Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1474: what's the situation

And, this is not over yet ...

After that sword light pierced a blood hole, it actually turned around and returned. On Wu Ying, he quickly penetrated a dozen wounds.

In every wound, there was blood gurgling out, which quickly froze and stuck to the wall behind him.

This flow of blood was only a moment's effort. Wu Ying was transformed into a blood man, and the frozen blood was alive and nailed to the stone wall, and a thick layer of frost formed on his body ...

For a time, these four weeks of dead silence.

Zong Yang who was watching the battle was stupid, and Wu Ying who was crucified on the wall was stupid ...

At this time, Wu Ying's face was pale because of excessive blood loss, but because the whole person was almost wrapped in a layer of frost, Wu Ying seemed to feel no pain on his body.

But the delay of this pain is only in this moment. After the wound melts, the chill that has entered the flesh texture will bring Wu Ying deep into the bone marrow.

But at this time, Wu Ying was too late to think about the consequences. At this time, Wu Ying was occupied by shock and doubt ...

What happened just now, what is going on ...

I have seen the opponent's hole card clearly, but it is just that strange chill, so I have been careful to guard against it, and even urged the full power of the mountain seal ...

It stands to reason that this is already a complete strategy. I have paid enough attention to it and the means are powerful enough ...

But what happened just now?

I think the foolproof mountain seal can't even be resisted, but it is cut in half like a tofu?

For Wu Ying, all this is a nightmare that can't wake up.

I clearly have an advantage, how can I be nailed to the wall?

Unfortunately, Lin Fei obviously didn't have much thought, and went to explain to Wu Ying.

Lin Fei did n’t even look at Wu Ying even after the shot, just like what he did just now, just crushed the ant smoothly, and was too lazy to take a look after the shot. The ants are dead or dead, and they do n’t deserve too much attention. .

"Come on, follow me up the mountain and take a look at what is left."

At the beginning, when I heard Lin Fei's words, Zong Yang still couldn't react. A dumbfounded look was no better than Wu Ying, standing there a little dumbfounded. .

It wasn't until Lin Fei walked to his side and patted him on the shoulder that Zong Yang could violently hit him, and he reacted at once, but it was obviously still a bit dazed, and he nodded at a loss: "Yes, this Just go here and go ... "


Lin Fei nodded, not even looking at Wu Ying, who was still frozen on the stone wall, bloody, and covered with ice, and walked straight up the mountain.

However, Lin Fei was able to ignore it so easily. Zong Yang could not remain calm in this **** scene, especially when he thought of the identity of the other party. Now the embarrassing situation of Yu Hengfeng has been informed by Changsheng Palace The aftermath of the aftermath of the rage, the pressure that you and others will face ...

This pile of pieces fell into my mind one by one, so Zong Yang was so big that when he saw Lin Fei still had a relaxed look, he couldn't help but stop Lin Fei and said carefully: "Brother Lin, what should I do?"

"What should I do?" Lin Fei really hadn't considered this issue. It was really a young disciple of Wu Yingyi, and it was not worth Lin Fei to spend much energy for. At this time, he was reminded by Zong Yangyi and he thought about it casually. Zong Yang, who was so embarrassed, suggested: "Will you kill him to vent his anger?"

"I rely on!" For a while, Zong Yang was taken aback by this proposal and quickly waved his hand: "Brother Lin, you, don't joke ..."


Not only was Zong Yang startled, Wu Ying, who was frozen on the wall beside him, was frozen, but Lin Fei's voice could still be heard in his ears.

It was frozen and stiff and cold all the time, and the cold fell into the bone marrow. When I heard this, my heart was like falling into the ice cave, plus too much blood loss.

Fortunately, after hearing Zong Yang's refusal, the cold heart just warmed up a little bit, in the luck of escaping the disaster ...

"Then whatever you want ..."

Hearing Zong Yang ’s refusal, Lin Fei shook his head indifferently, and did n’t say much. This was n’t a big deal. Zong Yang did n’t want it.

Anyway, put Wu Ying on the frozen place here, and you won't be able to die in a while, so wait until you think about it ...

I didn't manage Zongyang any more, but when I was going to continue climbing, I seemed to remember something, so I turned and walked back to Wu Ying ...

"you you you you……"

At this time, Wu Ying was still in horror for the rest of the life, seeing Lin Fei suddenly come back, and under the freezing continuation of horror, the three souls and seven souls that were suddenly scared were not half, and the subconscious wanted to urge the true Yuan, the whole person was frozen to death. At that time, all the teeth were fighting up and down, as if the sound was deformed ...

"Nothing, I just suddenly thought that I was understaffed in Yuhengfeng, and I didn't guard the mountain gate. You should try not to die for a few days. If you want to go up the mountain with short eyes, you remind him to see your end. Let him think about it and go to the mountain to find me. "

Lin Fei patted Wu Ying on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the mountain.

"You, you, you are so deceiving ..." Wu Ying's amazed expression was frozen in her face at that time, looking at Lin Fei's leaving back, nothing happened for a long time.

After finally reacting, he almost uttered that trembling voice and tried his best to say such a sentence.

At this time, only this sentence can express Wu Ying's mood ...

It's really deceiving ...

What does it mean to look at your end before going uphill, and then think about it?

What is this?

You know, I originally came to occupy Yu Hengfeng, but now, it is now set here as an exhibit?

If people see it, they really don't have to live anymore. Apart from suicide, there is simply no way to recover the lost face ...

No ...

I have to hurry up and find a way out. I ca n’t let people see the death. I have fallen into this situation ...

Even if you pay a price, you have to get away quickly ...


Just when Wu Ying made up her mind, she suddenly heard a voice ...

"I depend! What are you ...?"

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