Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1449: Take care of

This Soul Soul Pearl has gotten a great fortune. If it is changed to other times, Lin Fei will have to search for the best essence of flesh and blood for ten or eight years. Beads.

But now, for a while, there is a huge amount of flesh and blood essence ...

All Soul Pearls are empty and irreparable, and they are too full once, and they still can't wake up.

At this time, the Soul of Souls is already evolving with the instinct of the Heavenly Order magic weapon.

The flesh and blood essence that has just been absorbed soon is being transformed into the most essential essence inside the Wanhunzhu, after being swallowed by Wanhunzhu, it is incorporated into the true circulation of Wanhunzhu.

At a glance, I saw a mysterious Fu Zhuan flew out, and it would immediately be integrated into the Soul Pearl.

At the beginning, as this Taoist seal was instilled into it, the Soul Soul was slowly expanding.

However, as more and more Fuzhuan evolved, Wanhunzhu began to gradually become smaller ...

However, the mysterious black is getting deeper and deeper, as if taking a look, even the eyes are drawn into it.

Finally, when the Soul Beads were reduced to the size of the thumb, the black was already full to the extreme, and at a glance, it seemed that a hole appeared in the void.

At this time, all Taoist seals disappeared into the Soul of Souls. After a while, eighty-one auras of light were seen, and they rushed out of the Soul of Souls like black holes.

These auras are exactly the eighty-one prohibitions that represent the magic weapon of the heaven order.

At this time, I saw these auras, rumbling around ups and downs, but suddenly Ruyan returned to the nest and returned to the Soul Pearl.

Wan Hunzhu swayed slightly, an invisible wave spread to the distance.

In the end, Fu Zhuan, Aura, and all visions disappeared.

Only this soul-like pearl like a black hole remained, floating in the air.

"Not bad."

After seeing all this subside, Lin Fei's sweat beads fell on his forehead, but he was completely relieved and his face was happy.

This Soul of Souls finally made up for a long time, and returned to the normal state of the Heavenly Order Magic ...

It's just that the soul of the soul of souls seems to have been too shocked and hasn't woke up yet.

However, it doesn't matter much, it's just a matter of time.

The most important thing is that these soul beads are finally fattening ...

That is to say, today's Soul Beads are already qualified to let Lin Fei complete the sacrifice and wake him up to become a free array ...

In fact, if conditions permit, Lin Fei would like to try it now.

But after a little hesitation there, Lin Fei took a deep breath and forced himself to restrain the urge.

He can't afford to lose his freedom. Only when he returns to ask Jianzong can he have the best conditions.

Before this, Lin Fei could not tolerate any loss of chance.

Now that everything is ready, it is almost time to return to Jianzong ...

For other people, this may be a very difficult thing. After all, just unlocking this big mountain will make Wang Lingguan a group of people who are in a dilemma here.

However, Lin Fei is different ...

The reason why these people are trapped here is that they cannot escape. It is because the neighborhood is blocked by dharma means. Apart from the mountain, there is no other way to escape.

Coincidentally, what Lin Fei is best at is to seek ways to escape from this desperate situation ...

After all, in the last life, Lin Fei was alone and fought against the entire Black Abyss. He did n’t know how many times he had been chased and intercepted, but Lin Fei escaped several times.

To talk about the ability to find loopholes in the mortal land, Lin Fei dared to say second, and no one dared to say first ...

As for the method, it is really a lot.

The simplest one first ...

No matter how wonderful this mountain is, in fact, it is still a kind of monk's refining.

Since it is a refining thing, in front of Lin Fei who has mastered the heavenly floats, there is a chance of cracking ...

Before Lin Fei set foot on this mountain, in fact, it was precisely to explore the nature of this mountain.

The result is pretty good ...

Going down the road, although this mountain caused Lin Fei to suffer a bit, but in the interaction, it was equivalent to Lin Fei, the master of refinery, like a girl who opened his heart to Deng Tuzi. ...

It ’s really weird not to be eaten and wiped clean ...

Just before that, there are still some things to be solved ...

For example, what happened to the human bone that day?

This day the bones of humans should have been lying in the treasure trove of the Bone World, and later Lin Fei had to think about it because of the space cracks.

And Bone World, not far from this space crack, but not far ...

While Lin Fei was planning these after going around, he suddenly heard a knock on the door outside.

"I depend, I thought you were going to retreat for several days, but fortunately it's not long ..."

After raising his hand and lifting the ban under his hand, Yu Hua walked in with a probe.

Speaking of this, Lin Fei has also been closed for nearly seven or eight days. Yu Hua has come and gone from time to time to see the situation. This time, he finally caught up with Lin Fei.

Speaking of which, Yu Hua was really not idle during this time.

After the end of that war, Lin Fei benefited, but the other few people who participated in the war suffered bad luck.

Needless to say, Li Qingshan, all efforts are concentrated on the body of the demon that day, after being sucked dry by Lin Fei, Li Qingshan suffered a lot of losses.

Compared with that after the peak, the whole person seems to be a corpse, and the situation is still unknown. It seems that his life may not be able to be saved.

How to say this is also a member of Jianzong, Yu Hua is not easy to dispose of, just find a free room still there, and do not pay attention to it for ten days and a half months.

The whole person is born and died.


Compared to this Li Qing shirt, it may be even worse for Joe and Fang ...

After the war, the two were beaten up by Li Qingshan. At that time, while they were not slowing down, they were blocked by Manzhuer and Yuhua.

Bind the true geniuses of the two Lingxiao Pavilion and the Guiyi Pavilion together. Basically, all kinds of punishment methods have been used once, and their secrets are severely tortured.

The monk's penalties are far from comparable to those of pediatrics.

Especially in the hands of Man Zhuer, the true master of the old man, all kinds of methods that can directly act on the Fa phase are endless.

Under her careful care, this wailing from Joe to the two of them almost never stopped during this time.

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