"Really ... innate aura?"

This time, Wan Wanzhu suddenly wanted to understand.

No wonder, innate auras can incubate everything, and naturally moisturize themselves, immediately making up for the loss of their own souls.

In addition, this time the split soul is only half of the last compared to last time, in order to maintain its own foundation.

However, this is dangerous enough.

If the balance breaks, I am afraid that I will be hit **** the spot.

the most important is……

What the **** is doing so many things!

"You don't have to worry about this."

After finishing this sentence, Lin Fei didn't pay any attention to it, but just looked at the black qi separated from each other, and when it was almost the same, he gathered them together.

Followed by that, the Heavenly Buddhism was in operation, one after another, and the seals were punched into it.

With the integration of these seals, the groups of black qi were actually condensed and divided into three groups, each occupying one side. At the same time, in the pit valley, a congenital aura was divided and poured into this. Among the three groups of black air ...

Seeing these three groups of black gas gradually stabilized, Lin Fei smiled with satisfaction.

Others may not recognize what this is, but falling into the eyes of the refining master who knows the goods, it will definitely be shocked at this time, and then begin to doubt life.

Because these three groups of black qi, although still weak, have the characteristics of the magic weapon of the heaven order, such as the breath of 73 prohibitions, such as the coercion of that rank.

However, this does not seem to be a real magic weapon of heavenly order.

Because although they have coercion, they do not have any power, and the seventy-three prohibitive breaths do not have any magical powers.

Not to mention the power, even if a mortal child is here, just wave a few times, maybe these three groups of black gas will be dispelled ...

This is hard to understand ...

However, for Lin Fei, this is a very real existence.

This is the magical reaction of the heavenly buddhas, coupled with the power of the soul beads ...

The soul-dividing of Wanhunzhu itself is a kind of extremely strange magical power, which is both Wanzhuzhu and not Wanzhuzhu. The seventy-three prohibitions contained in it may be changed from virtual to real, or they may dissipate out of thin air.

Lin Fei had an idea long ago, if a few strands of soul splitting using the soul beads, coupled with the cultivation of the innate aura, and the cultivation of the Fu Tian Fu, can the spirit split with the spirit of Wan soul be cultivated Become a real magic weapon ...

Later, after studying for a long time, Lin Fei found that he really was whimsical ...

If there is such a magic weapon in the Heaven Order, if it can be mass-produced and reproduced in this way, then it is really going against the sky.

Not to mention, even if the top-level refining methods such as the Tiantian Futu, plus the innate aura, and then urge the parting soul to grow, the parting soul cannot withstand the force of this acquired urge, directly collapse……

If there was a day of success, Lin Fei would not dare to imagine the scene of the thunder that came at that time.

However, the failure returned to failure, Lin Fei still achieved some results.

That's the split soul of these ten thousand soul beads. Although it can't be urged to grow, it can still be retained ...

If the Soul Pearl is a big tree, this soul is a seed. After it is bred, although it is extremely fragile, there is no power, but among this seed, it is really gestating a Everything about a big tree ...

After it grows up, it will be the same as the heaven class ...

Of course, this intermediate growth process will certainly consume a lot of resources, a long time, and persevering cultivation ...

The process in the middle may last for tens of thousands of years, and the final upper limit will definitely not exceed Wanhunzhu, or even worse ...

The most deadly point is that these seeds created by split souls do not possess any supernatural powers, and all need to be nurtured.

These troubles add up to Lin Fei, which makes these seeds worthless.

But for others, it is not necessarily ...

Because Lin Fei thought that he could use Jiang Zhong and others to send the rough magic materials to make a rough embryo, and then transplant this seed into it.

In this way, the most troublesome step of cultivating the true spirit is eliminated.

Otherwise, if you really follow the promise, give the three of Jiang Zhong one eye at a time to build the first embryo of the Celestial Order, Lin Fei don't want to do anything else, the next two or three years, just stay here ... …

Now this is an excellent compromise.

Moreover, this plan will also enable the resources sent by Jiang Zhong and others to be greatly saved.

These resources are Lin Fei's important preparations for the most important magic weapon he wants to build ...

The three embryos of the Celestial Order are only the foundation of the next thing to be done.

It may seem crazy to ordinary people, but now Lin Fei is steadily advancing it ...

All day and night passed ...

Lin Fei has always been attracting innate auras, warmly raising those few strands of black spirit, which is weaker than normal, and is much weaker than normal. When the day is near, it also attracts the red lotus industry fire to calcine these three strands. The black gas that started to form ...

at last……

At noon, a dense thunder roar suddenly erupted over this valley, and the dark clouds rolled up, and it seemed that thunder could fall at any time.

But despite the denser clouds, the thunder and lightning brewing in it seemed to have lost its goal, and it has not fallen.

This large black cloud covered two hours above the valley. It seemed that no target could be found. Eventually, it slowly disappeared ...

"Fortunately, I didn't hack it down!"

At this time, Lin Fei was slightly relieved.

Before refining, I really didn't expect that these few seeds could still lead to thunder.

Fortunately, this is just a seed. At the time of its formation, with the breath of heaven-level magic, it seems to be not ...

It seems that even in this thunderstorm, it is impossible to judge whether this is a heaven-level magic weapon.

"What the **** are you lucky ..."

At this time, Wan Soul Zhu was almost crying without tears. In the voice, she was full of resentment.

Would you like to use this magic weapon ...

Having said that there was an innate opportunity to achieve success, I was quite looking forward to cooperating. As a result, I was bled all night. At the end, I was almost attracted to thunder.

This is simply the worst magic weapon in history ...

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