Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1250: Heavenly Heart

This art of heart can exert the power of "Tai Shang He Tian Zhen Fa" to the extreme, thoroughly dig out its treasures, and exert its power far beyond the existing realm

But the price is also huge. During this time, to remove the obstacles for the full release of potential, your own consciousness will be temporarily lost, and finally recover, and may also leave no small sequelae.

I can't control that much now.



"What it is?"

Just when the little devil finally made up his mind to prepare to perform this technique, he suddenly felt a gust of wind flew past behind him, turned his head to look around, and suddenly froze.

That is Lin Fei!

In the astonishment of the little devil's head, Lin Fei controlled the life and death sword domain, carrying thousands of sword qi, and arrived in an instant.

In front of Lin Fei, the space resistance that made the little devil helpless seemed as if there was no such thing at all. It was only a moment, the sword of life and death quickly extended to a vast scale, spanning the distance of space.

The next moment, the demon prince enveloped away.

"Get out of here!" The demon prince obviously knew his situation too, and he wanted to escape frantically, feeling the ubiquitous bone-sword intent, and he was immediately frightened.

With a loud drink, the infinite black gas poured out of his mouth. In a flash, he heard only the snarling roar of thousands of creatures, and countless painful faces flew out of the black gas, forming a meandering black dragon. , Rushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei frowned, and with his fingers, the seven sword qi burst out of the air, bursting out with different dazzling brilliances. In a flash, seven kinds of visions appeared in the air, surrounding the black dragon.

In the roar of the Black Dragon, it seemed like thousands of creatures were cursing and biting the soul, but for these seven sword qi, it was unheard of, but instead it became more fierce.

Just a moment, the black dragon's roar with a miserable meaning, a pair of dragon horns were shattered by thunder, Taiyi sword gasified as a golden dragon directly attached to it, each claw was deeply caught in the black dragon body among……

Under this siege, the strange dragon body composed of countless faces began to fade.

With the sound of "Bang" ...

A flame ignited above the dragon's body, and the figure burned and twisted.


If the demon prince was hit hard, he spit out a blood, and his breath quickly weakened.

"I admit defeat, I can plead with you for your help, and spare your life!" At this time, the void ban suddenly disappeared, and the little devil finally rushed over, looking at the demon prince, screaming inside.

"Shut up." But before waiting for the demon prince to speak, Lin Fei frowned.

"Understand, you first please." The little devil closed his mouth, and quickly retreated behind Lin Fei.

Lin Fei looked at the demon prince, and said in a hurry: "You can't escape, you can admit defeat, and I can spare you."

"Acknowledge defeat? It's up to you?" The demon prince burst into rage, slammed his chest, and roared.

Following this, his already weakened breath quickly became stronger.

The grisly body swelled again, and turned into a gritty monster with a height of twenty feet, covered with iron-blue scale armor. The two horns above the head were like a crescent moon, emitting a faint light.

The unstoppable momentum was shocking.

"Die to me!"

After the change, the demon prince's roar sounded like a thunderous explosion, his mouth opened, and his fangs were like swords. A strong suction erupted, and the aura was swallowed by him like a hurricane.

As the aura infused, the demon prince climbed sharply.

With his hind limbs accumulating, the next moment, his entire body rushed away like a catapult, and seven sword qi slashed onto him, but it rebounded back, leaving only a faint white mark ...


Lin Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect the other person's physical strength to be so strong, but he soon reacted, urging the sword domain of life and death, and instantly wrapped up the rushing demon.

In the sword domain of life and death, countless small swords flew in anger, chopped on the demon prince, and made the sound of "ding jingle."

"What should I do, or should I ask for help first ..." Although the Life and Death Sword Domain temporarily trapped the other party, it could not cause any physical damage. The little devil was a little anxious.

"Do it yourself."

Lin Fei ignored him, but looked up and shouted to Yu Hua.

At this time, Yu Hua's face was pale, and she seemed to be dying. However, after hearing Lin Fei's shouts, she was suddenly overjoyed, forcibly cheering herself up, and urging the Golden Photovoltaic Magic Array to start a strange change. His eyes became brighter and brighter.

He personally placed this array, how could he not know that this golden photovoltaic magic array can also undergo the next change, that is, the golden light demon array.

Extract the power of the spirits in the array to supplement the array leader!

Lin Fei had promised him at the beginning that he could attract a powerful creature and send him a fortune, which was one of the reasons that supported his persistence.

He stopped the demon for a short time, and knew that the other party's vitality was beyond imagination. For himself, it was indeed a unique creation.


Yu Hua's green muscles broke up, and he had crushed himself to the extreme in order to transform this battle. However, he didn't care, but he saw with his own eyes how powerful the demon's vitality was. Even if he got 30% of it, it was enough to make up for the previous deficit Go further.


In the sound of "rumbling", the Golden Photovoltaic Magic Array changed drastically. The original golden reticle shrunk rapidly, and finally passed through the domain of life and death sword, turning into a golden ball to wrap the demon prince.

There are countless fuzhuan shining above, revealing a kind of power to kill and refine.

However, as soon as they closed together, the demon prince punched hard and punched the surface of the golden ball with countless protrusions, and countless characters and seals flashed densely, shaking for a while.

"Dare humans, dare to refine me ?!"

At this time, the demon prince was completely mad, and the sturdy body as solid as gold was like a river and a sea, intensively bombarded in a golden ball. For a moment, let alone refining, the golden light demon array was almost shattered by him .

"Then give it a try." Lin Fei did not panic, and there was exactly a seal in his hand. In a flash, the nine truths flew out in a hurry, and merged into the golden ball in a blink of an eye.

"Arrogant ..."

The demon prince relied on his indomitable body, and continued to bombard it with extreme violentness. However, after a blow down, his extremely crazy roar suddenly became distorted ...

With the loud noise of "Boom", he hit the mask with one punch as usual, but this time the mask did not tremble, but instead the armor covered by the armor was bent into a strange angle and fell down weakly. ...

"What conspiracy are you doing?"

The demon's voice became alarmed.

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