Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1234: Fu Li You Mo

Just as Lin Fei was about to stop it, he let it go.

The fragments of the array stopped drawing power, and the slightly rough surface of the silver light was written in a few strokes ...

"Fu Li has magic, run away."

"This is ..." Lin Fei stunned, what does it mean?

Fu Li has magic? It's understandable, there are monsters lurking in the world, the problem is this escape ...

Why should I escape?

Fear of those demons? That ’s not necessary. In the last life, I did n’t know how many such war scenes I saw, and it ’s not bad this time. Moreover, his free array is a **** that can survive the ancient annihilation. It has become a debris, and you should not worry about a two-world war ...

Not quite ...

Lin Fei stared at the piece, waiting for more information to appear.

However, after showing a few words, the silver light quickly weakened, and in a blink of an eye, it became the lifeless ashes again, as if the words appeared just now, and it was already exhausted. All the strength ...

"Hey, you wake up, don't die first, I rely on it!" No matter how Lin Fei called, there was no response. In the end, Lin Fei had to break this fragment, the image fragment really looks like The death is the same, there is no sound.

However, after the death of the fragment of the array, this space channel finally got its own power and began to show its real power. The power of space surged violently. In a flash, Lin Fei and the two were sent to the place ...

However, the long-distance space transmission is far from Yu Hua's physique that can be withstood. It is almost half faint and half awake. As soon as he falls on the ground, he sits and adjusts the rate.

Lin Fei did not have time to manage him, but summoned many spirits from the storage bag, arranged a formation around the fragments of the array ...

All of a sudden, Lin Fei's aura gradually became richer.

Yu Hua only felt as if she was surrounded by the warm sea, and slept in a long sleep in it. When the consciousness was sober, she only felt comfortable.

When he took a long breath and woke up, he was startled.

In front of him was a powerful psychic formation, with a strong qi, which turned into a mist. If you breathe easily, two milky white aura dragons entered the nostrils.

A closer look at the body is even more surprising. It turns out that the water bloom spirit gradually recovered unconsciously. The dark wounds accumulated in the desert are also slowly repairing ...

I couldn't help but feel touched for a while. Brother Lin was too interesting. Seeing me weak, I spent a lot of spirit stones and set up such a horrifying effect ...

Before waiting to thank you, I found something a bit wrong ...

Lin Fei ignored him and stared at the center of the Juling Array with a scorching gaze. There was a strange thing in gray, floating and floating ...

"Eh ..." Judging from this situation, Yu Hua still has no reason to understand. It turns out that he has been passionate himself, and he is just dipping the things in the center of the Lingling ...

After trying to understand, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Although I should say thank you, Lin Fei is here to concentrate on it and disturb himself, fearing that he will be killed ...

Nothing happened when I was idle, so I noticed the scenery around me, and at first glance, my eyes lit up immediately.

This is a vast mountain range, I don't know how long, but it lies like a dragon.

As the mountain breeze blew, the mountain mist drifted slowly, the leaves whirled, and a burst of "sand" sounded, and a burst of freshness and coolness came.

The most important thing is that there is plenty of aura here. Although it is not very vigorous, it is heaven and earth compared to the northern barren sand dunes where grass is not growing.

For Yu Hua, who has been in the desert for a long time, this is simply paradise on earth.

"Huh? You woke up." Lin Fei heard Yu Hua's movement, and then noticed him, nodded and said: "That's right, there may be a few monsters coming later, you clean it up for me, don't let They bother me. "

"Ah? Monster?"

Yuhua is a bit baffled. The breeze here is Xulai, a quiet place. Where is the monster?

"Well, three hundred feet west, those monsters are about half a stick of incense, maybe the number is a little too much, you insist on it." Lin Fei commanded the car to get familiar, and pointed out the place in detail.

"Okay ..." Yu Hua didn't talk about why, but buried his doubts in his stomach and walked away.

Just a distance of three hundred feet, semi-pillar ...

Is it so accurate?

After Yu Hua, who was full of confusion, left, Lin Fei stared at the center of Juling Array again, frowning ...

When Yu Hua adjusted his interest rate, he began to arrange this gathering array. In order to achieve the best effect, let alone smashing millions of spirit stones into it, just pile up, enough to fill a pond.

It now appears that the effect of this gathering is very good, almost turning into an aura spring.

Yu Hua just meditated beside the spring eyes, which attracted the water spirits, and also repaired the dark wounds in the body, and many monsters were attracted by this rich aura.

But no matter how good the effect of this gathering is, how many monsters are attracted, this picture fragment is indifferent ...

What should I do?

Lin Fei was really a little helpless. When he was in the space channel, the fragments of this image were desperately absorbing power, and they almost swallowed the mess.

Now that the power has been opened up, but suddenly the fish is dead, what does that mean?

Is it because of writing those few words that you are exhausted?

"Fu Li has a demon, escape ... damn, you can't say more words."

These words are too vague, and people are confused, but the message is still desperately transmitted by the fragments of the array, and Lin Fei can't ignore it.

After all, this fragment of the array is different, but it was dug out of the blood river. It is the foundation of the Fuli world that the demon world has to fight for. This fragment can't know the key information.

The problem is that the way the fragments convey the message is too simple ...

Lin Fei thought for a while and used the nine-character mantra, which turned into nine golden lights, and broke into the center of the Gathering Spirit Array. The milky white aura instantly turned into gold. , Burning.

Thirty breaths were fleeting. At this time, Yu Hua had rushed to the place through the woods.

"There is no monster, Brother Lin is too confident ..." Yu Hua looked around and the trees were staggered. With the gentle breeze gently shaking, it was extremely quiet, let alone the monster, there was no bird ...

Wait, bird?

Yeah, in such a big forest, why do n’t even have one bird? Is it too quiet?

"I rely on!" Yu Hua just felt this, and he felt a chill in his heart.

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