
"Buzz ..."

Just as the burly monk was about to rush out of the valley, a golden light mask was born out of thin air, covering the whole valley, not only above it, but even the ground glowed with a faint golden light, which actually sealed all directions.

In the mask, countless small golden seals flashed through, densely packed together, showing an indestructible momentum.

"Look for death!" Seeing this scene, the burly monk did not understand where Lin Fei did not want to cooperate with him from the beginning, saying that he was pushing the little devil to the Jedi. In fact, this was a desperate situation created for him.

"Break me!" The burly monk roared with a fist twice the size of an ordinary person, and waved wildly, as if with great force, he hit the mask hard.


There was a tremor, but the entire golden mask was unshakable, just the place where the fist fell, and several waves rippled apart. In addition, the entire golden mask did not move like a mountain.


The burly monk's face flared up, his body swelled again, his clothes burst, his muscles swelled up like a hill, his eyes turned crimson, and there was no human voice between his roars.

It's a long story, but in fact, if you can't get a breath from the last punch, it is another punch.


This punch is more powerful. After falling, the ripples are stirred up, but they still cannot break the golden mask.

The burly monk did not give up, and the bombardment of punches continued, and suddenly, it seemed that he was throwing rocks in the pool water, and the golden ripples continued to swing.

Under this continuous bombardment, the strength of the burly monk did not weaken, but it became stronger every time, and the breath continued to rise.

From a distance, it looks like a fierce beast is striking the mask and the sound is shaking.

"I'm relying on ..." Seeing this power, the little devil's head opened wide, and he looked a little dazed for a while.

At the same time, after a while, I was afraid that I had played a fight with this humanoid beast. It was really luck to survive.

Looking at it, I ca n’t help but feel a bit strange ...

The fighting power revealed by the opponent is more powerful than it seems. It is not difficult to kill yourself. Why should you hide your strength and drag it for so long?

"I wonder why I didn't die?" Lin Fei asked beside him with a smile.

"..." Little Devil's face was black, shit, how can you see through other people's minds at a glance, see through it, and why do you say such a faceless thing?

Are you a devil?

Lin Fei did not care what the little devil thought, but stared at the figure that was bombarding the mask, squinting his eyes.

In fact, he also wondered a little bit. This guy easily came to Fuli to escape from the realm and took the treasure from the little devil. He would not know what identity the little devil was.

But why didn't he kill him?

What is this guy thinking about?

Or is it that he can get more benefits than killing the little devil instead of killing him?

However, as this demon, you should not be able to get a greater benefit than killing the little devil ...


But Lin Fei just thought about it for a moment, and then ignored it.

In any case, as long as the other party is caught, everything will be clear.

After so many bombardments, the fire should be almost ...

I saw that the burly monk at this time had completely lost his human form. The surface of his fist had grown fine blue scales, and there were huge bone spurs at the joints. The clothes were completely cracked. It can be seen that the bones and muscles of the whole body are surging like waves, and each blow brings out the surging power like waves.

A grisly and powerful body appeared in front of the two.


"Really ..." Under the continuous shock, the little devil's head could not close his mouth. Looking at this head, there were almost three "beasts" of his own size. He didn't know what to say.

At this time, the burly "monk", or the burly demon, no longer covered up, the great power hidden in the body erupted completely, just like a long-brewed volcano, every simple punch, like a volcanic eruption With the same power, the moment when the fist collided with the golden mask, a spark was wiped out on the bronze scales.


With hundreds of punches falling at the same point, the golden mask finally appeared cracked and spread like a spider web, and countless tadpole-like seals flashed frantically on the surface of the mask, desperately trying to make up for the crack.

"Poof." Suddenly, Yu Hua's figure appeared above the golden mask, but his face was very pale. If he hadn't been sitting on the giant python demon king, he would have fallen off at this time, though, After appearing, a spit of blood was first spit out, looking at Lin Fei, said weakly: "Hurry up if you want to shoot, I really can't hold it a few times."

Yu Hua regretted that he was dying.

He had been arranged here by Lin Fei, and after obtaining a large number of spirits and a set of pictures, he concentrated on laying this very high-grade golden photovoltaic magic array, which was supposed to be used to secretly calculate the small devil. Xin Dao is a bit overkill, who knows, Lin Fei is really not exaggerated at all, he really wants to use the "magic".

Now, he only regrets that he didn't ask Lin Feiduo for some spirits, and he arranged the formation more firmly.

After all, this demon is also too cruel, and he really wanted to eat people when he ran out!


I can't hold it anymore ...

"Come on ... stop this monster."

Under the continuous anti-shock, Yu Hua's bones seemed to be falling apart. He spurted out a bruise, but he couldn't care about the injury in his body. While screaming for help, he kept guarding the golden photovoltaic magic array.

"I'm coming……"

At this time, the little devil is more anxious than Yu Hua.

Seeing now, he understood that this demon was disguised and transformed, and it was not an ordinary demon at all, and he should be a descendant of a large tribal clan owner.

Perhaps this demon's status in the demon world can be comparable to his position in the Forsaken Realm, or even higher.

Then the question came. Why did this demon come to Fli out of bounds at great risk?

Conspiracy, there is a big conspiracy!

No matter what the conspiracy was, he couldn't let him run away anyway.

But there is a problem ...

I can't beat this guy myself ...

He peeped a glance at the side, and after seeing Lin Fei open the sword field, he stood there quietly, looking at the demon who wanted to escape, but didn't mean anything at all ...

Little Devil's head was bitter. If Lin Fei couldn't shoot, he would simply give up his head.

However, in such a hesitant time, the golden mask was shaken again, Yu Hua spit out a big mouth of blood, screaming at the ground and yelling.

"What the **** are you doing there, hurry and get over!"

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