Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1170: How to save

Boom ...

The sound of uninterrupted bombardment came, and the various auras exploded intensively, blasting the demons into broken limbs and arms, pushing more demons back, but in the depths of the canyon, there were black demons swarming their wings and swarming. In the formation, when they picked up the group and flew in the abyss, it was like forming a strange giant beast, with great pressure and creeping slowly, as if they could devour everything along the way.

Above the gorge, within a hundred miles, there are hundreds of disciples guarding, the lowest of them is also the realm of six lives, at this time, they are performing their duties, occupying dangerous places, and constantly casting spells and magic blocks to keep up. Hordes of demons.

However, it is different from intelligence. Although the situation is tense now, it seems that it can still be kept.

However, the little devil was too late to pay attention to this, he looked left and right, looking for Lin Fei's figure.

It stands to reason that Lin Fei should be right here, and it should not be difficult to find, but after a while, he discovered a fact that made people collapse.

Lin Fei is gone!

In a short while, he had killed four or five heads of demons that had not hit his eyes, but Lin Fei seemed to evaporate ...

The little devil's head is cold ...

It's a panacea, but it's still a problem ...

In fact, from the beginning, he knew that Lin Fei's style would not come from the net.

But I didn't expect that no matter how careful I was, Lin Fei disappeared under his eyes ...

It's just, what did Lin Fei struggle with?

He had just met Gu Yue, and everything was well discussed.

Isn't a normal person running when he knows this?

At the time of almost despair, suddenly a disciple came out from the abyss, and he ran fast and fast along the way. It was very fast. In a moment, he would collide with the little devil.

Little Devil didn't care about Lin Fei anymore, but stared at the disciple, his face ugly.

Over the years, the guards of Feng Mo Gorge have had rules.

The disciples have their own positions. If there is no order, they will not be allowed to leave their posts even if they die. In the current war, this disciple dares to leave. This is a taboo.

As the head of the disciple, the little demon head is naturally subject to strict control!

"Where should I run? Come here!" The little demon shouted, his fingers together, and a strong suction broke out in his palm. He immediately controlled the disciple to his side, and sneered coldly, "Who allows you to leave your duty?"

"Brother?" The disciple was shocked when he saw the little demon head, and then said a bit wrongly: "I didn't leave the post, but someone stopped the group of demons, and I couldn't get in, so I plan to take a step back. Block together, this is not against the rules ... "

"Someone stopped?" The little devil frowned, somewhat unbelieving, suspecting this disciple was cheating himself, and with his understanding, Feng Moxia had no such strong man.

However, he followed the disciple and looked at it, suddenly stunned.

In the extreme depths of Fengmo Gorge, hundreds of monsters formed a group, forming a group of extremely thick black, floating in the abyss, slowly and firmly falling into the abyss.

The scene was quite strange, but the little devil had seen it when he first came, and he didn't care too much at that time, but now when he looks again, he suddenly finds that in the center of this group of demon, there is a sword flashing by accident.

The style and breath in the shot gave him a very familiar feeling.

Lin Fei?

"Isn't it?" Xiao Mo's head was stunned, and he couldn't believe his eyes. However, before the fact, Lin Fei and Li Beixing were the ones who dragged the demon with their own strength!

It turned out that Lin Fei didn't run away, but was involved in the battle as soon as he came here.

Was he the gentleman's belly with his own heart?

For a moment, the little devil's face was a little unnatural.

At that moment, the disciple also reacted. The two came to the front and back of the little devil and marveled: "Senior brother, where did you hire the reinforcements from you? It was so brave, but it was a bit killing Far away, we can't keep up. "

"Cough, this is sent by the suzerain, eh? What's going on?" The little devil coughed awkwardly, and after looking at it, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

As the disciple said, unconsciously, Lin Fei and the group of demons have reached the depths of the abyss.

Then I suddenly remembered that I was too late to explain Lin Fei's precautions here. But in the abyss, but the space is extremely fragile. If one is not careful, it may penetrate into the space loophole and be lost forever.

It is because of the unstable space here, and the fact that the demon is not too much, there is no way to suppress it.

And the monsters have always been cunning, maybe these monsters are tempting Lin Fei into the abyss ...

"There is danger, come back!" In a hurry, the little devil shouted to remind.

But it seems a little late ...

As more and more demons held the group, the group of blacks became thicker and thicker, and gradually, Lin Fei's sword light was completely obscured and disappeared.

Surrounded by demons, Lin Fei fell further and further towards the bottom of the abyss. In a short moment, he fell below the limit. According to this trend, Lin Fei was completely saved ...

"This, shouldn't it ..." Seeing Lin Fei completely disappeared at the bottom of the abyss, the little devil suddenly stayed on the spot, his face unbelievable.

Lin Fei disappeared like this?

He once fought against the real body level in the top of Montenegro without dying, but now he will be dragged into a trap by a group of monsters that are not too strong?

No way?

However, the bottom of the magic gorge is indeed dangerous and abnormal. At first, there was a way to kill the demon completely, but it was easy to kill the bottom of the abyss, but it was found that there were space cracks everywhere. If you accidentally fell into a space loophole, you might No place to die!

Lin Fei is a golden pill. What can he do to get into such a dangerous place?

"Brother, shall we save?" The disciple beside him hesitated.

"Talked to my brain, how can I save this situation now?" A disdainful voice came, but it was not the little devil, but another disciple. Now Lin Fei led the demon to the bottom of the abyss. After the pressure was light, after solving a few demon, there was even time to watch.

Several disciples gathered to discuss, and they were not very optimistic about this situation. They had been guarding this place for some time. They knew that it was dangerous. The bottom of the abyss was a life-forbidden zone. Once it fell into it, it was almost sentenced to death ...

Someone has already suggested that the brothers help these two exceptionally brave brothers to say good things to them, get more compassion, and even some enthusiastic disciples want to give part of the credit to these two warriors and to their family descendants ...

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