Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1504: Giant crocodile

But no matter what you consider, it is clear that there is no immediate meaning of justice.

"Lin, Brother Lin?" Seeing this scene, Qi Yue was stunned for a moment. There was nothing hesitant about it. Brother Fang had spoken to you before, and this trip dragged the wounded body, originally to help you .

At this time, as long as you speak, even Tang Tian can't say much.

Did you hesitate? what do you mean?

While thinking about these things, Qi Yue suddenly saw that Lin Fei's eyes were actually drifting towards the Chi Jin Guo again, and suddenly he moved his heart, and a somewhat incredible idea floated in his mind.

Does it mean that Brother Lin also wants to covet this red gold fruit?

However, just after this idea came out, I suddenly felt it and waved under my feet.

"Be careful!"

Qi Yue felt a sudden outburst of anger, suddenly changed her face, and at the same time reminded her, she had quickly backed away.

As soon as the words fell, I could only see the magma lakes below, burst into bursts, and large pieces of magma burst out.

Then, I saw a giant crocodile covered in black armor and with a **** head, rushing out of the magma!

The giant crocodile was tens of feet long, and his forehead bulged high, forming a sarcoma, which seemed to be a horn.

The armor is made of rock or metal, and the magma flows down from above, making a "zizi" sound.

A scorching and strong breath, swiftly spread out, making the nearby underground thousands of feet, making people almost suffocating.

At this moment, when the sudden change happened suddenly, Tang Tiandu didn't seem to give up.

At the moment when the giant crocodile appeared, he did not retreat at all, but jumped up. After hiding from the large lava, he rushed towards the direction of the Huo Yuanhua.

However, at this time, the giant crocodile broke out with a sensitivity that did not match the figure. The thick neck slightly flicked, and the scaly armoured head swung violently towards the direction of Tang Tiandu.

Suddenly, a burst of great force erupted, and the entire magma lake was stirred up, and large magma sputtered out, instantly covering the surrounding dozens of feet.

For a time, Tang Tian seemed to have never imagined that the giant crocodile's reaction was so fast. When there was still more than ten feet away from the Huo Yuanhua, he was blocked by a large piece of hot magma.

Behind that large piece of magma, the crocodile's grisly head leaked out, carrying an unmatched momentum, and rammed towards himself!

At this time, Tang Tian couldn't face his front, avoiding it unavoidably, only with a little toes, stepping on the head of the giant crocodile, and flew backwards ...

However, the giant crocodile did not mean to give up chasing at all. He roared behind and opened the big mouth of the blood basin, which was followed by Tang Tian.

In an instant, the situation turned sharply.

The whole magma lake turned over the river and the sea, the hot magma was lifted to high altitude, and fell quickly, and a lava fire and rain fell in this place.

These magma fire and rain still seem to have some powerful power. When they fall, they make a snorting sound in the air and burn the void into small holes.

"Make you arrogant ..."

Qi Yue, however, had withdrawn from the magma enveloped area for a long time. When she saw the fire and rain covering Tang Tiandu, she was somewhat happy.

This is no ordinary magma. This place is quite close to the core of the earth fire. Any drop of magma has been cultivated for ten million years.

In these countless years, I don't know how many demon emperor levels exist. When approaching death, they will spontaneously come to the vicinity of the core of the fire element veins and wait quietly for death.

Their bodies are immersed in the ground, and an essence differentiates them, invisible, subtly changing the level of this magma.

Over time, the magma near the fire's veins has long been reborn, saying that it is a strange magic weapon, which even implies some characteristics of the demon emperor during his lifetime.

For example, this magma, in addition to being extremely powerful, actually possesses a powerful corrosive force.

This is even more difficult to deal with ...

Isn't Tang Tian being overbearing? Regardless of seniority, one after another bullying Brother Fang Duan, do you think this giant crocodile is as good as Brother Fang?

Now covered by this magma, see you are still arrogant ...

As Qi Yue imagined, Tang Tian had to deal with quite difficult.

After being covered by the large lava rain, Tang Tiandu had no way to go in all directions. He could only force the real element, pouring it all over a sword, and slashing towards the head of the giant crocodile rushing over!

I saw only a few feet of Xueliangjianguang, splitting the fire and rain of magma, forming a thin line, and slashing towards the head of the giant crocodile ...

"Unrestrained ..."

Qi Yue glanced and whispered in her heart, this giant crocodile can survive in this kind of horrible magma, and his body is obviously invincible.

The head is the toughest part of the giant crocodile. I am afraid that it is not much more than the magic weapon of the step.

At this time, you don't want to escape, but you are thinking about being tough, just asking for trouble ...

Although I thought so in my mind, when seeing the sword light, about to collide with the giant crocodile, Qi Yue was still hesitant. Do you want to release the Eight Spirits to get the water streamer and help.

Although Tang Tian is very domineering, after all, everyone in this trip asked Jianzong. If Tang Tian was injured because he didn't shoot, it would not be good ...

But after thinking for a while, Qi Yue still decided not to help, what help? When this guy bullied someone in front, why didn't he think about others? It was exactly this opportunity that made him suffer.

Otherwise, he really thought that, by virtue of himself, he would be able to run wild in this place.

As for what was injured, that's okay. Ba Ling Nong Shui streamer is also very effective in expelling fire and poison. I'll keep him from dying, is that all right?

Wait, what is this ...

When Qi Yue thought about these things, she suddenly realized that things seemed a bit wrong.

When Tang Tiandu's sword light was about to be cut to the giant crocodile, Tang Tiandu suddenly shook his wrist.

Followed by, I saw the sword light that passed across the sky. After breaking through the lava rain curtain, it did not hit the head of the giant crocodile, but instead became erratic at once, and circumvented the giant crocodily Head, scratched from the side ...

The sword light that had been advancing forward was like a mist, but it was just around the head, and the head of the crocodile was led to the other side with the meaning of using four or two kilograms.

Standing in that direction is the stunned side ...

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