Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1377: Innate Gold

All of a sudden, under the control of Lin Fei, the several real elements were moving fast, from different directions, towards the small area, all around, leaving no dead ends.

However, before waiting for these few real elements to close together, I only saw a "boom" in that small area ...

A flesh of blood rose without warning.

The endless blood and fierce force burst out in an instant, and the dark red blood fluttered, and instantly filled most of the silver world, staining the surrounding with a layer of blood.

All of a sudden, Lin Fei felt, what kind of **** seal of the corpse mountain he opened ...

Even Lin Fei was a little caught off guard at this time, even the nine-character mantra, the momentum of the fall was slowed down, almost drowned by this monstrous blood ...

"I rely on ..."

This blood came in a violent manner, and it was actually in the field of other self-aligned arrays that such a power broke out. This kind of scene is more exaggerated than Lin Fei expected.

Lin Fei did not dare to carelessly at that time, and released more real elements, forming one after another protection, preparing to protect himself first.


However, when the blood fluttered, Lin Fei was suddenly stunned.

As this blood touches his own real element, this vigorous blood, as if ice and snow meet a scorching sun, melts quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This discovery made Lin Fei a bit unresponsive.

This majestic, fierce blood that can turn the river in the midst of a half-step innate magic weapon, is it just a paper tiger?


Upon closer inspection, Lin Fei discovered that it wasn't that weak blood, as if ... it was too strong.

Because the blood is in front of its own true element, and after continuous collapse, it is a new way to prepare to escape from another route.

For a moment, in the silver world of his self-contained array, there was an extra blood meteor. This blood meteor dragged a long tail flame, which was almost rampant. It looked like this silver world from a distance. It was cut in half ...

On the contrary, when he meets his own real element, the blood is like a mouse meeting a cat, and immediately changes course and quickly escapes.

This comparison made Lin Fei feel that he was wrong?

This blood is not afraid of his free array, but is afraid of his own true element?

What is the reason?

"Strange ..."

Lin Fei couldn't figure it out, but he didn't have too many tangles, and he stopped thinking about it.

Since this thing is afraid of yourself, then you do n’t have to be polite ...

However, before he started, Lin Fei still kept his eye on it. He first kept the seven sword energies with the strongest fighting power there, forming one after another around his mind, like a square box.

Then he mobilized his true elements, distributed in all directions, like a big net, and gradually surrounded the blood toward that blood.

"What an amazing killing intention ..."

The moment that Zhenyuan surrounded the past, the blood gas was violently touched, and Lin Fei felt that the **** gas also contained a powerful force of killing, as if it contained a vast blood The sea is average.

Such a short moment even reminded Lin Fei of the tragic battlefields passed by in the last life ...

"What the **** is this ..."

The closer to this force, Lin Fei was curious.

Such a fierce **** force can safely exist in the half-step innate magic weapon, even turning over the river and the sea, but actually afraid of his own real elements.

What's so strange about this?

Now Lin Fei continues to urge the release of a steady stream of real elements, and they are brought together to become a big net, which is getting tighter and tighter.

And that piece of blood that was once incomparable was compressed to the extreme. In this silver world, it became a blood-sized luminous group of human heads. It looks like blood is flowing on the surface.

"I want to see what you are ..."

Lin Fei didn't hesitate to run the Ten Thousand Sword Skills, and suddenly, a few condensed true elements continued to force the past toward this **** light group ...

The blood gas cluster is getting tighter and tighter, the light on the surface is constantly compressed, and even the blood gas is constantly dissipating ...

Following this, the **** atmosphere outside dissipated cleanly, revealing the inside body ...

It was a glass-like thing, the surface was crystal clear, a **** shimmer flowing on the surface, there was not much fierceness, but it was like a piece of blood jade.

Looking at the surface, no one can imagine that this thing is actually the source of the **** power.

However, now Lin Fei doesn't care about these things anymore, because when he sees this thing, the real element in his body is agitated, as if he is about to pounce ...

"Golden energy ?!"

This discovery suddenly surprised Lin Fei.

Among the blood jade, the **** spirit is vigorous, but in it, it is actually mixed with a golden air ...

The most important thing is that this golden energy also gives you a very familiar feeling ...

"Don't ..."

Suddenly, a thought rose from Lin Fei's heart ...

All of a sudden, Lin Fei couldn't take care of it anymore. He directly started the Heavenly Buddhism, released the infinite seal, and integrated into this blood jade. Suddenly, the familiar feeling in Lin Fei's heart became stronger and stronger .

"It turned out to be that innate golden energy ..."

Lin Fei remembers that there is a congenital golden energy in this self-free array, but because his magic weapon Yuanling in this self-free array fell into a deep sleep, he has never been able to take it out.

But now, it seems to have been hit by mistake, coming into contact with this tiny crack.

Lin Feiyue is more and more sure ...

As long as it is a congenital thing, there must be a spirit of the beginning of the year, which can never be fake. Lin Fei has already received three innate gold qualities, which is already very familiar with it.

It's just that this innate golden energy is a little special, and it's actually surrounded by a powerful **** gas, and it's hidden very concealed. Until this thing appears completely, this innate golden energy can no longer escape.

At this time, Lin Fei also suddenly knew why this thing would be afraid of his true nature ...

The reason is also very simple. My true body is derived from Zhu Tian Wan Jian Jue, and Zhu Tian Wan Jian Jue, a special method of devouring golden energy, is simply born to this innate golden energy. Restraint.

When the two meet, the innate golden energy is like encountering a natural enemy, and will naturally be defeated ...

"However, what innate gold is this?"

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