Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1221: Spirit Stone

At this time, Lin Fei found a spirit stone from the Qiankun bag, but there was a deep sword mark on the surface of this spirit stone ...

If you look closely, you can see through the crystal clear surface of the spirit stone and see a little silver grain of silver light, just like the one embedded in the spirit stone ...

But other than that, it looks like a normal spirit stone.

However, Lin Fei took it very carefully because he knew that putting this thing here was like putting fire oil next to a mass of flames.

One careless thing is that the flames are burning, and the flames are skyrocketing.

This is the method that Lin Fei relies on.

Lin Fei's sword and sword destroyed the spirit stone ore veins. For the Silver Dragon, it was a long time ago. Those broken spirit stones are the spirit and flesh of the Silver Dragon, and it is full of it resentment.

It's just that Silver Dragon is a little weak and lacks time to accumulate grievances, and it can't cause much harm.

However, if this spirit stone is sent to the grudge dragon, the effect will be different.

Imagine that the complaining dragon had been sleeping soundly, and suddenly heard the screams of the juniors of the same family, and then recalled the tragedy of his own road cut off. .

When it was forced to wake up, it found that an enemy had invaded its own territory. By that time, it was too lazy to move, and it also thundered.

In fact, Lin Fei means more than awakening the grudge dragon, it is just kicking the head of the grueling dragon in a sleep, then uncovering the scar that it has just scabbed, and then sprinkling a lot of salt on the wound Then carefully spread evenly.

Not to mention the evil dragons that are already arrogant, even moral immortals can't bear it.

When the battle between the two was stirred up, Lin Fei could take the opportunity to escape.

At this time, Lin Fei had injected a trace of the sun and sword energy into the spirit stone. When the spirit stone gradually became unstable and the surface gradually turned red, it seemed that when the next moment was about to burst, Lin Fei did not hesitate. Throw it into the grudge dragon tunnel ...


The moment the spirit stone fell into the tunnel, a violent explosion sound erupted, followed by a scorching air wave, accompanied by small pieces of spirit stone, blasted out of the tunnel entrance.

At the same time, the traces of gray resentment suddenly became much thicker. Among them, countless ethnic faces emerged. Some people had ghosts, demons and demons, but without exception, they were all vicious faces and distorted faces. , As if screaming silently.

These are the creatures that were forced to be buried in the place when the dragon veins were destroyed. After many years, they have long been integrated with the grudge dragon.

"You play slowly here, I'll go first." At the moment when the spirit stone was thrown in, Lin Fei turned into a sword light, turned a few bends in the tunnel, disappeared in a blink of an eye .

The gray gas erupted too suddenly. After Lin Fei left, the **** hand paused a little bit in place, before he had time to catch up. The mouth of the tunnel where the spirit stone exploded just like a volcanic eruption, and endless gray mist spewed out. The faces of countless races seem to have found a goal, surrounded by blood hands in a circle, each face opened his eyes, and looked at the blood hands with venom ...


At the same time, in the tunnel, there suddenly burst out a bitter voice of Longyin, with an endless sense of violence. This Longyin became more and more high-pitched. In the end, almost through the stone wall, the infinite network of underground tunnels was swept.

This Dragon Yin is almost substantive. During the propagation, there are layers of ripples. Before Lin Fei rushed out of the tunnel, he was penetrated by sound waves. He suddenly staggered in the air, but he quickly stabilized his body and continued toward The tunnel ahead rushed away.

At the last moment of resentment, Lin Fei, like an arrow from the string, finally rushed out of the tunnel entrance.

Feeling the unique high temperatures and strong winds in the desert, Lin Fei still dared not relax. He continued to cast off and rushed to a height of several thousand feet before stopping. He looked at the sand dunes where the tunnel underneath was still far away. .

It's too dangerous ...

Just after Lin Fei rushed out, I saw the entrance of the tunnel. A gray mist and a blood mist came out like two giant pythons, entangled with each other. Between the battles, there were waves of waves, and the ground was stirred up by sand. Stones, sun and moon dull.

Moreover, this is only the extension of the battle between the **** hand and the grudge dragon. In the underground tunnel, it is their body, and that is the most fierce battle center.

The sounds of a high and bitter dragon roared through the ground and passed through the sky. The white clouds shattered and the wind stopped. Even after so far, Lin Fei was shocked with blood.

If you were to be a monk under Jindan's six turns, just complaining about the dragon roar would make him fall apart.

And not just resenting the dragon, the **** hand seems to start to show off.

A huge handprint, prominent on the ground, looked from the sky above Lin Fei, as if a giant was trapped underground, slamming with giant hands.

The ground vibrated, the ground cracked, and the yellow sand was tremored to a thousand feet high, and then fell back to the ground. It followed the fissures on the ground surface and flowed to the ground. For a moment, it seemed that a violent earthquake occurred.

But Lin Fei knew that there were no giants in this underground, only a mad **** hand and a grudge dragon.

"Damn, fortunately, I ran fast." Seeing this shocking scene, Lin Fei secretly wiped cold sweat and was afraid for a while.

Although I did n’t see the underground battle, I could imagine the fierce situation. I am afraid that all underground tunnels will be penetrated by them. After this battle, this place should disappear.

If Lin Fei fled a little slower, he might not be able to get out at this time.

However, it is not their business to play the dogs' brains now.

I just didn't expect that this resentful dragon has no great achievement ability and **** hands. When it is successful, I am afraid that it can really cope with it.

That will be the future ...

By the way, where did Yu Hua ’s guy go? If he escapes, he still has something to help him ...

He seems to have been hit a little bit miserably, this will not kill himself in despair ...

Lin Fei thought of some of them, and suddenly he was shocked in his heart, and followed, looking at the entrance of the tunnel with an incredible face.

In the depths of the ground, in addition to the **** hand and the grudge dragon, there was actually a breath of demon.

This demon's breath is strong and violent, like an erupting volcano. After the spout from the ground, the breath of the **** hand and the grudge dragon are all overshadowed.

Lin Fei felt that the **** hand and the grudged dragon fought each other. Although it was stirred up by the **** wind and the wind raging, but in front of the demon breath, both of them were eclipsed.

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