Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1217: Bloody hand


All of a sudden, the blood river was surging, as if controlled by a powerful force, and the blood was squeezed into a huge blood hand. As soon as it was formed, there was a wave of terror between the five fingers, between the virtual grip and the void There are faint distortions.


The **** hand waved violently, grabbing towards Lin Fei, and for a moment, the blood river was stirred up, forming a roaring sound in the space, as if some kind of monster roaring.

"I rely on!" Lin Fei knew immediately that he felt the bad wind coming from behind.

Although I didn't see the body of the blood hand, but just felt the pressure that poured out, I knew that the blood hand was at least the power of the peak of the Fa.

It was too late to think how much the appearance of this **** hand is related to the black and white spirit. At this critical moment, Lin Fei did not look at the **** hand. In an instant, the whole person was almost transformed into a sword light, and the speed was increased to the extreme. With the strong wind, he rushed out of the cave in the next moment ...

However, the **** hand came in a violent manner, obviously it would not be easily let go. It just narrowed the whole circle, and then traversed the small cave and rushed out.

Following this, Lin Fei felt that a cold and powerful killing intention shrouded down.

In a hurry, Lin Fei took the time to look back, and suddenly his face was ugly, only to see that the **** hand did not stop, and came with a terrible killing intention!

It seems that after catching up with himself, he will not play the interrogation at all, but directly kill.

"Shit ..." Looking back, Lin Fei scolded in his heart, knowing that it was dangerous, but did not expect it to be so dangerous.

With a blow from this **** hand, there is even the power of the peak of the Fa phase!

Even in the Luofu Realm and other big realms, the peak of the Fa phase is also the top fighting power of the major factions. It will not be shot once for thousands of years. Ordinary disciples may have no chance to see this after their entire life until they die old after visiting the entry school. Wait for one side.

Why do you walk around the world for a few laps, and you can meet them casually?

In addition to the Black Mountain Head, Xuanyin Sect, Heavenly Giant Pillar, the escaper of the last era, he became a free array fragment, the demon world war, and now there is this blood river and the monsters in the blood river. what happened? Do you want so many disasters?

However, Lin Fei had not finished scolding, and the blood behind him suddenly condensed into a violent force, like a siege hammer, and hit him hard.

In an instant, Lin Fei only felt like a small boat photographed by a big wave, instantly submerged in that frenzy-like power ...

This has to be replaced by an ordinary golden pill. In the pursuit of the peak power of the Fa phase, I am afraid that it has long been in despair. Either choose to turn around and fight hard, or simply beg for mercy.

However, Lin Fei did not mean to give up at all. In the confrontation between the last generation and Yuan Huang, similar desperation has been experienced more than a dozen times. Even at the time, he was still a mortal body, which can be said to be more desperate than the current situation. .

However, these difficulties have been overcome by Lin Fei, and even defeated Yuan Huang in the end.

Among them, in addition to the necessary luck and layout, it is also thanks to Lin Fei's nearly stubborn toughness.


At the last moment when he was overwhelmed by power, Lin Fei gritted his teeth and urged the heavenly swords to the extreme. Zhenyuan rushed out like a tsunami, forming a solid thick barrier around him.

Following this, the phantom of Life and Death Sword Territories appeared instantly, and turned into a blooming phantom, which served as a second layer of protection after the barrier and wrapped Lin Fei in it.

The fierce sword box floated on top of Lin Fei, surrounded by four swords with fierce stars. The fierce anger was not led, but it turned into a barrier.

Even the shadow of the dark earth squeezed out, but just halfway through, the turbulent blood was already shrouded and met the real element barrier ...

This barrier was Lin Fei's best effort, even in the initial state of the Fa, it can temporarily resist for a while, but now after encountering the blood, the barrier is like a snow and ice, and it quickly melts away.

At this time, the Life and Death Sword Field has just been revealed. Among the two sword lakes, there is a vast sword light, and the snow is bright and bright, exuding a majestic momentum, like a moat, wrapped up by Lin Fei.

At the next moment, the **** hand came with terror, and took pictures fiercely!

As if feeling the threat of rapid approaching, in an instant, the sword of life and death was blooming, and the two sword lakes shook violently. Among the sword lakes, countless sword qi flew in a vertical and horizontal direction, as if even a mountain was in front of them. Can be broken into pieces.


At the next moment, the two collided violently, and the **** hands were crushed and decayed, and they were heavily photographed on the sword field.

Following this, a huge roar sound erupted in the life and death sword domain. For a moment, just like the swords of thousands of swords, we saw the lake water condensed by countless sword lights, which was eroded into blood color at the speed visible to the naked eye, and even sword lake At the edges, there were cracks.

The sword field trembles, and the sound of sword sounds. The crack on the edge of the sword lake quickly expands and spreads to the entire sword field. When the crack expands to an uncontrollable point, the sword field is finally unbearable, crashing and breaking into thousands. Jianguang narrowed and flew back to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei's eyes were suddenly black, and a spit of blood spurted out suddenly. All of a sudden, he felt no pain in his body, as if the whole person had been crushed by an ancient monster.

However, in the dizziness, Lin Feiqiang did not lie down, but by the great force from the bite, the whole person rushed out in front of him. With the help of the Jianfei being shot and flying, Lin Feiqi flew out thousands of feet. Far away, leaving the Underworld slightly paused after the blood hand chase.

For a while, it was a distance away from the blood.

When Lin Fei was still in the air, he touched a few panacea robbed from the head of the Black Mountain from the Qiankun bag and swallowed it, forcibly depressing the qi and blood in his body, and continued to escape stumbled.

It must be said that these immortals are worthy of the collection of Dapai disciples. After Lin Fei swallowed, there was a fierce force between the chest and abdomen, and the vitality was filled, and the place where the body was on the verge of collapse was temporarily made up.

In a moment, he helped Lin Fei quickly depress the injury, the speed was faster, and he flew away all the time.

"Damn, if it weren't for Underworld, it would have to be explained here ..."

However, thinking of the danger just now, Lin Fei was afraid for a while.

You know, although the **** hand has just made a haste, but it also has the power of the late phase of the Fa, even the peak.

Although I practiced the Ten Thousand Swords of the Heavens, I devoured some unknown golden energy, and refined this flesh to a level comparable to the magic weapon of the Yellow Realm.

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