In fact, I really want to say that this wound is nothing to Monk Jindan, it's just a skin wound.

But the older disciples can be selected to stay here, and they are the characters who are rolling in life and death. They understand in their hearts that the reason why they can still stand under this sword is not because they are strong, but because the other party has left their hands ...

Although the sword light only flashed for a moment, it seemed that there were countless kinds of swordsmanship flashing in front of his eyes, each of which was enough to kill himself.

Although there was only one wound on his body, he felt like he had suffered a thousand blows in a trance.

Reminiscing the feeling of despair, the older disciple only felt powerless ...

This is simply not a power that the Jindan level can handle ...

"Is it possible to prepare materials to start the teleportation array?" Lin Fei didn't care. He left these two people in order to let them prepare the array materials and report the situation to the Dragon Ghost Master.


The older disciple struggles in his heart. If he starts the teleportation line like this, he will definitely be punished by the sect, but if he does not open it ... I am afraid that even if there is no chance of punishment, he will be cut in half by the sword of the demon ...

At this time, the only disciple standing next to him had no war intentions. He carefully pulled the sleeves of the older disciples. Some of them whispered tremblingly, "Senior brother, if we can agree, let us handle ... "

"Okay, don't worry." Lin Fei rolled his eyes when he knew what they were thinking: "I have a good relationship with you, he will not punish you, hurry and come to work."

The older disciple laughed bitterly, but knew that he had no room for rejection.

At the moment, the handprint was pinched, and behind him the spiritual light dissipated, and on the flat ground, a teleportation array covering nearly a hundred feet suddenly appeared.

After watching Lin Fei, he was a little surprised, "Huh", suddenly knew why the protection here was so strict.

This is not a simple teleportation array, but a large teleportation array ...

It seems to be just a word difference, but it is really a world apart.

As long as there are enough spirit stones, the largest teleportation array can teleport nearly a hundred people at a time, and the distance is more than ten times that of the ordinary teleportation array.

It's no wonder that Yu Hua has never seen that the teleportation array here has been opened. This is completely a kind of thing dedicated to war. Every time it is opened, it is costly, agitating space, and it can't be used easily ...

When such a catastrophe came, this place naturally became extremely sensitive ...

"It turns out so ..."

Lin Fei touched his chin, feeling that the presence of this teleportation array may have been set up for that underground blood river ...

But it's a bit strange ...

Since the owner of the Dragon Ghost Domain is willing to set up a large teleportation array, why not send someone to guard it?

Yu Hua also came from a very high background and recognized the value of this great teleport at a glance. She was a little worried and said, "Brother Lin, are we a bit reckless in doing this? What if we are chased and killed by the Dragon and Ghost Palace?"

"Who chased?"

"You ..."

"who am I?"

"You are Lin ... Li Beixing?" Yu Hua was asked for a moment, but suddenly thought of Lin Fei's name at the time.

After trying to understand, it is still a little uneasy, just a pseudonym, how can I be deceived in front of this big school?

"Oh, rest assured ..." Lin Fei patted his shoulder and smiled: "You'll understand it soon."

"Ah ..." Yu Hua nodded inexplicably, but he didn't feel relieved to see Lin Fei so calm.

While the two were talking, the two disciples began to prepare for a big battle.

They walked between the large formations and summoned the glorious spirits from the storage bag, with a strong aura, embedded in the formation, compared with the dazzling spirits, the spirit stones became One of the most common materials.

Although the materials are sufficient, this large array should have been arranged by a dozen disciples, and now the two are busy.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fei occasionally helped a few hands, but every time he shot, he was able to solve the most difficult one casually. In a moment, the efficiency of the array was greatly improved.

The pressure of the older disciples was greatly reduced, but the heart was shocked and inexplicable.

You must know that the space law circle is extremely mysterious, and it takes a lot of time to become proficient, so the monks who are good at the law circle are often not very strong in the realm.

However, Lin Fei's ability to do things by hand is clearly reaching a very high level with the formation method.

However, at the same time, he also reached the state of Jindan nine turn.

This kind of violation of common sense is beyond their cognition.

As Dazheng was arranged to the end, the image of Lin Fei in their hearts became mysterious, and invisible, they also cut off their thoughts of doing things in Dazheng.

"Buzz ..."

As the large array was finally completed, a wave of aura's aura wave rumbled, and many spirits resonated with each other, stirring all the auras around them.

"I rely on ..."

Yu Hua, who was watching the whole process, was stupid.

Although he knew that the large teleportation was expensive, he had never seen it with his own eyes, and now he only knows why this large teleportation is only in the hands of the martial arts.

Ordinary monks can't afford it at all. If you come here a few times, ordinary monks must be ruined.

Now this scene is simply luxury ...

Heavenly Wind Stone, Void Immortal Crystal, Tongtianteng, all kinds of cherished natural creatures are thrown out like no money. The spirit stones that I calculated in the northern barren sand dunes are just the least valuable materials among them.

Now, these valuable materials are carefully arranged together, but just to throw more than one hundred kilograms to another place ...

Simply flattered ...

If you divide these spirits into half, you don't need to teleport, you have to climb to the place ...

While sighing in my heart, I was still secretly shameful, I still wanted to bribe them with Jin Yuguo, fortunately I did n’t take it out, otherwise I might be laughed at to death ...

Yu Hua admired in his heart here, but the elder disciples who arranged a large array of blood were actually bleeding ...

Although these resources are not his, but he is responsible for the care, but now they are taken advantage of by outsiders, and his own charge of unfavorable guarding can not escape ...

Although the crime will not die, if you are responsible for compensating these resources, even if it is one-tenth, you have to consider selling yourself ...

"The big formation has been completed, and it can be activated as soon as you urge it ..." Every time the older disciple said a word, his heart had to ache.

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