Only the monster in the middle of these two people was easily freed from the state of being nearly pinched to death, but it was completely fierce and dying, and there was a blood foam in his mouth from time to time.

Seeing that the monster was alive, Wang Lingguan looked slightly slower and slowly said: "Brother Li, we are in this kind of death, we can't really consume each other anymore, this demon emperor, you let us, the last time It ’s just the matter, we can still work together when we leave, what do you think? "

Li Qingshan glanced at Wang Lingguan, and finally just spit out the words: "Go away."

"Li Qingshan!" At this moment, Wang Lingguan's face suddenly sank: "Those things before, I think you are in the same class, don't care about you, don't think that the advanced law will be unscrupulous! "

"You can try it." However, Li Qingshan just sneered.

When the words fell, Li Qingshan's body suddenly agitated, and the stagnation of this space suddenly increased.

"You give me a hand!" Wang Lingguan's face suddenly changed, and while drinking, he quickly urged Zhenyuan to prepare to shoot.


This is a little late.

Almost at the same time that Wang Lingguan was ready to start, Li Qingshan was already holding his hands together.

Suddenly, the space seemed to collapse.

The demon emperor couldn't even struggle, just a low whine, the body was like a piece of paper in a big hand, and was squashed directly.

A few times in a row, this was just a somewhat embarrassed emperor-level monster, and it turned into an unknown paste of blood and bone.

Only the majestic spirit in it seems to be saying that this is a paste from the existence of the emperor class ...

Moreover, the paste of the emperor-level monster has not been maintained for too long. Immediately afterwards, it was swept in by the piece of blood cloud, and there was a bitter and corrosive sound in the blood cloud.

The blood cloud slowly creeped, as if it were a real creature, devouring this flesh ...

Wang Lingguan's complexion suddenly sank.

"I was originally looking at your fallen demon road, and I don't want to care about you, but now, you really are." When Wang Lingguan looked at Li Qingshan, his face was full of coldness, and the voice fell, and a red blood. The big sword slowly emerged from the body.

With the appearance of this great sword, a phantom of a monstrous blood sea emerged from the side, and a scream from the depths of **** came from the sea of ​​blood.

The spirit of Wang Lingguan is also rising, and the atmosphere of the state of the law is undoubtedly revealed.

Beside him, the illusion of the monstrous blood sea is becoming more and more real, surrounding the Wang Lingguan with the sky, and the blood cloud, each occupying one side of the sky, vaguely contending, forming a horned confrontation.

Li Qingshan didn't speak, but as the blood cloud squirmed a few times, the blood cloud around him swelled outward and spread ...

The monstrous spirit that lingered on him was suddenly burst out, the blood in the eyes, red and dripping, the whole person looked strange and strong, as if the ancient monster was recovering ...

The momentum of the two came out brazenly and collided against each other.

The blood cloud was surging, the blood sea spreading for hundreds of miles, and the nearby space was shrouded in a heavy storm.


At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly broke the silence.

"You still have ..."

As the words fell, in the blood sea and blood cloud, a slim woman emerged silently.

In this monstrous blood sea and blood cloud, she looked very weak, and when she appeared, she did not show any power at all.

But at this moment, with her opening, the condensed atmosphere suddenly loosened ...

"Several people who came in are almost dead. The two of you brothers and sisters are still killing each other?" Manzhuer glanced at the two of them, and there was a trace of sarcasm in the exquisite face. A real person of Qianyuan knows, will he take the shot first and kill you two traitors under the palm of your hand. "

"Hehe ..." Li Qingshan turned his head to look at Manzhuer, and those eyes were like beasts, sneeringly: "I don't know if your real Yuyang person knows, your true biography of this old man, do not tell me this brother Unclear, will the portal be cleared. "

"As long as you have the life to escape, whatever you go to Bu Lao Shan, but before that, you remember to me ..." In the words of Manzhuer, there was no irritability at all, but just here, she Staring tightly at Li Qingshan, his delicate and glamorous face was full of cold killers: "If you dare to take another shot, even if we miss the opportunity to go out this time, we will also take the first shot to kill you."

Regardless of Li Qingshang's suddenly cold look, after Manzhuer finished speaking, the body twisted a little in the void, and disappeared.

Li Qingshan just sneered, but finally looked at Wang Lingguan, but it didn't mean to shoot. When Zhenyuan urged, the blood cloud swallowed him whole ...

When the blood cloud subsided, Li Qingshan's entire person also disappeared ...

For a time, only Wang Lingguan was left in this space, standing quietly in the void, looking at the place where Li Qingshan disappeared, frowning, not knowing what was thinking ...


This quietness did not last long before it was broken by a careful voice ...

"Brother Wang, Brother Wang, let me out soon."

There was a young figure suddenly appearing in the phantom of the blood sea. It seems that it has been there from now to now, but it has never appeared ...

It may be ridiculous to say, but for the monks of the law, this is nothing remarkable.

This sea of ​​blood is certainly not that simple. In fact, this is Wang Lingguan ’s world of law. It ’s really not a matter of hiding people. There are even some perverted worlds of law that easily accommodate mountains and rivers ...

As the voice fell, the sea of ​​blood was gradually being put away.

The figure in it was finally exposed ...

If Lin Fei was here, he could immediately recognize that this figure was Yu Hua who had already been sent to the Dragon Bone World.

Speaking of that, when Fu was away from the realm, Yu Hua was also blessed by Lin Fei, and he received almost unlimited resources for cultivation. Under the thick and thin hair, the peculiarities of the water bloom spirit body broke out completely.

Singing all the way, the cultivation reached the 9th turn of Jindan.

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