The remaining blood gas still needs Lin Fei to bear ...

The problem is that Lin Fei has almost reached the limit. These uncontrolled blood rushed out and brought Lin Fei a tear-like pain.

The forehead was full of sweat, the vest was already wet, and the teeth were clenched tightly, making a crunching noise, and even a sweet **** smell came out of his mouth ...

However, Lin Fei did not dare to move at all, just clenched his teeth and insisted ...

At this time, the stone sword pattern on Lin Fei's arm was indefinite, but it seemed that he was already full, and no matter how the blood gas impacted, it was impossible to enter ...

Losing the blood of the target, it is toward Lin Fei, a continuous influx ...

For a while, Lin Fei was so helpless that he could only try to break through.

Under this heartbreaking pain, while calculating the possible changes, while receiving the continuous influx of these blood gases ...

"what's the situation?"

At this moment, even Manzhuer who looked at this scene was a little puzzled, and looked at Lin Fei's eyes, full of doubts.

Lin Fei's approach is somewhat beyond her judgment, and of course Manzhuer can see that Lin Fei is trying to break through.

It is because of this that I feel puzzled.

When you reach above the state of the Fa, you must be cautious every time you make a small step forward. If you fail to break through the situation, you will be repaired backwards.

If it is serious, it will directly damage the road foundation, and the road in the future will be damaged ...

If the Franciscan monks want to break through, they must collect all kinds of resources. Find a quiet place, close the gate for three or four years, and let the disciples stay in a thousand miles, martial law directly ...

It may be a little grand to say, but those who can practice to the realm of the French phase are among the ten major schools in the North Realm, enough to be eligible for elder treatment.

For them, it is normal operation ...

Lin Fei's approach is a bit too hasty?

"Oh, it's normal operation, don't worry."

At this time, Yu Hua was rather calm.

"This, is this normal?" Manzhuer couldn't help but looked at Yu Hua.

"Oh, in Fo Li's departure from the realm, this guy has done more exaggerated things than that, which is nothing." Yu Hua's pair was nothing compared to that, it was nothing worth mentioning.


Manzhuer also knows that Yu Hua and Lin Fei have a very close relationship. Seeing Yu Hua so determined, I can't help but feel relieved.

However, when looking at Lin Fei at this time, Manzhuer had a bottomless feeling.

Constantly bring people unexpected things, people can not see through, can not understand ...


When I looked at Lin Fei's figure wrapped in blood clouds, I always felt something was wrong, but what was wrong, but I couldn't tell ...

So, I could only watch ...

Seeing the blood cloud becoming more and more dense, almost immediately, Lin Fei's figure was completely shrouded ...

Lin Fei was in this blood cloud, and the soul beads around him were almost confused by the blood cloud at the instant of appearance. At this time, it was almost between the muddle, helping to accept the digestion A burst of blood.

Lin Fei didn't worry about it at all. If it was so easily propped up, it wouldn't be a magic weapon.

In contrast, Lin Fei is more worried about himself.

The turbulent blood made Lin Fei surpassed the limit long ago, and now he can sober, completely supported by an instinct, to calculate the last change in the state of the law.

The surging pain constantly hit Lin Fei, but Lin Fei still had to keep sober, try to calculate the changes in the state of the law, and not allow himself to make a little deviation.

Staying sober in this pain is the cruelest punishment in the world ...

At this moment, for Lin Fei, it is almost every breath, it is a kind of suffering ...

Finally, the blood gas gradually eased, and Lin Fei's calculation finally reached the end ...

When everything changed, Lin Fei seemed to hear, a "boom" sounded in his mind, something exploded, and the whole person was unconscious and directly fainted ...


Lin Fei regained consciousness again, only to feel a violent dizziness in his mind.

Finally, he forced himself to adapt to this uncomfortable feeling. He opened his eyes a bit hard, first of all, he saw a strange scene.

There is a slightly rough stone wall around him, and a cool touch comes from him. Looking down, this is a jade bed. At this time, the spirit of 氤氲 is exuded, and the spirit of lingering, makes Lin Fei clear his mind The sense of dizziness just now was much better.

This jade bed obviously has the effect of removing the demon. The most rare thing is that this jade bed can also be effective against the monks.

In Wen Jianzong, this kind of jade bed is of great value, and only the elders can enjoy it, of course, except for Luo Shenxiao's brutal force ...

Soon after waking up, I saw that Yu Hua seemed to hear something, and came in from the door ...

Seeing Lin Fei finally woke up, Yu Hua seemed relieved.

"Fortunately, I thought you would be in a coma for ten days and a half months."

"It's no exaggeration ..." Lin Fei shook his head.

"It's not so exaggerated." Yu Hua was excited. "Li Qingshan is still lying there and can't move. The whole person is like a corpse. I don't know if I can keep the foundation."

"Right, and Li Qingshan ..."

Lin Fei remembered this.

At that time, I was sucked by the stone sword to the point where I was almost exhausted, and I couldn't care much at the time. I felt the spirit of Li Qingshan in the body of the demon that day.

It seems that this time, the bad luck is not just yourself, this old opponent, this time is not bad ...

"I don't think you really know ..." Yu Huacai shook his head strangely when he saw Lin Fei. "This Li Qingshan is also unlucky enough, and he gave such a big chance, even The names are almost forgotten. "

"Opportunity?" Lin Fei just remembered that when he reached the critical moment just now, he fainted, and he didn't know what his specific harvest was.

Judging from Yuhua's tone, it seems that he has taken the big advantage?

Thinking of this, Lin Fei swept away and looked at himself.

"I depend?"

After a glance, Lin Fei thanked Li Qingshan.

It is indeed a good chance ...

At this time, Lin Fei can clearly see through his inner vision that the real element in his body is many times thicker than before.

The golden true elements flow slowly and are extremely thick, which contains a kind of volcanic lava-like terrorist power ...

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