light, and looked at Zhao Shudao: "Will you use this piece of your fragment to change?"

Zhao Shu could n’t believe it either. He turned his eyes around Yuan Ling and Lin Fei several times and found that Lin Fei was n’t kidding. He pointed to the group of Yuan Ling Dao and said inconceivably: "Are you going to change this with me?"

"Yeah, still think I'm pitting you?"

"No, it's not ..." Zhao Shu didn't think so.

Nonsense, if this is a pit, how many people have to rush to jump down, even if it is a pit, it's just pitting Lin Fei himself.

It is not a joke that a ghost emperor's magic weapon, Yuanling, collects some natural materials and treasures, and then finds a master refiner, it is very likely to become a treasure that can be passed down to the world.

As a matter of fact, Zhao Shu really doesn't need to think about it. For a fragmented and unexplained fragment, to change a magic weapon above the Yellow Realm in the future, it will definitely be profitable!

But Zhao Shu is a little hesitant now, not only because of his father's enthusiasm, but also because of Lin Fei's proposal.

If it was n’t Lin Fei ’s sudden loss of madness, it ’s the hidden value of his fragment, and it ’s huge. Although he did n’t know it, Lin Fei saw it ...

But what's the secret ...

Zhao Shu thought hard.

This piece of debris arrives in the Blue King City sometime. It has a long time and has a powerful space to contain it. It can swallow everything, so Zhao Shu will take it out and prepare to receive the **** stone.

But beyond that, there is nothing special, that is, the Green King City ten thousand years ago is still very weak, so poor that there is nothing to pass on, so this unique value is regarded as a token, passed down from generation to generation, so Zhao Shucai treasured it more.

However, there were some rumors on the ancestor that this treasure was involved in some great chances, so that the descendants of the Qingwangcheng stayed with the times.

The children and grandchildren are very obedient and just waited.

But such a wait is ten thousand years! How many ancestors did you know?

Anyway, Zhao Shu had no idea, he felt that he could live long enough ...

At that time, no matter what chance it is, you can't get it, but the magical spirit is close to your eyes and within reach.

It ’s not worthwhile to miss the immediate benefits for something I do n’t know ...

Moreover, Lin Fei rarely makes a fool. If he misses this opportunity, he will not know when next time ...

Seeing Zhao Shu's constipation-like entanglement in this face, Lin Fei impatiently said: "I haven't thought about it yet, if you don't want me, you can just leave it by yourself, and I just want to prepare for the next phase of magic."

Fa-phase magic weapon!

Hearing this time, Zhao Shu could almost imagine that he had achieved the Fa, and that he was invincible with such magic weapons.


This fragment has been passed down for thousands of years, and I do not know how many generations of ancestors have experienced. When the Qingwangcheng was the weakest, I did not think about trading. This has long become a symbol.

If you were in the hands of outsiders when you were the most powerful in the Blue King City, how could you still face the ancestors?

"If you don't change, don't change, don't change if you say no! Ask no more than ten thousand times!" Zhao Shu turned almost tragically, but the fragment appeared in the palm of his hand, but the pinch was tight. Hand it over.

But he was firm in his heart. When he returned to Qingwang City, he must turn over the treasures to make up for the treasures he lost to uphold the dignity of Qingwang City.

Lin Fei took out another wooden sword, put it with the magic weapon Yuanling, and looked at Zhao Shu meaningfully: "Replace your piece with two pieces, this is my bottom line, it's almost OK, young Do n’t be too greedy. "

Zhao Shu looked at two things at the same time, and immediately took a breath, almost breathless.

Looking up at Lin Fei, his eyes were full of shock.

You just want to make me sorry for my ancestors?

This time Zhao Shu stayed for a long time before finally speaking, and his voice was almost weak: "I won't change, take these things away! I'm a magnificent king city, no blasphemy!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised this time. He couldn't see that Zhao Shu was so sturdy. He smiled. Sure enough, he put away these things, but he could see Zhao Shu's mouth twitching.

Then just about to speak, Zhao Shu shouted like a fright: "Don't change my words, don't force me to turn my face!"

Lin Fei was stunned for a while, and said: "Of course it's up to you to decide whether or not to change. I didn't force you, don't be stressed."

"I have no pressure!"

"Don't be excited."

"I'm not excited!"

"Fine, I know." Lin Fei smiled indifferently: "I mean now Lei Haiping is calm, it's time to find the two little devil heads. In any case, they should first escape and give a statement. . "

Zhao Shu suddenly recovered from the excitement, and then felt the pain between the chest and the abdomen. These were all the injuries that were left when he was entangled with the ghost emperor. They were all left for the little demon two as shields.

Now even new hatreds and old hates poured into my heart, and he gritted his teeth and said: "When I meet again, I will make them regret!"

But Li Beixing interjected: "How do you regret them?"

"It's your business." Zhao Shu glared coldly at him. In his heart, if it weren't for Lin Fei, Li Beixing was not worthy to be with him.

"Oh, then we will wait and see." Li Beixing smiled without fear. His escape technique was not covered. Can he still run? It is impossible for Zhao Shu to chase him to the end of the world?

"Okay, don't quarrel, come with me." Lin Fei threw a sentence, and then walked away.

Zhao Shudeng was not dissatisfied with Lin Fei's orders, and he followed up later.

If Zhao Shu didn't accept anyone before, but now, the scene of Lin Fei's massacre of the Ghost Emperor has been deeply in his mind, and he is lingering.

In the final analysis, Zhao Shu is just arrogant and not stupid. Since Lin Fei can slaughter the ghost emperor, he is better than himself. At this time, it is honest to keep up with it. To be brave is to be stupid.

Although the Lei Hai restored calmness, it seemed to have no margins. The same scenery was seen up, down, left, and right. Lin Fei was leading the way, turning to escape light for half an hour, and there was no difference in surroundings, but Lin Fei But it seems to have a goal, without stopping.

It is said that when a few people entered the thunderstorm, although the area was large, they could still see the boundaries, but by now, it is obvious that this space has been affected by the **** stone and has been transformed beyond recognition.

Finally, the surrounding scenery changed, and Lei Hai was gradually left behind. The surrounding scenery was already normal, but suddenly became hot ...

And Lin Fei's face also became ugly.

"Damn, it really is this. Whoever gave Shenshi's idea was insidious!" Lin Fei looked at the harsh red scare in the distance.

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