Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1495: Sword fairy

Because what appears in the picture is actually Wu Yue and ... Luo Shenxiao?

In the picture, the two men entered the furnace one after the other, but they looked a little strange.

Luo Shenxiao stepped away first, just like a weasel who stole the chicken, and he was quite excited when he was caught by surprise.

And Wu Yue was like the old hen who saw the weasel. He looked disgusted. Although Luo Shenxiao was very affectionate to him, Wu Yue even rolled his eyes and was even reluctant to walk with Luo Shenxiao.

Although this is just a picture, and no sound can be reproduced, Lin Fei can almost make up the brain, the dialogue between the two ...

Then, I saw in the picture, Wu Yue reached out a hand, a group of gossip kan flew out of the fire, obviously this is the mother fire ...

Wu Yue looked quite hesitant, looking at the mother fire in his hand, but after a while, he gritted his teeth and stuffed the mother fire into a jade bottle.

Then, he was by the side. He had long waited for Luo Shenxiao, who couldn't wait, and grabbed a hand ...

Wu Yue looked annoyed. However, he just stared at Luo Shenxiao a little angrily, but he didn't recapture it. He just looked at the jade bottle reluctantly and sighed.

Luo Shenxiao didn't care about Wu Yue as much. After getting the Jade Bottle, she was obviously in a good mood. Finally, she didn't know what the two said. Luo Shenxiao waved a generously and separated one from the Jade Bottle. The plume of fire was thrown into the sea of ​​fire.

Following that, holding the jade bottle and leaving happily.

Wu Yue was obviously not reconciled. After setting up Zihuo, he looked at Luo Shenxiao ’s back and gritted his teeth. He seemed to say something. paper.

After a few glances at the parchment, he threw it in and out of the fire, and then turned around and left without any loss ...

"this is……"

Seeing this, Lin Fei stopped the picture, frowned and thought for a while, then turned the picture back and forth, and quickly determined the time.

If you read it right, this should be when Luo Shenxiao was taken back to ask Jianzong by the real person of Qianyuan after going crazy in Beimo.

At that time, Luo Shenxiao recovered his mind from being mad, and was able to stay on the ground in this fire area. It seems that the cultivation was restored. Soon after, he should go with the real people of Qianyuan to go with the other nine major schools. Party gathering.

Later, only a few people of the old Taoist disappeared ...

But now it seems that the old Taoist should be prepared before disappearing, otherwise he would not come to Jianfeng, borrowing gossip from the fire.

And Wu Yue certainly knows some of the inside story, otherwise, with Wu Yue ’s emphasis on Bagua Kanlihu, the infamous reputation of the old Taoist, it is impossible to lend Baguakan Lihuo ...

Moreover, this inside story is still very important, and will even involve the interests of the entire Wenjianzong ...

At that time, Wu Yue's unwilling expression was proof that even the teacher had to speak in person to make Wu Yue compromise.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei also suddenly remembered that Zong Yang mentioned that after the disappearance of the old Taoist, Wu Yue once scolded the old Taoist for betrayal ...

It should also refer to this matter ...


What is this inside story that makes Wu Yue compromise?


Lin Fei suddenly remembered that in the picture, Wu Yue seemed to have taken out a piece of parchment paper and threw it into the flames after sending Bagua Kan away from the fire.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei quickly manipulated the seal and changed the picture.

In an instant, the picture just appeared again, and it was frozen at the moment Wu Yue unfolded the map ...

"this is……"

Lin Fei took a lot of effort to see the small text on the parchment.


I can't seem to say it's text ...

The things on the parchment are like stripes, crooked, and meandering, forming a very large picture, but Lin Fei just saw a corner, and suddenly felt that these stripes seem to be familiar ...

It ’s like, where have you seen ...

and many more……

Lin Fei suddenly remembered something, touched the storage bag, and took out a few sheets of white paper. Under the protection of his true unit, these sheets of white paper survived the high temperature.

Looking at the sheets of paper in his hand, and then at the parchment in the picture, Lin Fei's face grows weirder ...

These pieces of paper in Lin Fei's hands were actually a map recorded.

It's just that the handwriting has been blurred, making it difficult for people to see, and the text on the map is still written in Tianren people's script ...

The entire map is extremely broken, no matter how to organize, in the end, only the words "nether earth" and "fairy coffin" can be obtained.

This map is exactly what Lin Fei found in the old Taoist room.

I didn't see anything at the beginning. I only knew that the map was an important clue for the old Taoist to go to the North Desert. I didn't go into it. I just wanted to ask the old Taoist when he came back.

Who knows that it's impossible to see each other again from the old Taoist ...

But there is no doubt that this map is very related to the adventures of the old Taoist in the Northern Desert, but the whole map is very broken, even if Lin Fei knows that there is a connection, he can do nothing ...

But just now, after seeing the things in Wu Yue's hands, Lin Fei found that he seemed to have found the full version of the map ...

Lin Fei just glanced at it and immediately recognized it, and also found that Wu Yue ’s map information was more detailed, and added the missing parts of the map that he had in hand.

The most important thing is that the length of the entire map is far beyond his own imagination.

Bei Mo only occupies less than 10% of the content on it, and can even be said to be just a starting point. Immediately after Bei Mo, it points to Nan Huang ...

Even Nanhuang is only one of them, because immediately behind it, a wider area is revealed.

It is a pity that Wu Yue just opened it for a moment, and the entire map is extremely wide, making it difficult to see it all ...

At this moment, Lin Fei only saw Nanhuang ...

However, Lin Fei is not totally unprofitable ...

Lin Fei found that from Beimo to Nanhuang, the entire route seemed to be carried out around a fairy coffin, and the fairy in the coffin should be a fairy who became a sword.

Because on that map, that sword fairy was divided into several parts and buried.

The location of Bei Mo, in fact, is the treasure of the immortal man's life repair, which is shown in the form of a sword on the map!

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