How can I get to this point?

A few months ago, I was still a true disciple of the master of the dragon and the ghost domain. Although it is not as good as the top position of the three small devil heads, it is also a figure in the younger generation.

At this moment when such a catastrophe is about to erupt, he would have stayed with the master, and in front of a group of uncles, he was so powerful that he established himself as the heir in the Dragon Ghost Palace.

But now? But he was dispatched to guard this remote place, and even the disciples who were waiting to be sent were only dozens of people.

Compared with the scene where I clamored a while ago, this gap is too big ...

All this is to blame Li Beixing!

No, Li Beixing is just a character in front of the stage, which is caused by Lin Fei behind him!

Although in the later period of the Black Mountain, all the ghosts, ghosts, and spirits came out, and they had lost the qualification to compete for the God Stone, but they should be rewarded.

But it was these two sluts, who came to rob themselves one after another, and robbed themselves every time.

Gu Fei felt that he was simply a leek, and he cut a crop and a crop, and at the end, it seemed that he was working for them to take the risk of life and death.

In short, in the end, not only did he get nothing, but he lost a lot of money.

Although in the end the Dragon Ghost Domain descended on the top of the Black Mountain, it didn't help either. The two men ran far away.

This is fine, the worst thing is that after Master heard his experience, his attitude was a bit unconcerned ...

As everyone knows in the Dragon Ghost Palace, the Dragon Ghost Domain is willing to teach you a few words and look at you in your eyes. If you ignore it, you can basically pack up and get rid of it.

Although Gu Fei did not fall to the point of being out of business, the status of the true disciple's first person was in jeopardy, plus a few elders who were at odds with him, and was finally transferred here ...

It is said to guard the periphery of the Dragon Ghost Palace, but who dares to come to the site of the Dragon Ghost Palace? It's completely distributed to eat grass!

If there is no change, I am afraid that the days to go back are also far away ...

At the thought of this, Gu Fei sighed deeply. During this period of his absence, he may not know how those normally obedient teachers would jump up and down. The status of the ...

It would be nice if I did n’t meet those two **** from the beginning ...

Gu Fei sighed again ...

"Brother, you don't have to be too angry." A hurried brother on the side gathered up and comforted: "We used to experience the top of Black Mountain with you, knowing how strong Lin Fei is, if those jump up and down If the villain goes, he will definitely lose even worse. Brother, you wo n’t be ashamed if you lose. "

"What are you talking about?" Another disciple of the attendant heard the words, but he glared and reprimanded: "Your boy will speak. At that time, the brother was just careless. If he meets Lin Fei again, they will definitely be able to beat them up! "

"Yes, yes, I was wrong. Brother of course can easily kill those two wicked people." The disciple laughed.

Although he knew that the younger brothers were touting, Gu Fei felt a lot better in his heart, and said quietly, "That wouldn't be enough, but Lin Fei was too arrogant and offended so many schools in the head of Montenegro, Now I am afraid that there is no way to be chased, and I certainly have no time to practice. When I meet again and fight one, the outcome is unknown ... "

"That's that."

"Senior brother is too humble. If we meet again, we will surely beg the two to kneel for mercy in three rounds."

"How to say, what is called the three rounds, brother must be a face-to-face suppression!"

For a moment, on the peaks of the immortal air, a flattering speech was on the wave. Although Gu Fei himself knew that the disciples were blowing something impractical, but he listened a lot, but he was very useful in his heart. The whole person's shadow was swept away, and he seemed a little confident.

However, at this moment, a disciple hesitated, pointing out of the mountain, and the cloud was heavy and unsure: "How is that figure a bit like Li Beixing, and the figure in front of him looks like Lin Fei ..."

"What?" Gu Fei suddenly woke up from the touted, calmed down, said while looking at: "You should be the wrong person, Lin Fei should be chased by nowhere right now, it is impossible to come here! "

But looking from where the disciple was pointing, his expression was slightly stagnate.

I saw that in the clouds, there are indeed two familiar figures looming, galloping and flying, and their direction is their own side!

Gu Fei's complexion became ugly. Do you want to do that? They have been relegated to this place, can they still meet these two?

The younger brothers on the side did not dare to talk to each other: "I heard that the Three Demon Sects are wanting them, how dare they appear ..."

Gu Yue turned a deaf ear to the disciple's words, but stared at the two figures in the cloud. After a while, he was sure that he was biting his teeth, this is Li Beixing and Lin Fei!

These two men robbed him of so many things, even if they become gray, he will not forget.

Everyone was also Gu Fei's cronies. He followed the whole journey of the Black Mountain Head. As the two figures became clearer, they also recognized one after another, and the sound of exclaimation came one after another.

But after exclaiming, everyone looked at each other without saying a word, and the scene was a bit awkward.

After all, they were still touting Gu Fei at the moment, and it was as easy as repressing.

But now, Lin Fei actually appeared?

What's wrong with this? Really let my brother go up and suppress it?

Touted is touted, in fact, everyone is not countless ......

It sounds terrible to suppress something in the palm of your hand, but in fact it really needs to be done. I am afraid it is easy to be slapped by the other party.

Seeing Gu Fei's face was ugly, the disciple who hurriedly remedied quickly: "The two Lin Fei are too arrogant, they are only two people, and we have nearly a hundred disciples stationed here under the mountain, and here is Outside the Dragon Ghost Palace, as long as we drag on for a while, maybe the heads are all coming in person, they are from the net! "

When it comes to later, the disciples are more and more confident, and Gu Fei's face is slightly slower, this is somewhat reasonable.

The Dragon Ghost Palace is not too far away from here. With the strength of the Dragon Ghost Master, as long as he drags himself on for a while, he can definitely arrive.

At that time, as a hero of catching Lin Fei, you will return to the Dragon Ghost Palace, and you may get Master's attention again!

Thinking of this, Gu Fei took a deep breath and ordered: "All listen to orders, ready to fight!"

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