But what is the benefit, Lin Fei has no idea ...

"Go." Lin Fei didn't know what to think about, just let it go, no matter what would happen, I'll know it later.

I saw Lin Feigang just let go, and the stone shouted, breaking up into the air, and rushed into the eighteenth layer of **** at the next moment.

It seems to have a goal. It was to find the fastest mature volcanic **** quickly. It took root as soon as it fell to the ground, and began to quickly absorb the essence of hell. It seemed like a dry sponge, which caused the sky to be rough.

Lin Fei was not in a hurry to see the loss of essence, but just watched all this carefully. For the eighteenth layer of hell, this kind of essence is nothing, and all this is still under his control. If there is any difference Change, big deal to force out the Shenshi.

However, this process did not last long. Soon, the speed of Shenshi's absorption of essence was slowed down, and followed, it was actually vomiting out, and for a while, it actually established a cycle with the eighteenth layer of hell. The **** stone sucked up, as if something was conceived ...

However, Lin Fei's face became a little weird. He looked at the breathless **** stone and said to himself, "Is it a stone or an egg? Willn't we raise a ghost tire in the end? Won't a monkey pop out?" Right? "

Although it was doubtful, Lin Feidou did not mean to exclude it.

The eighteenth layer of **** is full of spirituality, and it will naturally reject things that are bad. Now it can be harmonious with God Stone, which itself shows that it is good for it.

Lin Fei stepped out of the head of the Black Mountain one step at a time, and heard the thunder of the rumbling waterfall in his ear, but his heart was full of thoughts.

This trip to the Black Mountain can be said to have gained a lot. First, he got eighteen layers of hell, and he merged with the space of Taoism, saving thousands of years of maturity of the eighteen layers of hell. many.

But the most important thing is the little **** stone.

Although I don't know the specific benefits, the once-used Shenshi was enshrined by the Xuanyin Sect for ten thousand years, and later it gave birth to Zhao Minghai.

Although this little **** stone looks very immature, Lin Fei is quite looking forward to its future.

Besides ...

Lin Fei's consciousness swept the light spot in the soul of the god, the light spot was very weak, like a little firefly in the dark, but Lin Fei knew that as long as he crushed it, there would be a real body level coming out .

Only Lin Fei could not understand why Zhao Minghai left this spot.

The relationship between the two alone is not enough for Zhao Minghai to do this.

However, these things are not under the control of Lin Fei, and they do not have to spend too much energy on them.

Now that Lin Fei has resumed cultivation, then his goal of coming to the top of Heishan can be achieved.

At that time in the Xuanwu Realm, Lin Fei knew about the legacy of the Tianji School, including three treasure houses distributed in the Luofu Realm and the Dragon Bone Realm. According to the giant stone, there are countless treasures, there are many gold objects, and even There is a true golden vein of mysterious fire!

The most important thing is that in that treasure house, there is also the Xinghe sword immortal, which is a sword book left by Yinfeng Zhenren.

After listening to Zhao Minghai ’s experience, Lin Fei became more and more blind to his ancestor, and he did n’t know what was hiding behind his madness. Lin Fei was quite right about that sword book. interested.

However, the treasure trove is still in the Dragon Bone Realm, and in front of the Fo Li Realm, it also has one of the most important inheritances of the Tianji School ...

That's the half-step congenital realm of self-compatibility ...

His free array not only brews thousands of sword arrays, but also condenses extremely pure swordsmanship, the most important thing is that it also contains a congenital golden spirit!

If it can be refined, Lin Fei can have eight basic sword qi, which can not only broaden his path of cultivation of thousands of sword tactics, but also bring the improvement of the basic combat power.

Now that the seven swords are one, you can suppress all Jindan. If the eight swords are one, the power will rise more than one layer.

For Lin Fei, who cultivated the Ten Thousand Sword Skills, he was no less valuable than any ancient treasure house.

It is only after the experience of the Black Mountain that Lin Fei has gained a lot, but because of the God Stone, he has offended many people and entered the sight of the high ranks of the seven major factions. The forces of the seven major factions spread all over the world. Next Lin Fei will be traced.

In this way, it is a bit difficult to act ...

Thinking of this, Lin Fei suddenly moved his heart and looked at the source of the waterfall. Above the Wanzhang Waterfall was a torrential river. At this time, the intense aura wave was coming, and even the waterfall was weakened by three points. .


Lin Fei frowned. He left Li Beixing out of Heishantou. When he came to retreat here, he also used the rich water spirit power in the waterfall to lay out his formation to protect Li Beixing in the formation.

Generally speaking, even if the two Jin Dan attacked at the same time with nine turns, Li Beixing could resist with the big formation.

This lineup is luxurious enough even if it is placed in the top of Montenegro.

Moreover, the ghost place in Heishantou was originally abnormal, and Jin Dan was everywhere. Occasionally, there were several Jin Dan nine turns, but in fact, this situation was extremely abnormal.

In Fo Lili, Jindan Jiuzhuan is already the leader of the small and medium sect, and it is definitely a true disciple of the real power in the seven sect.

This kind of existence is generally busy with practice, or it's just that there are sectarian affairs, and who will be idle and fooling around the world, just happen to be here.

This chance is really small ...

But now, Lin Fei feels really bad luck ...

Now the momentum of the waterfall is weakening, indicating that his formation has been fatally damaged, and even the largest water vein in the vicinity of thousands of miles has been affected ...

This only shows that the foundations of the Great Array are shaking, and Li Beixing, the leader of the Array, may not be in good condition.

At the same time, on the torrential river, Li Beixing was surrounded by misty water vapor, and endless water vapor was continuously supplied from the river underneath. This is precisely the Jiuchuan Water Spirit Array under Lin Fei, which is backed by the largest water veins here The offense may not be enough, but the defense is solid.

But Li Beixing looked ugly when he saw a group of people opposite him. At this time, his mood was similar to Lin Fei, and he was extremely speechless about his luck.

When he first took over the battle, he thought he was just making a soy sauce calmly. Who knows that he met the stunned group of people across from him.

There are dozens of people across the age, and there is indeed no Jindan nine turn, but there is a French monk!

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