"Unfortunately only half a month ..."

The opening of this ancestral palace is not without limits, otherwise, someone may really take root here. After all, for monks, this resource-intensive place is too tempting ...

So no matter who enters the Ancestral Hall, there is a half-month limit. When the time comes, no matter where you hide, the Ancestral Hall will kick you out ...

"Go a thousand miles further north, you should be able to make a full circle, shit, that guy will not be eaten by the monster ..."

Lin Fei used the branches to draw the route he walked on the ground, but could not help worrying about Gu Fei.

Although this ancestral palace is rich in resources, there is no shortage of powerful monsters. For example, there are a few in the Gobi who are unwilling to provoke the ethnic group and rely on the silver rat to avoid it.

Although Gu Fei has the experience passed down by martial arts, but after all, it is not 100% complete. If one is careless and falls into the stomach of a powerful monster, it is not impossible ...

Otherwise, how come he hasn't found him yet?

"do not care……"

Lin Fei soon stopped thinking too much. If Gu Feizhen was so easily eaten, it would only mean that he was not capable enough, and it would be better to leave alone.

When looking for his free array, it takes a little more thought ...

Besides ...

I am not without other spare tires ...

"I said, what happened to you ..."

"A bit, but it's vague."

"There should always be a direction for the blur, but that is your body."

"What's wrong with my body? I haven't seen it for thousands of years. I don't know if it's taken up by other ghosts. Damn, even my perception can be blocked. It must be occupied by someone, OK. I ’m asleep, and I ’ll tell you again when there is news ... "

"Hey, don't sleep ... I rely on! It should be occupied by someone ..."

Lin Fei called out, and couldn't stop Wanhunzhu from falling asleep, and immediately scolded.

If you come in with yourself, there are naturally soul beads ...

It was originally a prisoner who was locked with his free array. Although the true spirit escaped by chance, the real body was imprisoned in this ancestral hall together with his free array.


This should be an important assistant to help him find the fragments of his free array.

Who knows, after coming here, this guy has always said that the induction is vague, unable to sense the specific position of his body, and can only be determined that it must be in this ancestral hall.

In a word, I mean I ca n’t do anything. The key depends on Lin Fei ...

"It's a pig teammate ..."

Lin Fei had a feeling of being deceived. I thought this guy was so high and qualified to be a prisoner with his free-form. It should be a magic weapon of the ranks.

Now, it seems that only Gu Fei can be counted on ...

Early next morning.

Lin Fei completed one night's practice and set off.

However, as soon as he was together, Lin Fei inadvertently looked around him, trying to clear the trace of his rest from this, but suddenly he was shocked.

This ancestral palace is not a safe place. In order to guard against prying eyes, at the time of rest, it still lays out a magic circle as a precaution.

But now, the magic circle under his own hand has been damaged ...

Lin Fei glanced at the defective array, and suddenly he was shocked with cold sweat.

Arranging this magic circle yourself was originally to prevent danger. Generally speaking, let alone being destroyed, even if there are any ants passing by, this magic circle can only react to it ...

Now, however, this circle has been destroyed, and there is no response ...

What must be done to achieve this?

French phase level?

"It shouldn't be ..."

Lin Fei was a little unsure, which level of existence would be so boring, idle to destroy the magic circle, to spy on himself, without causing any harm ...

That's right, the strangest place is here ...

Obviously there is a chance to threaten yourself, but just destroyed the magic circle, and quietly retreated ...

This feeling is as if the other party is simply showing off the force.

Isn't this leisure ...

Certainly not a monk, not Lin Fei's self-confidence. As far as this group of monks come in, they can get close to themselves without being discovered.

Monsters and the like are impossible, otherwise now they should be in the belly of the monsters.

Who else will it be?

Lin Fei frowned and looked around, but no traces were found ...

Lin Fei did not have much time to delay here, so he had to continue on the road, but his heart was still unreliable ...

Although the other party just destroyed the magic circle and didn't mean to hurt himself, the other party obviously has the ability to hurt himself at any time. Who wants to put his life in the hands of others?

Just whispering in his heart, unconsciously, Lin Fei just walked for an hour. This Gobi seems to be gone, and a forest appeared not far in front.

The forest is a bit sparse, with bark cracking, and it looks like a walnut forest that has been lacking moisture for a long time and is growing in the desert.

"finally reached……"

Lin Fei slowed down when he walked into this forest, looking left and right ...

Because Lin Fei knew that this forest was the edge of the Gobi.

I almost made a circle around the Gobi. The hundred miles near the forest is the last place I didn't explore.

If Gu Fei can't be found here, Gu Fei can basically be declared cool ...

"But why is it a bit gloomy here ..."

When Lin Fei stepped into this sparse forest, he felt a bit chilly. This forest seemed to have a different temperature than the outside world.

"Huh? Someone here ..."

At this time, the silver rat who had been hiding in Lin Fei's arms and showed his way suddenly moved a few times.

Then I climbed up to Lin Fei's shoulder, stood upright and looked left and right, sniffing my nose, followed by quite affirmation: "I smell a sense of humanity nearby ..."

"Oh? Where?" Lin Fei heard it, and suddenly came to the spirit. At first, this silver rat promised to help find Gu Fei, but when he really worked, it was a virtue with Wanhunzhu. Fan said four times that he had no clue.

It seems that it should be the reason for the lack of distance. Now that I smell it, it should be ancient Fei ...

"It smells very messy, it seems to be mixed with a lot of messy things, probably in the south ..." Yin Rat sniffed for a while, but he was less confident, but then he said quickly: "But you have great powers , I ’m sure I ’ll find it at random ... "

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