"Uncle Master, I really don't have humility, you wait, I will find a witness for you!" The little devil was anxious and suddenly moved his heart. Anyway, there are so many people involved in this matter, just find one that can prove to yourself .

Of course, the best thing is that Lin Fei will show up in person. Then the truth will come out.

Little Devil looked around quickly, but found that Lin Fei had disappeared long ago. Although he had some expectations, he was still half cold.

By the way, Li Beixing!

The two guys were mixed, and it was the same to find him.

Thinking of this, the little devil hurriedly looked towards the earth. He clearly remembered that when the battle was fierce, several of them fled, and Li Beixing buried himself on the spot to hide.


"Why not!" Little Devil's head was surprised, and he saw that Li Beixing was hiding in the rubble pile. At this time, a piece was pulled away. It was obvious that someone had been hiding there, but now the people inside are missing.

However, this time, the escape of Zhao Shu and Guizi came to the front.

When the little devil saw him, he was so overjoyed that the two escapes had just stopped, and the little devil could not wait to say: "Two brothers and three uncles may have misunderstood me, so it is my credit for this. You hurry. Explain to the three uncles. "

"Explanation?" Zhao Shu stunned slightly, and then looked at the three opposite phases, blinking kung fu, thousands of thoughts flashed in his heart, suddenly looked at him in the hopeful eyes of the little devil, and he smiled and said: " Brother, do n’t ridicule me. Of the few of us, you are the strongest and most prestigious. Naturally, you are the first to do! "

"Ah?" The little devil stunned slightly, and quickly waved his hand: "I don't mean that, you can tell the truth, and make clear Lin Fei's credit."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Shu was puzzled and said: "Brother, are you kidding me? Although Lin Fei is powerful, but his single-handed ability is limited, how can it be compared to you?"

The little devil's head suddenly reacted. Zhao Shu was pretending to be stupid. His face turned red. He pointed at Zhao Shu with his fingers, and his fingers were shaking. "I'm sorry for you, so you hurt me so much!"

"Brother, what's wrong with you? I'm telling the truth." Zhao Shu was still confused, as if he couldn't understand why the little devil was angry.

But the little devil had no time to tangle with him, and immediately turned his head to look at the devil, and when he raised his hand, he held the devil's hand tightly, as if he had caught the last life-saving straw, and he looked forward to his face, "Devil Master, you You have been with me for the longest time at all, and you know this all the best, so you should make it clear to Master Uncle. "

A trace of hesitation flashed on Guizi's face, followed, and his face became firm, and he pulled his hand out of the small devil's hand, and suddenly looked at the three phases, and said with a voice: "This is all the credit of Brother Xiaomoto! "

When the words fell, the little devil's face became pale. In the eyes of the devil, it was incredible. I couldn't believe that the devil who had been working with him for the longest time actually betrayed himself.

The devil seemed to be intolerant, but he turned his head, but secretly said: "This thing is obviously too greasy. None of the three phases are people on our side. You are the tallest. Let me give you a head first! I owe you a favor. "

Hearing this, the little devil was crying.

It turns out that you also know that it's greasy!

Then you still pit me!

What's wrong with being tall? It ’s not my fault to be tall! The tall man is also human! I ’m tall and I ’ve been practicing hard because of sleeplessness.

Just because you do n’t practice well, I ’m going to be unlucky? There is no such truth in the world!

For a moment, the little devil wanted to cry without tears, and for the first time regretted that the practice was too fast.

The master is right, Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it, how can I not listen!

The little devil head regretted it. At this point, the matter was already clear. The three old guys apparently deliberately put themselves on the fire to divert their attention. He did not expect the three old guys to let themselves go, only hoping to wait until the matter Do n’t be too angry, Lin Fei, let yourself go ...


Lin Fei originally robbed the head of Black Mountain and seemed to like treasures very much?

If he presents many treasures, when he comes to the door, maybe he will let him go?

Thinking of this, the little devil's head suddenly lit up as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

But the problem is that in order to cope with the crisis, I have few collections left ...

The little devil touched the empty storage bag and frowned. Lin Fei's appetite was very big. In a hurry, how could he make up the bribe?

But soon, he seemed to think of something, his eyebrows were suddenly released, and his eyes circulated, and finally he looked at the disciples in the head of Black Mountain.

Although I do n’t have one, others have ...

With so many people working together, should I fill Lin Fei's appetite?

With a decision in his heart, he did not delay. He looked directly at the three Fas who were talking about something. Although he knew that the three had pitted himself, there was no resentment on his face, but he smiled respectfully and said: Minor things, do n’t bother the teachers and uncles. In fact, the Shenshi is the key. It ’s just that the disciples of the Montenegro have a lot of hands. In case anyone has something that involves the Shenshi, it may delay the major events. The clue to the Shenshi should be handed over to the three uncles for safekeeping ... "

The three Dharma ministers stopped talking and looked at each other. They were all amazed. They didn't expect the little devil to be so insightful.

They took the risk to intercept the messages of the real people of Gu Yue, and tried their best to deploy a large array. When it was time to harvest, the Shenshi was missing, which was the most difficult thing for them.

What they have just discussed is about the trace of the **** stone.

Nowadays, I almost want to search the disciples one by one, but the three of them are the heads of the seven major factions anyway.

Today, the little devil is mainly in his early stages, but it solves this problem for three people ...

With a beard, Liufeng Mountain nodded solemnly and said: "The teacher and nephew really are far-sighted. If the **** stone falls into the hands of the disciples, they don't know what will happen, then this matter will bother the teacher and nephew.

When the little devil heard the words, his smile grew stronger, and he paid tribute to the three.

But when he turned his head and scanned the many disciples on the ground, his fat face was already full of majesty.

Under the eyes of many eyes, he transported his mana, and Hong Sheng spread it to the ears of every disciple present: "By the orders of the three leaders, I am responsible for finding hidden dangers of the **** stones.

The words fell, and the disciples burst into the pot.

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