Five Fuzhuan is not as simple as a half-spirit Yue school, but can support a refining school with a status of only one under the seven major parties, and a hegemonic level ...

The head suddenly glared at Li Beixing and slapped it slap on his head: "You kid, you already know whether it is! You dare to hide from being a teacher, have you put it as a teacher? In your eyes? "

"The disciple didn't dare to disciple ..." Li Beixing accosted, seeing his master seem to blame the actual rejoicing, after all, he didn't dare to tell Lin Fei about the nine seals.

However, at this time, Lin Fei's situation was not very smooth ...

During his busy schedule, he realized that the head was going to shoot, so he had to use five seals to break his thoughts ...

It ’s not really about pretending to be successful, mainly because Lin Fei knew that as long as the head shot, the situation could not be cleared up.

The problem lies with the patriarch's body ...

In his later years, the ancestor had to train himself into a zombie. Those crimson stripes are one of the means of refining.

Once successful, the patriarch could not only retain his cultivation practice, he might even be able to achieve the existence of the corpse emperor in one fell swoop, and most importantly, he could retain some intelligence.

At that time, the patriarch was also considered a rebirth.

But obviously, the patriarch failed in the end, and his body was turned into a zombie-like murderous creature, and his disciples were kept in this extremely sunny place and restrained.

This approach is also correct. Zombies are originally extremely yin things, and they will slowly disappear into smoke in the extremely sun land for many years.

But now, the patriarch's body is not only weakened, but more powerful ...

The reason is also very simple. As a refining sect, after the ancestor's body is imprisoned, future generations of disciples must also try to refine the ancestor's body. Looking at the master's method of consuming one's own life, it must have been passed down from generation to generation.

Suppressing zombies with Shouyuan and other pure yangs ca n’t be wrong, but it ’s not dead, every one of the refiners is not willing to spend too much Shouyuan, the restraint effect is limited, but it is inadvertently nurturing Patriarch's body.

If it's one or two, it doesn't matter, but it will be terrifying if so many generations come down.

Lin Fei started to realize that the patriarch's body has undergone essential changes between subtle and imperceptible. Not only does he not be afraid of the restraint of the extreme sun, but at the same time he can devour the yang and grow in ignorance ...

If it is left unattended, in another tens of thousands of years, there may indeed be a corpse emperor with a body of Yin and Yang!

Now even if the master consumes a lot of life yuan at once, it is useless, but it will greatly speed up the process. Every time the master's repression is to drink thirst to quench thirst.

However, Lin Fei is too late to explain, he can only guarantee that the head will not interfere, even if he finally consumes himself to death, it is impossible to practice this magic weapon, but to help the ancestors become enlightened.

However, when Lin Fei discovered these things, everything was irreparable.

The ancestor was nourished by the pure Yang Shouyuan of the stranger, and himself was a very yin thing, and became a very rare thing with both yin and yang. Lin Fei's Taiyi sword gas and other means of restraining ghosts were all invalid.

Even Lin Fei was unable to get everything back on track at this time. After trying his best, he had to make mistakes and simply train him into alien zombies and drought!

Born drought, yin and yang, out of the dry land thousands of miles, sleep is ghostly life.

It's just that this kind of legendary thing, Lin Fei has never seen it himself, and the whole process has to take no small risks ...

However, the patriarch seemed to be aware of the imminent crisis. Although the limbs and head were nailed to death by five seals, he began to struggle continuously. His body seemed to be made of Vajra, boundless, and bound to his body All the gold chains of the gods were cracked by the earning click, as if they would be broken the next moment.

After making a decision, Lin Fei carried the Heavenly Buddhism in an orderly manner, and the sky and the seals flew out, but they were not used to deal with the ancestors, but floated to the thick chain and merged into it ...

Following, I saw the strange red seal on the red chain, which was about to be broken, but now it suddenly became extremely strong. No matter how the ancestor struggled, it could not be shaken for a moment.

But the head of the ground is still worried, and it can be seen that Lin Fei is not easy to suppress.

When he was hesitating whether he would help with the crackdown, he suddenly froze, an unbelievable look on his face.

I saw the top of the volcano, Lin Fei took a breath and expelled the remaining four golden seals, like four golden nails, deeply nailed into the forehead of the patriarch's body!

Lin Fei pinched the printing tactics and looked dignified. Now, the whole process has reached the most important step. He wants to destroy the ignorance of the ancestor.

Once eradicated, the patriarch's body will become a real treasure-making material and be left to your disposal.

However, although this mentality is weak, it is ultimately for the corpse emperor. After a long time, it has been very tough. This process may take a long time ...

With the nine-character mantra and the full operation of the Heavenly Buddhism, the patriarch's body was nailed to the body's crypts, unable to struggle, and slowly sinking into the magma. Lin Fei sat on the side with his eyes closed, still in motion.

The magma was like a tide of wind, and Lin Fei was submerged.

Seeing Lin Fei engulfed by magma, Li Beixing breathed a sigh of relief, indicating that the refining process came to an end.

But the head was frozen, and he didn't move for a long time, but his heart was like turning over the river ...

If you read it right, just now, Lin Fei used four more seals ...

That's a total of nine ...

The head of the head was full of thoughts. After a long while, he turned back and turned his head, staring at Li Beixing for a long time, until Li Beixing's heart was a little hairy, and the smile on the face of the palm was slowly smiling. He slapped him on the shoulder and said, "It's a good job."

"Ah?" Li Beixing froze for a moment, but he hadn't waited to speak, but he saw the head turned around and left the place alone with his hands behind, but the figure seemed a bit relaxed ...

Li Beixing watched the leader leave, scratched his head, and looked at Lin Fei, who was submerged in magma, and sat cross-legged on the spot, practicing with the help of the rich flame aura ...

This is the depths of the ground, and it seems to be very quiet. Except for a few bubbles that pop up from the top of the magma from time to time, there is no sound, and the head of the magpie will come to see the situation from time to time. Other than that, there is no change anymore, as if it can keep on being old ...

Suddenly, two months later ...

The four figures stood in the sky and stood above the Lingyue School, looking down on the whole picture of their feet.

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