After two months of sleepless work, even Lin Fei was tired, and he did n’t want to ignore the yelling of these people. Anyway, that magic weapon was originally a task assigned by the Seven Majors. Lin Fei was confident, as long as Putting out the magic weapon, even if Gu Yue is in person, you must shut up.

As for these little ones, let the head of the team come forward and pass it.

However, the head of the gate stayed in the cave for two months. After seeing the scene of Lin Fei's success, he did not know what the stimulus was. He jumped into the volcano on the spot and claimed to start retreat.

No way, Lin Fei had to come out and deal with it ...

But after a while, Lin Fei's spirit recovered a bit, he glanced casually, and saw the pale fat face of the little devil, nodded and said: "It's so coincident, I met again."

"Yes, yeah, what a coincidence ..." The little devil hides, hiding a smile that is uglier than crying.

"Bold!" Uncle Zhong stood up, squinted at Lin Fei, and his fat face was full of gloomy words: "Is it that you attacked the Three Demon Sect Messengers? You can't find death!"

Lin Fei ignored him, but looked at the little devil and gestured: "He is with you?"

"No, no, we just happened to meet on the road ..." The little devil shook his head quickly, stepped back, and drew a line with Uncle Zhong.

"That's it." Lin Fei nodded, and then looked at Uncle Zhong and the two Jin Dan monks behind him, and said, "Then you go together?"

"Crazy!" Uncle Zhong shouted angrily. Although it was irresistible, but he didn't carelessly. His hands pinched a seal tactic very quickly, and a gust of wind blew, followed, and a demon head condensed out.

This is not over yet. There are two Jin Dan nine-turn helpers behind him. Although they have no hope of entering the realm, they have stayed in this realm for hundreds of years. The accumulation is extremely profound, and the exercises come from the same origin as Uncle Zhong, Together, the power is even greater.

They directly infused the true element into the demon head, and saw that the demon head suddenly rose, the whole became more than half larger, and the surface was black and bright, like **** gold refining, with a solemn and heavy momentum , Headed down to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't even move, just took a light breath, but spit it out, most people didn't feel it, the strange heat in the air was suddenly strong and strong ...

Just before the devil was about to smash down, Lin Fei suddenly burst into a vicious air, as if a fierce beast from the wildness breathed out, and then the fierce demon head slammed away.

However, before the demon head flew far, he was caught by a hand with crimson runes.

The palm actually stretched out from the void in front of Lin Fei. In this scenario, it seemed that someone had shot from the other end of the void.

Click ...

With a squeeze of the palm of your hand, a crack appeared on the surface of the devil's head. With a crisp sound of breaking, the devil's head was actually crushed and turned into small bits and pieces.

"What's this?" Uncle Zhong was a little suspicious, looking at the strange arm stretched out in the void, but his heart was a bit cold.

Seeing the arm, the little devil swallowed a spit, only to feel that his decision was indeed correct. If there was no way to help him, Lin Fei turned around and ran.

Despite this, he still had a bad hunch in his heart, and suddenly took a few steps backward quietly, and completely separated from Uncle Zhong.


In the void, a thin figure came out slowly. There was no hair on his whole body. The surface of his skin was covered with red runes, and there was a faint golden light flowing in the pattern. This pattern finally gathered above his head and became a blooming sky. The shape of a lotus is wild and beautiful but weird.

Moreover, his eyes have no white eyes and are completely occupied by pure black, which also has crimson lines and golden light.

This is exactly the ancestor's body that Lin Fei spent more than two months to refining, but after refining, although it has some traits of drought, it is slightly different from the legendary drought shape. When the refining was completed, even Lin Fei didn't know what it was.

However, there is no doubt that this ancestor's body is extremely powerful, and Lin Fei's ethereal sword attack can't cause serious injuries.

Only Lin Fei is not sure, where is the upper limit of the patriarch's body.

Now, you can try ...

A move in Lin Fei's heart, the sculptor's body that stood still like a sculpture, moved a bit stiffly forward, and in the pure black eyes, dense blood marks and golden light appeared, which seemed very strange.

Suddenly he opened his mouth, the surrounding space suddenly became extremely hot, the lush spirit plant began to wither, and the aura merged into a hurricane, pouring into his mouth!

"Do it!" Uncle Zhong stared closely at the strange zombie from the beginning, but the pressure was increasing. At this time, when he saw this thing looting the aura, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer. The whole person turned into a black light, pinching the tactics in his hand, and rushed away.

"Zhou Xian, you dare to escape!" At this time, Yu Guang happened to see the figure of the little devil quietly retreating, and suddenly angered and stopped, but his figure could not be stopped, he could only continue to rush on.

Although the little devil heard this rebuke, he pouted his lips, not only did not mean to play, but took a step back.

Nonsense, Lin Fei had a profit at first glance. At this time, it was useless to remove the dead, and leaving it may save your life at a critical moment ...


At this time, the three elders other than the little devil joined forces to produce a ghost image of a devil with a size of more than ten feet, which collided with the patriarch's body. The knife swept away, and the elder Chuangong quickly shot to protect the onlookers of the Lingyue School.


At this time, the patriarch absorbed nearly half of the spirits of the Lingyue School, and a crystal wall was formed on the surface of the body. At this time, the crystal wall was broken under the collision, but the patriarch had no damage, and he slowly moved a few times. Gradually become flexible.

As if that blow just now, just adjusting to the body ...

噔 噔!

The collision just broke out, but the uncle Zhong Shi and others did not take it so easily. The three of them were shocked back a dozen steps and printed deep footprints on the ground.

When the last step fell, the three looked at each other, all in horror.

All three of them said that Jin Dan had nine turns. He just tried his best and was repelled.

What is this zombie?

However, at this time, they had too little time to think, because after the ancestor's body gently moved a few joints, the soles of the feet slammed the ground like an arrow off the string, with a strong wind, and rushed towards the three people. .

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