After the initial strength, the continuous weakening of the sword energy, but with the passage of time, did not mean to weaken.

Instead, it has an increasingly dense posture.

Under such an impenetrable and impenetrable attack, Jane Bamboo is like a ship caught in a storm.

Although it is sturdy and tall, but in this wave of sword light that seems to have no end, it fluctuates and appears somewhat alone.

Maybe at some point, it will be broken by this wave of sword light ...

"I depend!"

All of a sudden, I asked the disciples of Jianzong that they looked a little silly.

This brother who didn't show up in the ordinary days, and didn't show the water, seemed to be endless like a true element, as if the attack would never stop ...

Half stick incense, one incense stick, two incense sticks ...

The people present were a little dumbfounded ...

This is a bit ridiculous!

You should know that during this period of time, Luo Yuzhen's swayed true yuan scale has already exhausted a true Fa-phase.

But now, judging from the endless sword gas attack, Luo Yu really didn't mean anything at all.

For a while, the disciples onlookers felt powerful, but after all, they had limited knowledge. They didn't know the depth, but they were just amazed.

But it fell in the eyes of several elders, but was a little surprised.

As the Fa, they are very clear what this represents.

It's hard to imagine that a young man can possess such details ...

Especially when I think of what Luo Yuzhen said just now and lost to a younger disciple, the scene must be ugly, and several elders felt a bit slap ...

At that time, I just felt that Luo Yuzhen was just young and vigorous, and he was brave after defeat.

Who would have thought that he really had such confidence ...

"What the **** did he do!"

The others were just marveling, and Jian Zhu, who was at the center of this battle, was really a bit miserable.

Speaking of it, from the moment of the fight, the battle went directly to the stage of fierce heat. From beginning to end, I didn't have a chance to breathe.

After such a long time, Jian Zhu really has a feeling of being held back.

That's right, it's suffocating ...

The five-element golden body said that it is self-contained, and that Vajra is not bad, but after all, it is still just the state of the law, and it still needs to breathe the outside spirit.

But now, the continuous sword energy is to cut off the connection between myself and the outside world directly.

In the absence of supplements, the small five-element golden body has become increasingly difficult to maintain ...

At this time, on Jane's face, there was no initial contempt smile.

On the contrary, his face became a little pale, and in the whole person's heart, there was only the maintenance of the five-element golden body to cope with the powerful and pervasive sword spirit.

Fortunately, as the entire Luofu world, the small five-element golden body is a first-class physical training technique, which is extraordinary after all.

At this moment, the resilience shown is really extraordinary.

The splendor of the five elements bloomed to the extreme, fighting against the endless sword alive, the sound of gold and iron fighting, endless ...

For a time, Jian Zhu even felt that, since he was introduced to the elementary body of the five elements, this time it was still the most perfect one.

Under the pressure of cutting off the source of the external aura, instead of focusing on myself, I noticed many places that were usually negligent.

The power of the small five-element golden body was excavated to the extreme.

It was a hearty feeling ...

Jian Zhu even felt that he grasped a hint of lucid enlightenment, and after this war, the small five-element golden body that had not broken through for a long time, would break through a bottleneck ...

It is incredible that all this came from a young man ...

Thinking of this, Jian Zhu feels a little weird ...

After all, everyone is a ten-door faction. Before there is no evil, Gui Yi Pavilion and Jian Zong are also familiar with each other. What kind of genius each other can be said to be like a family.

Although Luo Yuzhen is a genius worth noting, it is only worth noting.

And the ten major schools, the most indispensable, is this genius.

Like Luo Yuzhen, there are a few of the remaining families.

But now, how can this Luo Yuzhen explode?

To be honest, Jian Zhu really can't understand.

Although this was originally a genius, but still expecting Luo Yuzhen, what did he experience, how suddenly became so powerful ...

Before, it was enough to be able to fight with myself for so long, but now, I can actually push myself to the point where I can't breathe.

Could it be that after asking Jianzong for a crisis, this guy made another breakthrough?


Under the pressure of imperviousness, Jian Zhu didn't care so much anymore. For a time, he was fighting more and more fighting spirit.

Originally, Jian Zhu came to ask Jianzong, but was only planning to squeeze and ask again, not only to search Yu Hengfeng, but also to search for other peaks, even Tianyuan Dao Palace, to see where the old opponent is.

If you can find the clues to the disappearance of the chiefs, if you can't find it, you can also find an excuse to weaken and ask the Jianzong to lay the groundwork for the division.

But now, I didn't expect to meet such a young opponent.

Luckily I was young ...

If you give him more time, I'm afraid it will grow into a true pillar of the sky that asks Jianzong.

Now, it's just a stumbling block ...

By this time, Jian Zhu's face was already looming, and the colorful light on his body was slightly dim.

But Jian Zhu shouted and slammed his chest. He only listened to the speed of blood flow in the body, and jumped up quickly, like a stream, washing the body.

And on the bare skin, the strange patterns of Dao and Tao appeared, as if they were thunder patterns, and they seemed to be some kind of totem, exuding a wild atmosphere ...

Ordinary disciples may not recognize this when they see it, but it falls into the eyes of several elders, but they all know that Jian Zhu is desperately ...

As a school specializing in the physical body, in the Yi Pavilion, there are countless physical cultivation methods, of which the largest proportion is naturally the Wu people who also specialize in the physical body.

Those Wu people will draw these strange lines on themselves, and they will be hidden under the skin. Once the battle is reached, these lines will emerge, inspire the blood of the Wu people to the limit, and burst out incredible power. ...

After collecting such witch patterns, Guiyi Pavilion has studied for more than ten generations, and finally can apply it ...

But there are many restrictions ...

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