Not quite ...

This other crack that had become above the array, suddenly, closed and closed ...

Lin Fei was only a little slower, Shen Nian was almost locked inside.

Fortunately, the speed of Shennian's reaction is not comparable to that of the flesh. It just feels a little wrong. Shennian responded, turned upside down, and pulled out ...

Following that, Lin Fei Shennian returned to the body, just to see that the tiny crack on the silver surface that had been transformed into the free array in front of him had healed to a point where it was almost invisible.

And this silver light has been restored as before, and there is no trace of the damage.


All of a sudden, Lin Fei was stunned for a while. After the reaction, some of them were crying and laughing.

Previously, at all costs, he used various materials to repair this free array, lest the speed be a bit slower.

It's good now, when I was about to receive the god's spirit gold, this thing actually healed ...

Was it self-inflicted?

Forget it, heal it, heal it, big deal, just open it again ...

Thinking of this, Lin Fei did not hesitate. He just turned to the real element and stabs it again towards the original crack.

But this time it was in vain. No matter how hard Lin Fei tried, there was no trace in that place.


Lin Fei understood at that time ...

Do n’t look at the appearance of the wounds in the previous free map, in fact, it is because the opponent it faces is too powerful ...

Needless to say, the demon emperor who burst his anger on the table, even if he was already the end of the strong crossbow, the ancestor of the Fo Lijie at that time also had a real body level.

This gave him a free self-alignment, causing no small trauma.

In contrast, compared to his own strength, if he wants to transform him into a free array, and destroy a size that is not too small, and is just close to the crack of the spirit **** gold that day, how easy is it?

"Forget it ..."

Lin Fei also knows that he ca n’t do it too hurriedly now. If he wants to unlock this other free array, there is no other way at this time. The most reliable way is to go back and ask Jianzong, relying on the ten thousand soul beads ...

Next, Lin Fei stayed here for another half day, went inside and out, checked his body, and perfected the remaining injuries.

No way, Lin Fei escaped from the demon emperor's death, and the existence of such a real body level, if it is buried in his body with any hidden dangers, then it is not a rare thing, there are too many things to do Too much, Lin Fei really dared not take the slightest risk.

Most importantly, this is also a process of stabilizing one's own realm ...

Speaking of which, after achieving the Fa phase, Lin Fei was always in a hurry. In fact, he didn't have much time to experience some subtle changes that occurred during the process from Jin Dan to Fa phase.

For Lin Fei, this is a kind of silent change, and fortunately, thanks to Lin Fei who has lived two generations, he has enough experience and can easily make a subtle change and sort out clearly.

If you change someone else, how can you get into the world when you first enter the Fa, and you have to retreat for two or three years? This is sloppy ...

Therefore, there are some jokes in the practice circle.

Anyway, after achieving the Fa phase, the lifespan has been greatly extended, and it has become the mainstay of their respective schools. They ca n’t afford to lose a bit, and it takes two or three years to retreat. That ’s not a thing ...

When Lin Fei was in his last life, he didn't have much contact with the physiognomy and even the monks, and now he sorts out his own changes, which is also a bypass.

But three days later, Lin Fei ended this brief retreat ...

Compared to the ragged clothes three days ago, Lin Fei now has a new look, a new blue robe is clean and refreshing, the whole person looks restrained temperament, a black hair is simply behind the back, no matter what, let No one can see that this is a monk who can be regarded as a pillar of the sect ...

"It's been a few days, why hasn't Yu Hua been moving ..."

Lin Fei glanced into the distance, but frowned.

In order to save time before, I sent Yu Hua long ago to come here first and inquire about Wang Lingguan.

How long has it been since I haven't written back to myself?

"This guy is too reliable ..."

The plain space is unstable, and the space cracks will come out without knowing where it comes from. If you send a flying sword message, you may be swallowed by the space cracks.

At this moment, I can be considered disconnected from Yu Hua ...

It seems that this guy can't count on ...

"By the way, Mojinpai should be able to help ..."

Lin Fei suddenly thought of it. According to Zhang Ran, today's gold-touching school is different from the past. It is quite powerful, and even occupies a place on the plain where this power is crazed.

Finding them to help is always better than rushing here ...

The most important thing is that in that Zhang Ran mouth, the Mojin School is not far away from here, there is a station ...

Thinking of this, Lin Fei did not hesitate, and urged Zhenyuan directly. The whole person was like a big bird, rushing towards the distance.


As a fast-rising force in recent years, the influence of the Mojin School in the plains is already second only to the Seven Kingdoms, and it has a wide range of places in the place. This fat has attracted many monks to join the gold The faction is considered to be a peripheral member of the Mojin faction.

A small part of them is the selection of excellent middle schools. They were absorbed by this gold school and became members of the real martial arts, which attracted the monks.

All of a sudden, two or three big cats and kittens, and even the gold touch that even the Shanmen ancestral land can't be guaranteed, has been a meteorological phenomenon for thousands of years.

At the edge of the plain, a large mountain rises up, surrounded by aura, and pavilions are scattered, among which the monks flying in and out can be seen in a faint hustle and bustle.

This is the residence of the Mojinpai, which is different from other powerful forces that act in an overbearing way. The Mojinpai is quite friendly to casual repairs and small forces, acquiescing them to trade and walk around their resident, and will acquire various resources from them. .

For a time, a rather large market was formed above a plain.

I just do n’t know why, this touched gold school has a special heat rash for the sword repairs, especially the kind of sword repairs that no one can see, and sometimes they would like to lose money and have to buy ...

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