Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1214: Young sword fairy?

Yu Hua knew very well that even if he didn't encounter bad luck and practiced with all his strength, it would never be possible to reach this level.

But Lin Fei ...

Yu Hua sighed, her heart was complicated and difficult to express. Do you want to witness the rise of another sword fairy?

But why is he.

As we all know, the rise of each sword fairy is naturally accompanied by a series of unlucky enemies, and even the destruction of several martial arts ...

I have calculated him myself, although it was unsuccessful, but after all it has been implemented ...

In the unlikely event that Lin Fei finds himself, will he become one of that long unlucky list ...

Thinking of this, Yu Hua only felt that his future was dark ...

It ’s enough to fall into this place. Finally, it ’s easy to count the individuals, and actually encounter this kind of pervert.

How do you get this kind of luck if you find someone to mess with?

In contrast, it is better to continue to return to the northern barren sand dunes to eat sand.

Thinking of this, Yu Hua was a little bit sad, he didn't turn his face in the face, but just now in the war, he and Lin Fei have uncovered the details of the space magic weapon. I don't even have the chance to go back and eat the sand.

Damn, I just want to die.

Yu Hua did not know that he had been seen through by Lin Fei, and he was very melancholy, but at this time, Lin Fei had no time to deal with him, but he felt a little strange ...

Why haven't Tiangui and Zhentu fragments responded?

When he saw Zishahua, he knew that this must be nurtured by the evil spirit, and he accidentally balanced the evil spirit here. Once picked, it will surely attract the demon to be alert.

He just wanted to stop Yu Hua from picking, and suddenly remembered that the demons near this sand dune were different, and they seemed to have some kind of spirituality. Now think about it, this kind of spirituality might be contaminated by the aura of the battlefield?

So he didn't stop Yu Hua, he simply attracted more demons, and wanted to see if he could find a little more clue to the pattern.

But now that so many monsters are killed, why is there no movement?

Just wanting to call Tian Gui to ask about the situation, Lin Fei suddenly felt that a flower in front of him seemed to flash a black and white color in front of his face.

"Master, master, I found it. The magical power of that thing is very rich!"

At this moment, Tian Gui's eager voice sounded in Lin Fei's heart, and his spiritual instinct pointed directly at that black and white gas, urging Lin Fei to go forward.

"I saw it. I said you reminded me a little while. Will you discover it now?" In fact, it doesn't need to be said by Tian Gui. Lin Fei chased him out while the black and white spirit appeared.

"This thing is very weird, and I sensed it." The explanation of Tian Gui's voice was a bit wrong, and he suddenly reminded loudly again: "Master, turn in front."

"It's okay, you just shut up if there's nothing." Lin Fei said a little speechless, the black and white route is very clear, he can see it with his naked eyes.

It seems that Tian Gui does not play any role, but in fact the whole process only happens in an instant. Tian Gui's reaction has been quick, but Lin Fei's response is faster than him.

Of course, there are also dull ones.

After Lin Fei left, there was a person who didn't respond in the same place ...

Yu Hua was in a state of melancholy. By the way, he wondered how to remove himself from Lin Fei. Before he could think of anything, he suddenly felt that a gust of wind blew in front of him.

Then he was somewhat surprised to find that Lin Fei did not know when it disappeared. When he looked subconsciously, he found that an escaped light chased a black and white gas and went deep into the tunnel. After a while, Kung Fu disappeared from sight.

Yu Hua froze for a moment when Lin Fei suddenly disappeared.

Just fine, why did you suddenly leave at the next moment?

The problem is that you can just go and say hello ...

Yu Hua turned his gaze back and looked around uncomfortably. There were stacks of demon corpses on the ground. In the empty tunnel, a thick **** sound of blood rang out. Darkness surrounded from all directions, as if to swallow him. ...

The last night was very lively, and the next moment was left alone ...

Feeling the sudden silence, Yu Hua suddenly felt a little cold in his heart, subconsciously wanting to go around, but as soon as he turned around, he was a little hesitant.

How can I go out on my own? I am not stuck in the desert struggling to survive, even if I know that there will be monks coming, but I do n’t know when it will come. I do n’t know how many years to wait for this ...

But if you follow Lin Fei, the situation is different ...

Lin Fei said that when he left, someone would open a space channel for him. At that time, he thought he was bragging, but now that he wanted to come, he did n’t need to lie to him. If Lin Fei could be picked up by him, then he could escape. Out of this ghost place ...

Besides, there are countless dangers in the tunnel. If I could help him a little, would n’t I be able to release my suspicions with Lin Fei?

Yu Hua looked at the deep deep tunnel where Lin Fei disappeared, suddenly gritted his teeth and plunged into the darkness ...

At this time, Lin Fei was chasing behind the black and white spirit.

However, after chasing a distance, Lin Fei found that something was wrong. After six turns of Jindan, he naturally possessed the method of escape, and it is the fastest sword escape among many escape methods.

However, the speed of this black gas is not slower than that of yourself, and it seems that you intend to maintain a certain speed. If you are away, you will neither catch up nor lose.

Is this black and white spirit deliberately seduce yourself?

No, doing so blatantly is not so much a seduce as a deliberate guide.

A peculiar feeling rose in Lin Fei's heart. What is this black and white spirit?

At this time, Lin Fei had followed the black-and-white atmosphere, turning through several holes and halfway through to the extreme depth of the tunnel.

While continuing to chase, when passing by a hole again, Lin Fei couldn't help but stand out.

In the hole, suddenly a pair of blood-red eyes lit up, and a group of demons came out of the hole, eyes were staring tightly at Lin Fei, and there was a deep voice between the throats, as if from a deep sleep Woke up ...

At a glance, there are at least a few hundred heads as long as they have appeared, and I don't know how many are hidden in the dark holes ...

But somehow, although they appeared, they didn't kill them immediately. This is different from the simple and direct brutal style of the demon ...

Lin Fei frowned, and seemed to pass by a demon lair ...

However, Lin Fei didn't panic at all. Although there were many monsters in front of him, the terrain was limited here. The number advantages of these monsters were destined to be difficult to play.

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