Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1211: Purple Flower

In addition to the unparalleled defense, the attack is just as powerful as the unprecedented giant wheel.

In such a stunned god's skill, the Hunyuan Sword Array has exploded with terrifying destructive power. The giant wheel passed by, like a wolf entering the flock, the demon's residual limb flew into the air, and the smelly blood and yellow from the lasing The sand mixed together and wet the ground. This drought-stricken place suddenly had a blood rain.

For a while, it was like a Shura field ...

It stands to reason that the nearly one hundred monsters are also a big force, placed in the outside world, at least five or six high-level Jindan can cope.

However, under the unreasonable strangling of the Great Wheel, their most threatening flesh met their natural enemies. Upon collision, they were torn off by the flesh and fell down at the fastest speed.

"Hoo ..." After chopping the last demon into minced meat, Hunyuan Sword Array finally dispersed, Lin Fei was finally relieved.

It seems that strangling is easy, but how to say it here is almost a hundred-headed demon, Lin Fei is not neglected, just mobilized all the real elements, and developed the Hunyuan sword array to the extreme.

But it is a bit strange. These monsters are indeed more spiritual than the outside world. Could it be that they are influenced by his free array here?

Lin Fei thought about these moments and turned over the demon corpse over his feet.

At this time, Yu Hua also awakened from the shock. He looked at the spotless spot, where Lin Fei, who was concentrating on the demon corpse, seemed to see the legendary Hell Shura.

Kill nearly one hundred monsters at will, is this Jinjin nine turn ...

No, there is such power in Jin Dan Jiu Zhuan.

Yu Hua immediately denied in his heart that although he was not Jin Dan Jiu Zhuan, but in the school, he also had a mission with several Jin Dan Jiu Zhuan brothers. Although several brothers were able to destroy nearly a hundred demons, none of them Can reach Lin Fei's state of destruction.

In this way, between myself and Lin Fei, there have been several brothers, I am afraid that I can't catch up in this life ...

No, no, it's just because of that magic weapon.

Yu Hua suddenly reacted, yes, all this was just because of that magic weapon.

I haven't slacked off here one day. As long as I can get that magic weapon, I will surely catch up with Lin Fei now, even better.

Thinking of this, Yu Hua was even more firm in his heart, and he could even imagine that he would become a great student in the future and return to the Changsheng Palace.

Only, first have to get the magic weapon ...

"Brother Lin, let's go on."

"Go?" Lin Fei glanced at him. Although he had a glimpse of Yu Hua's small movements, to be honest, he really didn't feel bad about this unlucky guy, but now that he had arrived, he was not interested in continuing to walk with him.

However, as soon as the refusal came to his mouth, the heavenly ghost in the underworld suddenly got feedback, and actually pointed to the sand dune that Yu Hua pointed to. Lin Fei's heart moved, suddenly thought of something, looked at the very attentive Yu Hua, nodded. Tao: "Then you can lead the way."

"No trouble, no trouble." Seeing that victory was in sight, Yu Hua was more active. He ran for a long time before and after the busy dune. When he was done, on the side of the dune, a ten-foot square, dark and deep hole, Appeared in front of the two.

"It's almost the same." Yu Hua wiped his forehead sweat and let out a sigh of relief.

The mouth of the cave is like a fierce beast that chooses to eat, and there is a big wind, and there is a cold wind and a smell of dampness, and there is a sound of emptyness. It seems that the bottom is deep and creepy.

It seems that this hole has existed for a long time. It was covered with thick sand dunes on weekdays, but now Yuhua just digs a layer.

"Brother Lin came with me." Looking at his achievements, Yu Hua also felt a little hairy, but in order to give Lin Fe a demonstration, he still walked in with a stubborn head.

Lin Fei was also surprised when he saw how Yuhua was familiar with the road, and it seemed that this guy had actually gone in.

Lin Fei walked in and realized that the entire tunnel was empty and deep, and the sound of footsteps echoed in it, and beside this tunnel, there were occasionally several bifurcation bends, which were also very deep, and I didn't know where they were going.

When the two pass by, a cold wind blows from the mouth of the bifurcated cave from time to time, and a strange whistle is emitted in the empty tunnel, making it difficult to tell whether it is the wind or the monster's scream ...

In this atmosphere, Yu Hua did not dare to talk much, and walked slowly in the vast tunnel ...

It's just that the two of them walked slowly for a long time, but Lin Fei became more and more strange. Just outside the sand dunes, the Heavenly Ghost still reacted. After entering, it was closer to the array, and the reaction should be clearer. , But now there is no movement ...

Moreover, according to the experience in Tianwuling, if there are really fragments of the array, there should be a hint for the fragments of the array.

Why is there no response to the fragment of the RPG now?


Perhaps after a long walk in this atmosphere, Yu Hua worried about Lin Fei's retreat, pointing to the front and said: "Brother Lin, I once pursued Bai Hong. Once I saw Bai Hong enter in a hole in the front, and soon arrived ..."

"I see ..." Lin Fei didn't bother to take care of him, just casually perplexed, and always felt like he was missing something.

But what is it?

After thinking about it, Lin Fei was about to ask Yu Hua a few words, but suddenly found that Yu Hua, who was still talking about himself, suddenly disappeared ...

Lin Fei looked back subconsciously, but his face changed. It turned out that Yu Hua stopped behind him. His eyes were straight, and he looked at a purple flower growing in the hidden place of the tunnel ...

The purple is deep and enigmatic, as if with a certain kind of magic, it makes people look at it, and their eyes cannot be removed.

"Zixiahua?" Lin Fei moved.

Zishahua engulfed all kinds of evil spirits, no matter whether it is ghost evil, evil spirits and evil spirits, all comers will not refuse. Extremely strong.

It's just that there's nothing here, this purple flower is not known because of what kind of evil ...

and many more……

It seems wrong!

Lin Fei's complexion suddenly changed when he thought of his bad temper.

This is what I missed!

In addition to demon evil ghost evil, there is demon evil evil!

Looking at it again, Yu Hua's greedy color, which is hard to conceal, is preparing to pick this purple flower.

Lin Fei just wanted to stop him, but he suddenly moved in his heart, hesitated a little, no longer reminded, standing quietly away from him, watching quietly ...

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