Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1136: Pop out of the stone

I have to say that the old man has a good eye, and at a glance he sees the potential of the big tree and the eighteenth layer of hell, but Lin Fei has some headaches.

Although this eighteen layers of **** with uninterrupted communication in various circles will have unlimited achievements after maturity, this entire process requires a lot of time and resources.

And this process may run through Lin Fei's practice.

It is said that the 18 big worlds are bred, and the process is not too long to be wronged, but Lin Fei has too much to do, but he does not have enough time to wait for the 18 layers of **** to grow slowly.

Therefore, Lin Fei pays so much attention to this pearl in his opponent ...

After all, this pearl was transformed by Lu Qi's Taoism, and the 18th **** was transformed by Lu Qi's immortality. Two things came out of the same origin, as long as the 18th **** is fed with pearls The maturation process of shrinking eighteen layers of hell.

This pearl is completely invaluable to Lin Fei, no matter how valuable it is, Lin Fei cannot sell it.

Lin Fei felt the round touch of the pearl in his hand and exhaled gently. If the pearl seemed to move, a ray of lingering smoke suddenly floated on it, and as soon as it appeared, it went to the eighteenth layer of **** ...

Sure enough, the moment when the eighteenth **** was in contact with the smoke, there was an immediate change ...

Rumble ...

In the eighteenth layer of hell, the sound like a dull thunder continued to sound, and the edge of the eighteenth layer of **** began to spread outward, and the misty edge of the edge was surging.

For a moment, this scene seemed to be groundbreaking.

In this process, Lin Fei also focused on observation, followed by some disappointed discovery, this time during the growth of the eighteen layers of hell, no new footage appeared.

This is a pity. It was the picture that the fairy had gone through. It seems that as the eighteenth layer of **** gradually matures, the part that belongs to the fairy has begun to annihilate and assimilate.

And those pictures should be the product of this assimilation process.

Although no picture appeared, it also showed that as Lu Qi's last will passed away, the last faint link between Immortality and Lu Qi was truly annihilated, and the eighteenth layer of **** has since belonged to Lin Fei.

As for the things behind those pictures, you can learn from Zhao Minghai in the future ...

As the smoke grew more and more, the eighteen layers of **** also expanded in an orderly manner, and the pearls in Lin Fei's hands began to gradually become smaller, but the whole process was very slow ...

Lin Fei was not in a hurry, just stood there staring at the process.

After half a month ...

The pearl in Lin Fei's hands was already the size of a jujube core, and although it was still emitting smoke, it did not last long.

However, Lin Fei didn't care about this at this time. He suddenly moved his heart and left the pearl in place to continue to emit smoke. His long-standing body was slightly moved. The next moment, the whole person disappeared into the underworld.

"I depend, what is this." Lin Fei was surprised when he appeared under the waterfall again. The first thing he saw was a huge stone.

In the next moment, Lin Fei recognized that this stone was the magic stone transformed by Zhao Minghai.

It's just that the difference is too big ...

The magic stone originally made by Zhao Minghai was three feet square and the size of the grinding disc. Now this thing in front of Lin Fei is not so much a grinding disc as a giant rock.

The height of the giant rock is two people, and it seems to weigh at least a hundred tons. However, at this time, a crack appeared on the surface of the giant rock and expanded rapidly. After a while, the crack spread all over the whole rock.


Just listening to a loud noise, the rocks exploded and the gravel splashed, but when they hit Lin Fei, they all seemed to hit an invisible barrier and flew away.

Lin Fei didn't pay any attention to this. At this time, in the sky after the explosion, a figure slowly came out ...

As the figure was completely smoked, a familiar face appeared in front of Lin Fei.

"Why, look stupid?" Zhao Minghai stood tall, wearing a gray robe of the same color as Shenshi. At this time, he looked at Lin Fei with a wide smile, showing his white teeth.

"You jumped out of the stone?" Lin Fei said strangely.

"Oh, what a fuss, it's just a rebirth." Zhao Minghai laughed indifferently.

"That's not ..." Lin Fei shook his head, but remembered a legend a long time ago ...

But Lin Fei looked at Zhao Minghai, and left those messy thoughts behind ...

Zhao Minghai looks no different than before, but Lin Fei knows that he has been in a reborn process for half a month in Shenshi.

Although Zhao Minghai was strong before, even hard enough to fight against Lu Qi, in fact, it was a bit vain, completely made of the power of the God Stone, and the foundation was unstable. It can be said that there were great hidden dangers in him.

Even giving Lin Fei enough time and conditions, he was able to lay out the design and let Zhao Minghai fall to the point where the repair was completely lost.

But now, those hidden dangers have been completely eliminated. Zhao Minghai is no different from ordinary people, and even more perfect. The entire atmosphere is obscure, making it impossible for people to detect how deep their realm is and reach a point of perfection.

Lin Fei glanced a few times and found that he could not see through him ...

To be able to do this, it is due to the suppression of absolute realm gaps.

Fa Fa can't do this in front of Lin Fei. As for Fa Fa, it's the real body ...

"After suffering for tens of thousands of years, he finally achieved his merits and congratulations." Lin Fei did not see the excitement of the senior monk, but nodded to Zhao Minghai indifferently.

"Oh, you kid, it's weird ..." Zhao Minghai was a little stunned. Obviously Lin Fei was so calm, but then thought about it, maybe Lin Fei didn't understand the difference between the two. At this point, it is worth the distance for a disciple like a little devil to work for a lifetime.

But as Lin Fei said, he has been suffering for tens of thousands of years in order to achieve this step, and his heart has long been flattened. Now facing Lin Fei, there is no boring thought of arrogance. He just smiled and said: "Thanks If you are lost, otherwise, I may have to stay in it for another thousand years.

"Thank you so much." Lin Fei didn't mean to be humble, so he just accepted it, followed, and suddenly laughed: "I don't know if I want to use this favor now, can I?"

"Huh?" Zhao Minghai froze for a moment, but Lin Fei was so simple. After a while, he was a little curious and said: "Do you know my love value geometry? Forget it, it seems that you are really anxious, Tell me about it. "

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