Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1415: Catch the dragon

"So, this old dragon is here, just to hide the killing of the master of sword light?" Lin Fei suddenly thought of this place, and suddenly felt very likely.

Otherwise, it can't be explained that this old dragon, as the lord of the court, will not be so excited after seeing the sword light.

If this guess is true ...

The ambition and strength of the master of Jianguang are surprising.

He can obviously cause damage to Lao Long, but he keeps his hands again and again, this is to catch Lao Long alive ...

Catch a dragon alive?

After this idea came up, Lin Fei was taken aback by himself.

What is the concept of dragon?

That is the innate race that was born together with the heavens and the world. Since ancient times, it has always been on the top of the countless creatures in the world.

Time and time again, many innate races have been annihilated in history, but only a family of dragons has endured forever, standing forever in the top ranks of the heavens and the world.

For example, the old dragon, even the dragon soul born from the dragon corpse, has dominated countless creatures in the dragon bone world for thousands of years ...

What a great creature this is ...

As a dragon, you have to be caught alive?

Not to mention Lin Fei has never heard of it, and since the beginning of the day, it has rarely happened.

This old dragon is also a great humiliation, no wonder it will be so angry ...

"Where are all the monsters and ghosts coming out from?"

Lin Fei made a whisper in his heart.

How did the master of Jianguang exist, and he was able to hunt down the old dragon, such a heartbroken thing ...

Lin Fei felt faintly that there must be some hidden secrets inside.

After all, no matter how the old dragon says, it is also the combat power of the dharma level.

This kind of existence is not easy to be born, and it will not fall for tens of thousands of years. The fall of every dharma body must be accompanied by an earth-shattering war that will affect all circles.

But now, the old dragon was actually hunted ...

Don't look at it is just a big battle, but behind this, maybe someone has used countless resources to design a ring of plans.

Lin Fei has no doubt about this.

This is how I calculated Yuan Huang in my last life ...

However, no matter what calculations are hidden in it, it is none of my business ...

Just wait and see how it changes ...

Anyway, the intensity of this battle is not enough to destroy this land, then you will find opportunities again, and come again next time.

Later, when the battle is over, the master of Jianguang wants to cook up the old dragon, and he certainly has no energy to take care of himself. Then, he will take this opportunity to escape from this unlucky place ...

"Almost, almost soon ..."

Lin Fei continued to watch the development of this battle ...

At this point, this one-sided battle is almost over ...

This old dragon in a disadvantaged position, with its scarred body, added a dozen more sword wounds.

That voice gradually faded ...

Finally, Lao Long seemed to know that he had come to an end. After issuing the last unwilling whistle, he ignored the protection and let the opponents wrapped in the infinite sword light collide with each other.

All of a sudden, I saw a world-destroying scene. The mighty power turned into the aftermath of the Dao Dao, bursting out in a flash, sweeping all around.

Lin Fei, who was unable to move, was hit by this aftermath. At that time, the whole person was assaulted, and the injury that was suppressed was hurt again, and he couldn't help but spit it out on the spot.

Fortunately, Lin Fei is still on the edge of the aftermath. The aftermath is limited ...

Otherwise, it's not as simple as spitting out some blood ...

But at this time, the battle is also clear.

The old dragon almost gave up any supernatural powers, like ordinary beasts, with his teeth and claws, toward the endless depth of the sword light, biting wildly.

Unfortunately, this is destined to be the final struggle.

The sword light was surging slightly in the depths, and there was a white and clean hand in the depths, but it was just a light grasp. This plain and strange hand seemed to burst out of incredible power. The roaring old dragon shrank rapidly. In the end, it became the size of a loach and was caught in the hand ...

After being caught in his hands, Lao Long is still struggling ...

Unfortunately, the effect is not large ...

With the palm of his hand, the old dragon was completely put away ...

Seeing this, Lin Fei was also a little relieved. Since this fight is over, this one should also leave ...

And myself, it is safe ...

Next, look at the owner of Jianguang, when will he go ...

However, that Jianguang did not leave, but hovered in place.

Lin Fei was not in a hurry, just waiting quietly there.

Anyway, compared with the other party, he is equivalent to a small ant, time is not worth it at all, as long as the other party can stay here, he has time to wait for the other party to leave.

"But why does Jianguang seem familiar? Have you seen it in previous life?"

It's okay to be idle, while waiting there, Lin Fei finally has time to go and look at each other, and then murmured secretly ...

Speaking of which, Lin Fei has seen a lot of sword repairs, but he hasn't seen a few sword repairs at the dharma level.

If you have seen each other, you should have an impression, but you do n’t know the other party, but you have a familiar feeling about the faint breath.

What is the identity of the other party?

"Ask disciples of Jianzong?"

While Lin Fei murmured secretly, a cold voice came suddenly, and he suddenly surprised Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was stunned for a while, only to find out that I didn't know when the sword light in the sky disappeared, but there was a figure in front of me.

It was strange to say that the figure was clearly standing in front of his own eyes, but Lin Fei felt that the other party ’s face was so vague, no matter how hard he tried, he could not see clearly, as if there was a layer of mist on the other person ’s face, even Even the height and figure seem to be plausible. It seems that it is clearly seen. In fact, it cannot be accurately spoken at all ...

Moreover, there is a clear distance between the two, but this person seems to be standing thousands of miles away, across a distance where the road is unclear.

"I rely on ..."

Lin Fei glanced away, and immediately looked away, secretly wiping cold sweat, fortunately he hadn't been talking nonsense ...

For Lin Fei, who used to get along with Lin Banhu day and night, this feeling should not be too familiar.

The feeling just now is a huge difference between the realm and the gap.

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