Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1182: Save your life

Thinking of this, Lin Fei hurriedly stopped. Although he had offended the Phoenix, this kind of death was still better done.

"So you want the bones of the demon emperor's parents and children, also to enter the last layer of the Ancestral Demon Hall?" Lin Fei asked.

"Not bad." The Dragon Ghost Domain smiled bitterly: "I thought that in the future, I would have a chance to meet the demon prince, but I didn't expect that the prince's courage was much smaller after being injured by Gu Yue."

"So far, the monster world has invaded dozens of times on a small scale, and other sporadic harassment is countless, but he refused to show up easily. Even if he shows up, he will be far away when he sees the Fa, but At this time of the catastrophe, as a demon parent and child, he has to participate in the war anyway. This is an extremely rare opportunity. "

Lin Fei frowned: "But after so many years, his strength must have increased?"

"You can rest assured about this," the Dragon Ghost Domain quirky smiled: "You think about it. Gu Yuexiu was similar to you. How did he hurt him in the Thousand Arms?"

Lin Fei stunned for a while, and it was hard to find a channel: "You mean, this demon prince is a rice bucket?"

"It ca n’t be said that he can beat Jin Dan's invincible hand only with his blood, but ... for the demon emperor, he is indeed a little bit dissatisfied. Perhaps this is the reason, the guarding forces arranged around him are also extremely weak."

"But he is, after all, the demon emperor's parent-child, how could the demon emperor let us do it?"

"Oh, after fighting with the demon world for so many years, there are still some ways for us to limit the advent of the demon emperor. Otherwise, Fo Li has long been lost, but it involves some secrets. said."

For a moment, Lin Fei thought about it and found that he really had no reason to refuse.

It seems that the Dragon Ghost Master has arranged everything, but he lacks an executor. According to his calculation, as long as the time comes, he can complete the task himself.

But is it really that simple?

But Lin Fei thought back to the conversation with the Dragon Ghost Master from beginning to end, it seems that there is no loophole ...

Seeing this, the Dragon Ghost Domain smiled and said, "Think about it, as long as you agree, the land thousands of miles away from Tianwuling can now give you, and once successful, I owe you a big and small relationship, Remind you, my love is not bad. "

After talking, the Dragon Ghost Domain Master was not in a hurry, took a sip of Lingcha on hand, and slowly waited.

For a moment, in the palace, except for the sound of the lingering water of the Lingquan, it was very quiet.

After burning incense, Lin Fei suddenly breathed a sigh of breath, and looked at the Dragon Ghost Master, simply said: "I agreed, except for the demon prince, other accidents are all for you to deal with."

"It's easy to say." The Dragon Ghost Domain smiled, took out a dragon-shaped token, sketched it on the top, and raised his hand to hand out: "Tianwuling Fangyuanli is now yours. If anyone doubts, take out this A token is. "

Seeing another token, Lin Fei's face was not very good-looking. He glanced at it while holding the token, and seemed a bit disgusted.

"Relax." The Lord of Dragon and Ghost Domain smiled and said: "I don't have Gu Yue's character, even if it is just the bones of the demon prince, I don't want to use it on you."

"Then say goodbye." Lin Fei nodded and understood that he had to leave when he put away the token.

The Dragon Ghost Domain Lord did not stop this time, put down the teacup, and got up to deliver the guests.

Just when Lin Fei was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, and he asked casually while stepping: "There is something I am a bit puzzled about, why do you say that the demon world has invaded Fo Li from generation to generation at any cost?"

The Dragon Ghost Master was asked for a moment: "They are monsters, and this has been the case since ancient times. Isn't this justified? How can it be?"

Lin Fei nodded and said with a smile: "It makes sense, I think too much."

Following this, Lin Fei took a step, and the whole person completely disappeared into the palace.

After Lin Fei left, the Dragon Ghost Domain suddenly changed his face, his brows slowly wrinkled, and he said to himself in doubt: "How could he think of asking this kind of question, was it noticed, impossible, strange ... "

At the same time, Lin Fei stepped out of the palace and stood on top of the mountain, but now the mountain is completely unrecognizable, and the mess caused by those demons cannot be restored to its original appearance in more than ten years.

Lin Fei glanced, just about to leave, and suddenly looked down, suddenly startled, Gu Fei actually knelt in front of himself extremely politely.

Lin Fei accidentally said: "Although I save your life, you should not be polite, hurry up."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Gu Fei's face was black, shit, do you want to be so narcissistic? Who kneels you, I am waiting for Master to appear!

Also, what does it mean to save my life, obviously you brought those demons over, it would be nice if you didn't ask you to settle the accounts, and dare to talk nonsense here?

However, Lin Feigang had been alone with the Dragon Ghost Domain Master for a long time, and still appeared unharmed. Gu Fei was not sure what Lin Fei was now, so he snorted and ignored Lin Fei.

Lin Fei shook his head inexplicably. At this time, Li Beixing's surprised and joyful voice came suddenly: "I am here, I am here, you finally came out, I thought you were left."

With the sound of the sound, Li Beixing came out of a ruin, covered with rotten leaves and broken roots, and did not know how long it was hidden in it, so it suddenly appeared.

Lin Fei was shocked by this savage image. If Li Beixing didn't make a sound, he almost didn't show up.

I have to say that Li Beixing has a little talent for hiding his escape.

"Where did you go to hide? By the way, is there no loss?"

Upon hearing the question, Li Beixing immediately reacted, patted the storage bag, and confidently smiled: "Relax, it's all here."

"Well." Lin Fei nodded and looked at Gu Fei with a smile, then said: "Then wait slowly, we will go first."

When the voice fell, he didn't wait for Gu Fei to speak. Lin Fei turned into a light, sweeping Li Beixing away.

"..." Gu Fei still knelt in place and ignored Lin Fei's greetings.

However, after seeing the two men leaving cleanly, Gu Feicai's face slightly moved, and there was a trace of doubt on his face. There was something wrong in his heart, but he couldn't remember it for a moment ...

What is wrong?


Gu Fei's heart moved. In the past when he was in the top of Montenegro, he would have lost something when he met these two people before.

This time, nothing was lost or robbed. Is it because of this reason that I am not used to it?

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