Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1569: Heavenly Performing Technique


In the end, what he waited for was not Lin Fei's eyes, but the voice of Changqing's dissatisfaction.

"Who said I can't understand?"


"Ah, what? How did the Star Suze teach? Actually, I chose you as the heir."

After being criticized by the critics, Lei Chen has not yet reacted, and the whole person is ignorant.

This, this, what's going on?

This should not be Lin Fei, a fuzhuan made up randomly to resolve the crisis? It's impossible to be understood by anyone ...

But what's going on now ...

Evergreen, how can you say he can understand?

Is it true that evergreen real people don't understand and have no face, so they are brave?

That's impossible ...

Evergreen real people are generally recognized as indifferent in mind, and even those who were in charge of the head were able to sway people. These little things were nothing to him at all, and it was not worth lying to them.

So what's going on? Is it true that the things that Lin Fei just released are really real?

And I can't see the mystery, but it's really just because my level is not enough?

For a time, thousands of heads flew from Lei Chen's heart, but they were unable to leave any traces. Lei Chen was almost confused.

But at this time, the evergreen real person is not at all confused.

After reprimanding Lei Chen of Xinkou Kaihe, he glanced at Lin Fei with a serious expression: "I don't fully understand these characters and seals, and I still have questions. Do you have time to talk to me?"

After he finished speaking, he did n’t wait for Lin Fei to answer. He glanced again. He was in a delicate confrontation with Lin Fei. The three elders turned their heads to look at Lin Fei and continued to say: “Temporary truce. During this period, some people invaded and asked Jianzong, it was all counted on my head. "

As soon as these words came out, countless people clamored.

The meaning of the evergreen real person is already clearly announced, asking Jianzong to cover me, before the idle man waits for the offense, think about the consequences first.

But why ...

Earlier, I asked Jianzong to follow the Nine Major Schools. How could it be like a fire, how could it become so harmonious in the blink of an eye, and let the evergreen real people take the initiative to mediate the situation?

Are you dreaming?

Numerous similar ideas emerged, and even Wu Ying, who was on the side of the evergreen real person, was also stunned.

But now, the real person of Changqing is obviously, there is no meaning of interpretation. After saying this sentence, regardless of the three people of Jian Zhu, whether they agree or disagree, they raise their hands to signal the disciples around them: "You go out to arrange all the places for guarding , No force is allowed to come close to the question of Sword Sect. "

"Ah? Yes ..." Wu Ying was unbelievable, but he didn't wait to raise a question, he just persevered, and finally only looked at Lin Fei indignantly, endured his anger and doubt, and went out to execute.

Only Yu Hua, after being instructed, also glanced at the three major factions who had to temporarily cease the war between Jianzong and asked Changqing real people carefully: "Uncle Shi, the three major factions' fleet ..."

"Did you understand what I said? No force should be close to ask Jianzong."

Evergreen real man frowned impatiently, didn't take it seriously at all, and made a casual decision.

Following that, he turned his eyes to Lin Fei, even with a hint of seriousness on his face: "What do you think?"

Lin Fei smiled, too, and waved it away, so that the boundless sword wave was received back.

With the return of this powerful wave of swords, it is reverted to that strange misty mist.

In the end, lingering around Lin Fei was dissipated into the invisible, and it seemed strange.

After losing the sword wave of confrontation and intimidation, the three elders were relieved of pressure and were able to escape for a while.

It was just after getting away this time that they all gathered together immediately, and looked at Lin Fei and Changqing Reality with a discreet look.

However, this time, no matter what, I dare not act rashly ...

Suddenly, the heavy power between this world and the earth slowly dispersed

At this time, the real people of Changqing didn't care about them anymore. Their eyes were just beside Lin Fei, and the soft haze passed by, and nodded: "No wonder you can get those Fuzhuan, this magic ... No simple……"

Lin Fei just smiled and said: "Predecessors are ridiculous, I have just gotten shortly, just tried it, but I didn't expect to be able to use it."

"That's not easy, there are not many people who can do this in Luofujie ..."

"That ..." Just between the two, there was a weak voice: "What the **** is going on ..."

After asking this question, Lei Chen had a fever on his face.

It's really shameful, people discussed it here, but as a result, I couldn't even understand it ...

It has to be explained ...

It has been at the top since the monastic practice. Lei Chen experienced this taste for the first time, which was a bit unbearable at the time.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he still endured this feeling and asked.

Fortunately, the evergreen real person is very old-fashioned, and it does n’t mean to be dismissed, just a light glance at Lei Chen: “Do n’t think about it, let alone you, even if Xingxuan is here, I do n’t understand This seal. "

"That might not be ..."

Xingxuan Zhenren, the head of Xingchenzong, disappeared without the other nine heads.

So after hearing this, Lei Chen's face suddenly looked a bit ugly ...

You do n’t even despise me. You should despise even the heads of the stars, so you ’re too arrogant.

What do you mean, Xingxuan Zhenren is an elite master who is not as good as an elder?

However, the next moment, Lei Chen couldn't wait to get angry ...

"If you want to understand the art of performing this day, you must be familiar with at least one innate treasure. If I remember correctly, the only innate treasure of your astral sect, as long as thousands of years ago, was accompanied by someone The patriarch disappeared? "

"Xing Xuan Xiuwei is good, but he has never been in contact with this innate treasure, and it is naturally impossible to understand ..."

At this time, it was no longer possible to think about whether his head was underestimated.

Only after hearing the words of Chang Qingzhenren, his eyes, with uncertainty, looked at Lin Fei.

Heavenly Performing Technique!

Even as a disciple of Xing Suzong, Lei Chen had only heard of these kinds of thaumaturgy, and had never seen it at all ...

It is said that it is a technique of deduction and calculation inherited from ancient times.

Able to measure good and bad, be a good fortune, count yin and yang, and discern heaven.

It sounds very powerful. In ancient legends, the technique of heavenly performance is even more mysterious.

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