Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1425: Space crack

However, these problems can also be said later ...

"I will come down soon."

Yu Hua just saw Lin Fei stop, and he pondered there, and he had just let go of it. He finally thought that he was stopped ...

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he only heard this sentence, and then Lin Fei went out from his side ...

"It's over ..."

Yu Hua simply regretted wanting to die, how could he forget that Lin Fei never played cards according to common sense,

The problem is that you are uncomfortable according to common sense. That is when you are away from the world. Even if you provoke the enemy, everyone is at least a reasonable person. It is really not possible. machine.

This ghost place is drifting in the void, it does not belong to any realm, if you want to be willful here, it is really looking for death ...

Damn, I should n’t have shaken these things out from the beginning ...

When Wang Lingguan came back to see his half-dead brother, what a matter ...

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything ...

Lin Fei had already stepped towards that step at this time.

Suddenly, everything in front of me was changed instantly.

As Lin Fei stepped up the steps one by one, he saw that the nearby clouds suddenly rose up and folded towards himself.

The Yu Hua behind him and the simple Taoist temple disappeared.

There is a thin mist around, the sky is blue, there are no clouds in the sky, the sun is shining with the warm sunshine, and there are even sporadic flowers and grass around, a faint fragrance ...

It ’s the same as in the normal world here ...

But at this time, Lin Fei was too late to care about these, but looked at the front with full attention ...

In the thin mist floating in front of him, a thin figure stood, and under the mist, he was very vague, and he could only barely see his figure. As for his face, he could not see clearly ... …


However, at this time Lin Feiguang was looking at his body shape, and he knew that this was the dharma monk he met not long ago ...

However, Lin Fei also knows that this is definitely not the deity, it should be only the dharma body, just leave a mark here ...

However, a mark left by the dharma body is also a trivial matter, which contains some principles of the dharma body, maybe one can see something from it ...


Before Lin Fei put it into practice, this figure suddenly burst out of a strong wave. I saw him stretch out, and the space was slightly twisted. An invisible sword came from his hand. Birth ...

As he waved his hand, the invisible sword condensed into space chopped towards Lin Fei silently.

This blow clearly showed no momentum, but at this time, Lin Fei was vaguely hearing the sound of "Boom!"

Following this, a strong sword spirit burst out.

All of a sudden, it seemed that there were millions of swords, chopped from all directions and towards myself.

As a sword repair, this scene of wearing thousands of swords has always been the pressure Lin Fei put on others.

But now, in this seemingly endless austerity, Lin Fei only feels like he has fallen into a duckweed in the turbulent waves, in the turbulent waves, erratic ...


Lin Fei was a little amazed and deserved to be a dharma body ...

Achievement of Fa-Phase, especially after getting his free array, Lin Fei is above Kendo, it can be said that he is improving day by day.

No one can know better than Lin Fei, the power of this sword.

With just a brand, you can almost drown yourself. This kind of power has already surpassed the human power, as if it is the power of the world.

Lin Fei can't imagine how this Fashen really shot towards himself, what would happen ...

It should be a whole world, overturn towards yourself ...

Fortunately, this is just a brand ...

Lin Fei directly urged the heavenly swords, and seven sword qi seemed to feel the sword in the outside world.

These seven sword spirits are of extraordinary origin. Three of them are even congenital things. After a long period of cultivation, they are not as good as the magical spirit of the magic weapon, but they are full of spirituality.

At this time, they were like beasts that had been invaded by the same kind. Seven amazing sounds of swordsong sounded at the same time. When they were gathered together, it was like a roar ...

At a glance, I saw the life and death of the galaxy coming out of the sky, the light was shining, and thousands of different sword intentions broke out.

These seven sword qi are the most conspicuous, mixed in this galaxy, showing all kinds of visions such as golden dragon, thunder snake, and big sun, just like a falling deity, falling across the sky.

Suddenly, it was collided with that twisted space sword!

In an instant, a strong wave rumbles, and in this fierce collision, thousands of visions emerge, and this clear blue sky is completely occupied by these brilliant colors.

Whether it is Lin Fei's figure or the imprint left by the Fa, he is completely submerged in this gorgeous scene.

For a while, people have been neglected and can only see the scene of a battle between two forces.

Seven sword qi was urged to the extreme, showing their respective origins.

The body of the thousand-foot dragon transformed by Taiyi's sword qi is already incomparable. The brilliant gold scales are distinct, and the sharp claw tips shine with cold awns.

A big sun was traversing the sky, and erupted infinite light and heat. The terrible high temperature directly caused the nearby voids to be twisted. In the infinite light, there was a fiery sword, as if A burning red sword fell a sword rain.

Opposite this round of big day, it is a round of Haoyue, occupying the other side of the sky, the cold moonlight seems to be a tulle, covering everything.

However, in this cool moonlight, there is a deadly murderous intention hidden, as if unconsciously, you can take everything alive ...

These three innate sword qi take the lead, and the remaining four acquired sword qi are even more scrupulous. One by one, the power of oneself is exploded to the limit.

The visions are mixed, almost occupying the whole world, and in contrast, the other party has only a sword of space, which is so weak compared to this sky-long vision ...


Lin Fei knew that in fact, it was his own side that was dangerous ...

I have already cultivated myself to the limit, and although the seven sword qi is not small, it is my own foundation.

This is equivalent to opening the hole on the side as soon as you play.

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