Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1152: Untraceable

Now the devil has said nothing for a long time, and his mouth is dry. However, the old face of the old man has no waves, and his breath is weak, almost nothing. I don't know that he has passed away.

However, the devil knows that this is a manifestation of practicing the practice of ghost cultivation to a high level, but after waiting for so long, seeing the old man still not speaking, he hesitated a little and asked, "Master, Lin Fei disappeared with Shenshi, how are we deal with?"

After a long while, Guilao finally spoke slowly, his voice hoarse: "Someone ignore it."

The devil was surprised: "But what about the **** stone?"

Guilao said: "Those who don't need you to worry about, go."

The devil hesitated for a moment, and wanted to say something, but when he finished speaking, he kept silent. He had to swallow his words in his stomach, got up and gave a respectful salute, and went out.

Perhaps it was due to the heavy ghost spirit. The dark clouds over the ghost old mountain were thick, and the wind was roaring, which rang the hunting of his clothes.

He walked a few steps with ease, and then went outside the cave. His eyes were suddenly bright, and he reached a protruding cliff.

Looking down, it is a jagged mountain that stretches for thousands of miles.

Numerous caves were artificially dug out on each mountain peak, which was the cultivation place of the disciples of Guilaoshan.

Only the caves of Guilao are different. In addition to the hundreds of long-standing coffins, the location is the highest in Guilaoshan. At this time, the devil is standing here and looking down, you can see the panoramic view of the mountain.

I saw a lot of disciples traveling in and out of the cave, a busy scene, and from time to time there will be several streamers soaring to the sky, leaving the ghost old mountain.

The devil looked at the stream of light and knew that they were following the dispatch and went to collect the aura node.

Everything about the catastrophe, he only knew suddenly after returning from the head of Montenegro ...

The outbreak of this catastrophe is extremely abrupt, and the scale will be the strongest in ten thousand years. Even the seven major parties need to cooperate to cope with this war.

Nowadays, the whole school is working hard from top to bottom, and even the ghost and old man can't shut themselves down, they are preparing to resist.

"Is it because of this?" Guizi murmured in some doubt. Before he went to the top of the Black Mountain, Guilao repeatedly asked him to bring God Stone back, but since he came back, Guilao seemed to lose interest in God Stone, even Lin Fei didn't care.

The only possibility is that under the pressure of this catastrophe, he has no energy to distract ...

If this is the case, then you really do n’t have to worry about Lin Fei ...

After all, this kind of catastrophe didn't even dare to say that he could survive. Lin Fei, a Jindan monk who offended the seven major schools, was undoubtedly in a more difficult situation.

If you are close to luck and fall near the outbreak of the catastrophe, you may fall at the beginning.

Thinking of this, the devil shook his head, Lin Fei had nothing to do with his own affairs, and now it is better to practice peacefully ...

As the devil left the cliff and returned to his cave, the old ghost suddenly opened his eyes, but under his eyelids, there were no eyes, only two dark, empty eyes, which made people creepy.

And Gui Lao stared at the void with empty eyes, and looked at it for a long time, as if he could really see what ...

After a while, he suddenly moved slightly, and a look of doubt appeared on his face: "No? It shouldn't be. Is it out of this world, impossible?"

I was about to continue to look at it. Suddenly, the huge coffin under his seat was violently shaken a few times, and the roar of fierce roar came from inside, as if there was something murderous in it, coming out of the coffin. .

The whole ghost shook with the coffin, but he didn't seem to be surprised. On the contrary, a sharp expression appeared on his face. The dark eyes were even darker, as if he could swallow all the light.

He raised his hand and slapped **** the coffin, only to hear a "bang" loud noise, the roaring roar in the coffin suddenly disappeared, and the coffin plate that had just cracked a crack was suddenly closed.

Gui Lao snorted, closed his eyelids, and the whole person was still motionless again. He suddenly threw Lin Fei behind his head. The thin and shriveled body lay on the coffin, but it suppressed the **** like the Yin King.

At the same time, Lin Fei stopped in the air and suddenly smiled inexplicably. He said to himself: "Sneaky, is it impossible to repair?"

Li Beixing, who was also stopped next to him, was puzzled and said, "What do you say."

Lin Fei shook his head and said: "Nothing, right, is the Lingyue School so far? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Speaking of this, Li Beixing suddenly frowned and pointed to the front. A mountain with aura and spirit was visible in the distance, sighing: "That's there, but our Lingyue School is nothing but a refiner, it's really nothing good-looking, and everyone in the school is timid It ’s very, definitely not welcome us, so do n’t go. "

Lin Fei smiled and said, "Come all here, not halfway."

Seeing Lin Fei's resolute attitude, Li Beixing's face suddenly felt bitter. As he said, the Lingyue faction is famous for its refinery and its fighting power is average, so the whole faction is invincible and unwilling to provoke right and wrong.

Now he has provoked so many schools, I am afraid that the whole school has no good face for him now. If it is more serious, I am afraid that he will be taken down on the spot and sent to the seven major schools for questioning.

He persuaded Lin Fei all the way, and now it seems that they are all talking in vain ...

Lin Fei no longer ignored him, but instead turned to escape light, and hurried away towards the Lingshan Mountain. Li Beixing sighed in the back and had to follow.

Soon he arrived near Lingshan, but Lin Fei did not enter immediately, but hung in the air, looking at the whole picture of the mountain.

The whole mountain was surrounded by fog, making people unclear about the overall appearance, but under the guidance of Li Beixing, Lin Fei saw that a large open space was opened at the mountainside with the strongest aura of the mountain, and the platform was towering Cui, Gaoge Yulou, disciples often control all kinds of magical tools and magical powers, accompanied by cranes flying through the clouds, the breeze Xulai, a style of fairyland.

It must be said that the Lingyue School and other martial arts martial arts also have advantages, that is, the spirit stones and various treasures are particularly wealthy.

Speaking of a bit sour, the Yu Hengfeng where Lin Fei is at any rate also asked Jianzong where he belonged. The status does not know how much the Lingyue faction was strong. However, this imposing layout cannot kill the old Taoist priests. Lin Fei is still self-reliant till now, and nobody said it ...

Thinking of this, Lin Fei shook his head helplessly, no longer thinking about it, and planned to leave.

Li Beixing was anxious in his heart, and he just wanted to persuade him again, but Lin Fei suddenly stopped and looked at the cloud, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

Li Beixing also looked at it, suddenly stunned.

At this time, I saw a figure appearing faintly from the spiritual fog on the mountainside, and still beckoning desperately to the two.

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