Anyway, although this guy hates it a little bit, it is still a person.

By the time I explain it myself, I can show my long-standing position next to Lin Fei. If this guy knows it, he will be honest and know his duty in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Beixing is going to call this guy to enjoy together ...

But then, I saw a strange scene ...

After Brother Feng saw the rise of the Silver Dragon, he didn't have much fear, and he seemed to turn a blind eye to the menacing Silver Dragon. He was looking deep into the veins of the Lingshi mine. After a while, his eyes turned away and his face became cloudy.

"Hey, what's your expression?" All this happened in a flash. Li Beixing wondered if he was dazzled. After a while, he asked a bit suspiciously.

"Nothing, nothing. I was scared by this silver dragon, or my brother, you are so powerful. I easily defeated the silver dragon. I am not afraid at all ..." Brother Feng was a little embarrassed.

"Hum, just a silver dragon ..." Li Beixing groaned quite disdainfully, but his face was quite useful, but his footsteps moved slightly between his speeches, seeming to inadvertently fall behind Brother Feng by half a position.

However, Brother Feng did not pay attention to this after he finished his speech, paying attention to the war situation.

Some worried people looked at Li Beixing and said: "This silver dragon seems to be stronger than before. If you don't shoot, Brother, it will be difficult to clean up the situation ..."

"It's hard to clean up?" Li Beixing smiled mysteriously, and was a few points closer to him again, pointing to the silver dragon said: "Remember how it is now, you may not recognize it later."

"What is unrecognizable?" Brother Feng asked inexplicably, but the voice did not fall, and suddenly there was a shocking dragon chant in his ear.


With a long roar of Yinlong, the moment it broke through the sky, it completely restored its peak state, and even exceeded it.

The glory of the Baizhang dragon's body exploded, and the sprawling giant mouth with its wide teeth spread to the extreme, exuding the power of endless engulfment, and rushing towards Lin Fei from top to bottom, as if Lin Fei would swallow the next moment Belly.

At the same time, Lin Fei had just turned his eyes from the depth of the Lingshi mine veins and noticed the silver dragon coming from the sky.

Although it was a step slower, Lin Fei's face was calm. He waited until the dazzling silver rushed to his eyes, and then waved his hand. Nine complex golden seals were swayed out into nine golden streamers, facing the sky The rising silver dragon hit it head-on.


In the next moment, nine Fu Zhuan collided with the Silver Dragon!

This time it seemed to hit the **** gold. The nine sounds were united into a huge collision sound, slamming a powerful shock wave, rapidly spreading, and swept away the nearby Aura Clouds!

After a long while, the loud noise dissipated, and I saw that the dragon's body was torn, the scales were broken, and nine seals were lined up like golden nails, deeply embedded in the dragon's body!


The silver dragon was brutally beaten, and the miserable dragon sound spread across the mountains.

All this just happened in a flash.

If someone watched the battle from a distance, they would find that the imposing silver dragon killed the sky at the last moment, and was hit by nine golden streamers to the ground at the next moment.

The longest duration of the whole process is the moment when the silver dragon rises to the sky.

Moreover, after being smashed down this time, Silver Dragon was not so lucky.

As soon as he landed, he hadn't waited for it to breathe aura, and the golden rune that was deeply embedded in it flashed densely, intersecting with the silver brilliance flowing on it.

All of a sudden, this silver dragon became deeper, ancient and mysterious.

But Yinlong obviously doesn't think so ...

When Fu Zhuan flashes once, it seems to be experiencing the most extreme pain in the world, bursting with a miserable dragon chant.

The whole dragon was violently rolling and struggling on the ground, and the painful dragon roar never stopped. After a while, the indestructible Baizhang dragon body stirred the nearby mountains and trees, and the earth and rock turned over, and it was messy.

What I do n’t know is that the mother dragon is having cubs ...

At this time, Li Beixing was unexpected, and originally thought that he could enjoy a good show. Who knows that Yinlong is strong and strong, and he can't even hold on to a face.

But it seems no wonder that Silver Dragon ...

Nine Fu Zhuan in Lin Fei's hands, has reached the point of fascination, at least above his master ...

Thinking about whether to take the opportunity to ask for advice, but suddenly found that Lin Fei seems busy?

Is he ... talking to Yinlong?

"Heaven and earth spirits are hard to come by, and give you a chance to surrender." Lin Fei stood aloft, a little bit, the golden light on the silver dragon was extinguished, and it was suddenly released from the pain, lying there dying.

"Eh ..." Li Beixing hesitated: "This silver dragon is not so spiritual? Is it really understandable?"

"This ... should I?" Brother Feng looked at the silver dragon, frowning slightly, and said a little vaguely.

However, Lin Fei's voice fell, but Yinlong was lying on the ground and gasping, seemingly endured too much pain, unable to respond.

"Pretend to die?" However, Lin Fei didn't give it much time, but smiled and said: "I think that I live by this spirit stone mine, even if I die, I can reunite and resurrect, so I can't help you ? "

Yinlong is still unresponsive and has no meaning of succumbing. Obviously, it is very spiritual and knows its biggest advantage, even if it is seen by Lin Fei at a glance.

Not to mention Silver Dragon, Li Beixing, who was watching the battle, couldn't understand it.

Although Lin Fei has the restraint technique such as the nine-character mantra, which can easily defeat the other party, but the silver dragon is based on the entire mine vein and cannot be destroyed in a real sense.

Lin Fei needs time to grind slowly to conquer.

But looking at Lin Fei's appearance, it seems that he has no patience. He has to force Yinlong to give up his advantages and take the initiative to admit defeat ...

This is a bit difficult for the dragon?

In doubt, Lin Fei saw Yinlong pretending to be dead, shook his head and smiled, shaking with one hand, a golden sword gas spitting out in his hand, looking at Yinlong Road: "Then don't blame me ..."

"Roar ..." Yinlong snorted softly from his nose, and squirted milky aura, but he didn't lift his eyes. He looked like a dead dragon who wanted to kill you.



"I depend? This, this is ..."

"Lying trough!"

In a loud and angry dragon chant and the exclamation of the two, the dying silver dragon Huo Ran stood up, half-erected the dragon neck, staring deadly at Lin Fei's figure, the pair of huge silver pupils seemed to be destroyed Sexual storms gathered, brewing crazy anger.

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